28 mei 2023

Happy 35th Birthday Richard Brasier & orgels van Kenneth Tickell
Tijd Artiest(s) Titel
04:00:00 William Whitehead Des Heilgen Geistes reiche Gnad cover
04:03:16 Rebecca Baker, Owen Rees, Choir of the Queen's College, Oxford And I saw a new Heaven cover
04:08:36 Jeremy Filsell, Vasari Singers Festival Alleluia cover
04:15:36 Richard Cook The White Tiger cover
04:20:36 William Whitehead Was Got tut, das ist wohlgetan, es bleibt gerecht cover
04:23:51 David Bednall, Owen Rees, Choir of the Queen's College, Oxford Alleluia, Amen cover
04:32:14 Proteus Ensemble, Richard Cook O sacrum convivium cover
04:34:45 Helen Neeves, Jeremy Filsell La France au Calvaire, op. 49 / 3 Sainte-Clotilde cover
04:38:46 Christopher Allsop Air, C Maj cover
04:43:29 Richard Cook Birthday Moods cover
04:47:49 Christopher Allsop Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier, BWV 731 cover
04:50:41 Peter King, Huw Williams, Cantemus Chamber Choir A hymn of St Columba cover
04:52:50 Christopher Allsop Finlandia, op. 26 cover
05:02:16 Colin Campbell, Jeremy Filsell, Matthew Beale, Vasari Singers La France au Calvaire, op. 49 / 2 Saint-Denis cover
05:11:23 Richard Brasier 4 Skizzen für den Pedalflügel, op. 58 / 1 Nicht schnell und sehr markiert, C min cover
05:13:52 Peter King, Huw Williams, Cantemus Chamber Choir The souls of the righteous cover
05:21:31 John Kitchen Praeludium & Fuge, D Maj, Krebs-WV 404 / Praeludium cover
05:26:12 John Kitchen Praeludium & Fuge, D Maj, Krebs-WV 404 / Fuge cover
05:32:29 Christopher Allsop Serenade, op. 22 cover
05:35:33 William Whitehead Werde munter, mein Gemüte cover
05:38:25 William Whitehead Orgelbüchlein / Vater unser im Himmelreich, BWV 636 cover
05:40:13 William Whitehead Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder cover
05:43:12 William Whitehead Chorale Prelude "O Jesu, du edle Gabe" cover
05:48:04 John Kitchen Fuge, F min, Krebs-WV 429 cover
05:51:31 Richard Brasier A Fancie cover
05:57:07 John Kitchen Trio, G Maj, Krebs-WV 449 cover
06:01:45 Jeremy Filsell, Matthew Beale, Vasari Singers La France au Calvaire, op. 49 / 4 Sainte-Louis cover
06:10:06 John Kitchen Clavier-Übung 1 / Warum betrübst du dich, mein Herz / Preambulum cover
06:13:00 John Kitchen Clavier-Übung 1 / Warum betrübst du dich, mein Herz / Chorale cover
06:13:56 John Kitchen Clavier-Übung 1 / Warum betrübst du dich, mein Herz / Chorale variant cover
06:14:56 Christopher Allsop Festive Overture, op. 96 cover
06:21:47 Proteus Ensemble, Richard Cook Black Light - A Requiem for times of war and destruction / Requiem cover
06:24:41 Proteus Ensemble, Richard Cook Black Light - A Requiem for times of war and destruction / Sanctus cover
06:28:33 Proteus Ensemble, Richard Cook Black Light - A Requiem for times of war and destruction / Agnus Dei cover
06:33:09 John Kitchen Clavier-Übung 1 / Erbarm dich mein, o Herre Gott / Preambulum cover
06:35:29 John Kitchen Clavier-Übung 1 / Erbarm dich mein, o Herre Gott / Chorale cover
06:37:29 John Kitchen Clavier-Übung 1 / Erbarm dich mein, o Herre Gott / Chorale variant cover
06:39:17 Peter King, Huw Williams, Cantemus Chamber Choir Fro Io, I raise up cover
06:47:02 David Bednall, Owen Rees, Choir of the Queen's College, Oxford Seven Trumpets cover
06:53:35 Christopher Allsop 12 pièces nouvelles pour orgue ou piano-pédalier / 08 Fiat Lux cover
06:58:34 Matthew Beale, Jeremy Filsell, Catherine Denley La France au Calvaire, op. 49 / 1 Prologue cover
07:07:44 John Kitchen Praeludium, F min, Krebs-WV 408 cover
07:09:01 William Whitehead Nun lass uns den Leib begraben cover
07:11:46 Richard Brasier 2 Études pour Orgue / Le Canon Improbable cover
07:13:31 Richard Brasier 2 Études pour Orgue / Les tetracordes insistants cover
07:17:22 John Kitchen Praeludium & Fuge, F# Maj, Krebs-WV 409 / Praeludium cover
07:20:27 John Kitchen Praeludium & Fuge, F# Maj, Krebs-WV 409 / Fuge cover
07:25:43 Peter King, Huw Williams, Cantemus Chamber Choir As truly as God is our Father cover
07:32:08 Jeremy Filsell, Matthew Beale, Vasari Singers La France au Calvaire, op. 49 / 6 Saint-Vincent de Paul cover
07:42:40 Richard Brasier 4 Skizzen für den Pedalflügel, op. 58 / 2 Nicht schnell und sehr markiert, C Maj cover
07:45:28 David Bednall, Owen Rees, Choir of the Queen's College, Oxford The Seventh Angel cover
07:50:28 Christopher Allsop 12 Divertimenti / 2 "Humoresque" L'Organo primitivo. Toccatina for Flute cover
07:53:03 John Kitchen Trio, C Maj, Krebs-WV 436 cover
07:55:55 Richard Brasier 4 Skizzen für den Pedalflügel, op. 58 / 3 Lebhaft, F min cover
07:59:12 William Whitehead Orgelbüchlein / Da Jesus an dem Kreuze stund', BWV 621 cover
08:00:09 Christopher Allsop L'Organiste moderne / 29 Sortie, Eb Maj cover
08:04:40 John Kitchen Trio sopra chorale "Mein Gott, das Herze bring ich dir", G min, Krebs-WV 538 cover
08:08:01 Richard Brasier Introduktion, Thema, Variationen und Finale "Ah, vous dirai-je, Maman", op. 90 cover
08:21:28 William Whitehead Orgelbüchlein / Hilf Gott, dass mir's gelinge, BWV 624 cover
08:22:58 William Whitehead Kommt her zu mir, spricht Gottes Sohn cover
08:24:58 Christopher Allsop 30 Spielstücke für die Kleinorgel, op. 18-1 / 1 Schnelle cover
08:25:20 Christopher Allsop 30 Spielstücke für die Kleinorgel, op. 18-1 / 2 Schnelle cover
08:26:45 Christopher Allsop 30 Spielstücke für die Kleinorgel, op. 18-1 / 3 Gehende cover
08:30:25 Christopher Allsop 30 Spielstücke für die Kleinorgel, op. 18-1 / 4 Flinke cover
08:31:47 Christopher Allsop 12 short pieces / 08 Air + 09 Gavotte cover
08:35:37 Christopher Allsop Chanson de Matin, op. 15-2 cover
08:39:02 John Kitchen Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, Krebs-WV 530 cover
08:42:11 William Whitehead Wie nach einer Wasserquelle cover
08:43:03 Christopher Allsop Choral-Improvisationen, op. 65 / 59 Nun danket alle Gott cover
08:47:22 Christopher Allsop Evensong cover
08:51:25 Christopher Allsop Toccata Giocosa, op. 36-2 cover
08:55:00 Richard Cook Sarabande (with a touch of Satie) cover
08:58:02 Christopher Allsop 3 Preludes founded on Welsh hymn tunes / 2 Rhosymedre cover
09:02:30 William Whitehead Wär Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit cover
09:05:37 William Whitehead Allein zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ cover
09:07:07 John Kitchen Von Gott will ich nicht lassen, Krebs-WV 546 cover
09:10:15 Christopher Allsop Symphonie 5, F min, op. 42-1 / Toccata cover
09:16:25 William Whitehead Gott des Himmels und der Erden cover
09:20:11 Christopher Allsop 24 Pièces de Fantaisie / op. 53 / 4 Feux follets cover
09:25:05 John Kitchen Clavier-Übung 1 / Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr, Krebs-WV 500 / Preambulum cover
09:27:47 John Kitchen Clavier-Übung 1 / Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr, Krebs-WV 500 / Chorale cover
09:29:01 John Kitchen Clavier-Übung 1 / Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr, Krebs-WV 500 / Chorale variant cover
09:30:22 Christopher Allsop Fountain Reverie cover
09:36:09 Peter King, Huw Williams, Cantemus Chamber Choir A Gaelic blessing cover
09:38:09 Christian Wilson Word / 01 Prelude cover
09:39:27 Commotio Word / 02 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God cover
09:40:49 Commotio, Christian Wilson Word / 03 In the beginning was the Word. What Word? cover
09:44:00 Commotio Word / 04 What has come into being in him was life cover
09:44:49 Commotio, Christian Wilson Word / 05 I have seen the sun break through cover
09:51:49 Commotio Word / 06 He was in the world, and the world came into being through him cover
09:53:14 Commotio, Christian Wilson Word / 07 And to one God says: Come to me by numbers and figures cover
09:56:48 Commotio, Christian Wilson Word / 08 You must put your knowledge off and come to me with your mind bare cover
09:59:19 Commotio Word / 09 But to all who received him, who believed in his name cover
10:00:17 Commotio, Christian Wilson Word / 10 It's a long way off cover
10:04:58 Commotio Word / 11 And the Word became flesh and lived among us cover
10:06:04 Christian Wilson Word / 12 Epilogue cover
10:09:26 Commotio, Christian Wilson Word / 13 Enough that we are on our way cover
10:12:58 Commotio, Christian Wilson Word / 14 And the Word became flesh and lived among us cover
10:15:39 Richard Brasier Passacaglia, C min, BWV 582 cover
10:30:55 Christopher Allsop Katerina Ismailova, op. 114 / Passacaglia cover
10:37:19 William Whitehead Lob sie Gott in des Himmels Thron cover
10:40:09 Christopher Allsop Carillon-Sortie, D Maj cover
10:45:45 Christopher Allsop Tomkins' Trifle cover
10:47:31 Richard Brasier 4 Skizzen für den Pedalflügel, op. 58 / 4 Allegretto, Db Maj cover
10:50:06 William Whitehead Von Gott will ich nicht lassen cover
10:52:30 William Whitehead Orgelbüchlein / Herr Gott, nun schleuss den Himmel auf, BWV 617 cover
10:54:56 William Whitehead Orgelbüchlein / Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein, BWV 641 cover
10:57:14 Colin Campbell, Jeremy Filsell, Catherine Denley, Vasari Singers La France au Calvaire, op. 49 / 8 Final cover
11:07:29 Christopher Allsop Première fantaisie, JA 72 cover
11:12:00 William Whitehead In dich hab ich gehoffet, Herr cover
11:13:18 Proteus Ensemble, Richard Cook The Bradford Service / Magnificat cover
11:17:54 Proteus Ensemble, Richard Cook The Bradford Service / Nunc dimittis cover
11:23:56 Proteus Ensemble, Richard Cook The mystery of things cover
11:29:44 William Whitehead Christ, der du bist der helle Tag cover
11:31:00 Helen Neeves, Jeremy Filsell, Vasari Singers La France au Calvaire, op. 49 / 7 Sainte-Thérèse cover
11:37:44 Christopher Allsop Deuxième Fantaisie, JA 117 cover
11:43:48 William Whitehead Orgelbüchlein / In dir ist Freude, BWV 615 cover
11:46:59 Richard Cook 2 Celtic transcriptions for organ / Danny Boy cover
11:50:58 Richard Cook 2 Celtic transcriptions for organ / To Skye cover
11:54:31 Richard Brasier Thema [Andante] mit Variationen, D Maj, MWV W 32 cover
12:00:19 William Whitehead Des Heilgen Geistes reiche Gnad cover
12:03:36 Rebecca Baker, Owen Rees, Choir of the Queen's College, Oxford And I saw a new Heaven cover
12:08:56 Jeremy Filsell, Vasari Singers Festival Alleluia cover
12:15:55 Richard Cook The White Tiger cover
12:20:55 William Whitehead Was Got tut, das ist wohlgetan, es bleibt gerecht cover
12:24:10 David Bednall, Owen Rees, Choir of the Queen's College, Oxford Alleluia, Amen cover
12:32:33 Proteus Ensemble, Richard Cook O sacrum convivium cover
12:35:04 Helen Neeves, Jeremy Filsell La France au Calvaire, op. 49 / 3 Sainte-Clotilde cover
12:39:05 Christopher Allsop Air, C Maj cover
12:43:49 Richard Cook Birthday Moods cover
12:48:08 Christopher Allsop Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier, BWV 731 cover
12:51:00 Peter King, Huw Williams, Cantemus Chamber Choir A hymn of St Columba cover
12:53:10 Christopher Allsop Finlandia, op. 26 cover
13:02:35 Colin Campbell, Jeremy Filsell, Matthew Beale, Vasari Singers La France au Calvaire, op. 49 / 2 Saint-Denis cover
13:11:42 Richard Brasier 4 Skizzen für den Pedalflügel, op. 58 / 1 Nicht schnell und sehr markiert, C min cover
13:14:11 Peter King, Huw Williams, Cantemus Chamber Choir The souls of the righteous cover
13:21:50 John Kitchen Praeludium & Fuge, D Maj, Krebs-WV 404 / Praeludium cover
13:26:31 John Kitchen Praeludium & Fuge, D Maj, Krebs-WV 404 / Fuge cover
13:32:49 Christopher Allsop Serenade, op. 22 cover
13:35:52 William Whitehead Werde munter, mein Gemüte cover
13:38:45 William Whitehead Orgelbüchlein / Vater unser im Himmelreich, BWV 636 cover
13:40:32 William Whitehead Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder cover
13:43:31 William Whitehead Chorale Prelude "O Jesu, du edle Gabe" cover
13:48:23 John Kitchen Fuge, F min, Krebs-WV 429 cover
13:51:50 Richard Brasier A Fancie cover
13:57:26 John Kitchen Trio, G Maj, Krebs-WV 449 cover
14:02:04 Jeremy Filsell, Matthew Beale, Vasari Singers La France au Calvaire, op. 49 / 4 Sainte-Louis cover
14:10:26 John Kitchen Clavier-Übung 1 / Warum betrübst du dich, mein Herz / Preambulum cover
14:13:19 John Kitchen Clavier-Übung 1 / Warum betrübst du dich, mein Herz / Chorale cover
14:14:16 John Kitchen Clavier-Übung 1 / Warum betrübst du dich, mein Herz / Chorale variant cover
14:15:15 Christopher Allsop Festive Overture, op. 96 cover
14:22:06 Proteus Ensemble, Richard Cook Black Light - A Requiem for times of war and destruction / Requiem cover
14:25:00 Proteus Ensemble, Richard Cook Black Light - A Requiem for times of war and destruction / Sanctus cover
14:28:52 Proteus Ensemble, Richard Cook Black Light - A Requiem for times of war and destruction / Agnus Dei cover
14:33:29 John Kitchen Clavier-Übung 1 / Erbarm dich mein, o Herre Gott / Preambulum cover
14:35:48 John Kitchen Clavier-Übung 1 / Erbarm dich mein, o Herre Gott / Chorale cover
14:37:49 John Kitchen Clavier-Übung 1 / Erbarm dich mein, o Herre Gott / Chorale variant cover
14:39:36 Peter King, Huw Williams, Cantemus Chamber Choir Fro Io, I raise up cover
14:47:21 David Bednall, Owen Rees, Choir of the Queen's College, Oxford Seven Trumpets cover
14:53:54 Christopher Allsop 12 pièces nouvelles pour orgue ou piano-pédalier / 08 Fiat Lux cover
14:58:53 Matthew Beale, Jeremy Filsell, Catherine Denley La France au Calvaire, op. 49 / 1 Prologue cover
15:08:03 John Kitchen Praeludium, F min, Krebs-WV 408 cover
15:09:20 William Whitehead Nun lass uns den Leib begraben cover
15:12:06 Richard Brasier 2 Études pour Orgue / Le Canon Improbable cover
15:13:50 Richard Brasier 2 Études pour Orgue / Les tetracordes insistants cover
15:17:42 John Kitchen Praeludium & Fuge, F# Maj, Krebs-WV 409 / Praeludium cover
15:20:47 John Kitchen Praeludium & Fuge, F# Maj, Krebs-WV 409 / Fuge cover
15:26:02 Peter King, Huw Williams, Cantemus Chamber Choir As truly as God is our Father cover
15:32:27 Jeremy Filsell, Matthew Beale, Vasari Singers La France au Calvaire, op. 49 / 6 Saint-Vincent de Paul cover
15:42:59 Richard Brasier 4 Skizzen für den Pedalflügel, op. 58 / 2 Nicht schnell und sehr markiert, C Maj cover
15:45:47 David Bednall, Owen Rees, Choir of the Queen's College, Oxford The Seventh Angel cover
15:50:48 Christopher Allsop 12 Divertimenti / 2 "Humoresque" L'Organo primitivo. Toccatina for Flute cover
15:53:22 John Kitchen Trio, C Maj, Krebs-WV 436 cover
15:56:14 Richard Brasier 4 Skizzen für den Pedalflügel, op. 58 / 3 Lebhaft, F min cover
15:59:31 William Whitehead Orgelbüchlein / Da Jesus an dem Kreuze stund', BWV 621 cover
16:00:28 Christopher Allsop L'Organiste moderne / 29 Sortie, Eb Maj cover
16:04:59 John Kitchen Trio sopra chorale "Mein Gott, das Herze bring ich dir", G min, Krebs-WV 538 cover
16:08:20 Richard Brasier Introduktion, Thema, Variationen und Finale "Ah, vous dirai-je, Maman", op. 90 cover
16:21:47 William Whitehead Orgelbüchlein / Hilf Gott, dass mir's gelinge, BWV 624 cover
16:23:18 William Whitehead Kommt her zu mir, spricht Gottes Sohn cover
16:25:17 Christopher Allsop 30 Spielstücke für die Kleinorgel, op. 18-1 / 1 Schnelle cover
16:25:39 Christopher Allsop 30 Spielstücke für die Kleinorgel, op. 18-1 / 2 Schnelle cover
16:27:05 Christopher Allsop 30 Spielstücke für die Kleinorgel, op. 18-1 / 3 Gehende cover
16:30:44 Christopher Allsop 30 Spielstücke für die Kleinorgel, op. 18-1 / 4 Flinke cover
16:32:07 Christopher Allsop 12 short pieces / 08 Air + 09 Gavotte cover
16:35:56 Christopher Allsop Chanson de Matin, op. 15-2 cover
16:39:22 John Kitchen Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, Krebs-WV 530 cover
16:42:30 William Whitehead Wie nach einer Wasserquelle cover
16:43:22 Christopher Allsop Choral-Improvisationen, op. 65 / 59 Nun danket alle Gott cover
16:47:42 Christopher Allsop Evensong cover
16:51:44 Christopher Allsop Toccata Giocosa, op. 36-2 cover
16:55:19 Richard Cook Sarabande (with a touch of Satie) cover
16:58:21 Christopher Allsop 3 Preludes founded on Welsh hymn tunes / 2 Rhosymedre cover
17:02:49 William Whitehead Wär Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit cover
17:05:56 William Whitehead Allein zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ cover
17:07:26 John Kitchen Von Gott will ich nicht lassen, Krebs-WV 546 cover
17:10:34 Christopher Allsop Symphonie 5, F min, op. 42-1 / Toccata cover
17:16:44 William Whitehead Gott des Himmels und der Erden cover
17:20:30 Christopher Allsop 24 Pièces de Fantaisie / op. 53 / 4 Feux follets cover
17:25:24 John Kitchen Clavier-Übung 1 / Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr, Krebs-WV 500 / Preambulum cover
17:28:07 John Kitchen Clavier-Übung 1 / Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr, Krebs-WV 500 / Chorale cover
17:29:20 John Kitchen Clavier-Übung 1 / Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr, Krebs-WV 500 / Chorale variant cover
17:30:42 Christopher Allsop Fountain Reverie cover
17:36:29 Peter King, Huw Williams, Cantemus Chamber Choir A Gaelic blessing cover
17:38:28 Christian Wilson Word / 01 Prelude cover
17:39:47 Commotio Word / 02 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God cover
17:41:09 Commotio, Christian Wilson Word / 03 In the beginning was the Word. What Word? cover
17:44:19 Commotio Word / 04 What has come into being in him was life cover
17:45:09 Commotio, Christian Wilson Word / 05 I have seen the sun break through cover
17:52:09 Commotio Word / 06 He was in the world, and the world came into being through him cover
17:53:33 Commotio, Christian Wilson Word / 07 And to one God says: Come to me by numbers and figures cover
17:57:07 Commotio, Christian Wilson Word / 08 You must put your knowledge off and come to me with your mind bare cover
17:59:38 Commotio Word / 09 But to all who received him, who believed in his name cover
18:00:36 Commotio, Christian Wilson Word / 10 It's a long way off cover
18:05:18 Commotio Word / 11 And the Word became flesh and lived among us cover
18:06:24 Christian Wilson Word / 12 Epilogue cover
18:09:45 Commotio, Christian Wilson Word / 13 Enough that we are on our way cover
18:13:17 Commotio, Christian Wilson Word / 14 And the Word became flesh and lived among us cover
18:15:58 Richard Brasier Passacaglia, C min, BWV 582 cover
18:31:14 Christopher Allsop Katerina Ismailova, op. 114 / Passacaglia cover
18:37:38 William Whitehead Lob sie Gott in des Himmels Thron cover
18:40:29 Christopher Allsop Carillon-Sortie, D Maj cover
18:46:05 Christopher Allsop Tomkins' Trifle cover
18:47:50 Richard Brasier 4 Skizzen für den Pedalflügel, op. 58 / 4 Allegretto, Db Maj cover
18:50:25 William Whitehead Von Gott will ich nicht lassen cover
18:52:50 William Whitehead Orgelbüchlein / Herr Gott, nun schleuss den Himmel auf, BWV 617 cover
18:55:15 William Whitehead Orgelbüchlein / Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein, BWV 641 cover
18:57:33 Colin Campbell, Jeremy Filsell, Catherine Denley, Vasari Singers La France au Calvaire, op. 49 / 8 Final cover
19:07:48 Christopher Allsop Première fantaisie, JA 72 cover
19:12:19 William Whitehead In dich hab ich gehoffet, Herr cover
19:13:37 Proteus Ensemble, Richard Cook The Bradford Service / Magnificat cover
19:18:14 Proteus Ensemble, Richard Cook The Bradford Service / Nunc dimittis cover
19:24:15 Proteus Ensemble, Richard Cook The mystery of things cover
19:30:03 William Whitehead Christ, der du bist der helle Tag cover
19:31:20 Helen Neeves, Jeremy Filsell, Vasari Singers La France au Calvaire, op. 49 / 7 Sainte-Thérèse cover
19:38:03 Christopher Allsop Deuxième Fantaisie, JA 117 cover
19:44:07 William Whitehead Orgelbüchlein / In dir ist Freude, BWV 615 cover
19:47:18 Richard Cook 2 Celtic transcriptions for organ / Danny Boy cover
19:51:17 Richard Cook 2 Celtic transcriptions for organ / To Skye cover
19:54:50 Richard Brasier Thema [Andante] mit Variationen, D Maj, MWV W 32 cover
20:00:38 William Whitehead Des Heilgen Geistes reiche Gnad cover
20:03:55 Rebecca Baker, Owen Rees, Choir of the Queen's College, Oxford And I saw a new Heaven cover
20:09:15 Jeremy Filsell, Vasari Singers Festival Alleluia cover
20:16:15 Richard Cook The White Tiger cover
20:21:15 William Whitehead Was Got tut, das ist wohlgetan, es bleibt gerecht cover
20:24:29 David Bednall, Owen Rees, Choir of the Queen's College, Oxford Alleluia, Amen cover
20:32:52 Proteus Ensemble, Richard Cook O sacrum convivium cover
20:35:23 Helen Neeves, Jeremy Filsell La France au Calvaire, op. 49 / 3 Sainte-Clotilde cover
20:39:24 Christopher Allsop Air, C Maj cover
20:44:08 Richard Cook Birthday Moods cover
20:48:27 Christopher Allsop Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier, BWV 731 cover
20:51:19 Peter King, Huw Williams, Cantemus Chamber Choir A hymn of St Columba cover
20:53:29 Christopher Allsop Finlandia, op. 26 cover
21:02:54 Colin Campbell, Jeremy Filsell, Matthew Beale, Vasari Singers La France au Calvaire, op. 49 / 2 Saint-Denis cover
21:12:01 Richard Brasier 4 Skizzen für den Pedalflügel, op. 58 / 1 Nicht schnell und sehr markiert, C min cover
21:14:31 Peter King, Huw Williams, Cantemus Chamber Choir The souls of the righteous cover
21:22:10 John Kitchen Praeludium & Fuge, D Maj, Krebs-WV 404 / Praeludium cover
21:26:50 John Kitchen Praeludium & Fuge, D Maj, Krebs-WV 404 / Fuge cover
21:33:08 Christopher Allsop Serenade, op. 22 cover
21:36:12 William Whitehead Werde munter, mein Gemüte cover
21:39:04 William Whitehead Orgelbüchlein / Vater unser im Himmelreich, BWV 636 cover
21:40:52 William Whitehead Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder cover
21:43:50 William Whitehead Chorale Prelude "O Jesu, du edle Gabe" cover
21:48:42 John Kitchen Fuge, F min, Krebs-WV 429 cover
21:52:09 Richard Brasier A Fancie cover
21:57:46 John Kitchen Trio, G Maj, Krebs-WV 449 cover
22:02:23 Jeremy Filsell, Matthew Beale, Vasari Singers La France au Calvaire, op. 49 / 4 Sainte-Louis cover
22:10:45 John Kitchen Clavier-Übung 1 / Warum betrübst du dich, mein Herz / Preambulum cover
22:13:38 John Kitchen Clavier-Übung 1 / Warum betrübst du dich, mein Herz / Chorale cover
22:14:35 John Kitchen Clavier-Übung 1 / Warum betrübst du dich, mein Herz / Chorale variant cover
22:15:34 Christopher Allsop Festive Overture, op. 96 cover
22:22:26 Proteus Ensemble, Richard Cook Black Light - A Requiem for times of war and destruction / Requiem cover
22:25:19 Proteus Ensemble, Richard Cook Black Light - A Requiem for times of war and destruction / Sanctus cover
22:29:12 Proteus Ensemble, Richard Cook Black Light - A Requiem for times of war and destruction / Agnus Dei cover
22:33:48 John Kitchen Clavier-Übung 1 / Erbarm dich mein, o Herre Gott / Preambulum cover
22:36:07 John Kitchen Clavier-Übung 1 / Erbarm dich mein, o Herre Gott / Chorale cover
22:38:08 John Kitchen Clavier-Übung 1 / Erbarm dich mein, o Herre Gott / Chorale variant cover
22:39:55 Peter King, Huw Williams, Cantemus Chamber Choir Fro Io, I raise up cover
22:47:41 David Bednall, Owen Rees, Choir of the Queen's College, Oxford Seven Trumpets cover
22:54:13 Christopher Allsop 12 pièces nouvelles pour orgue ou piano-pédalier / 08 Fiat Lux cover
22:59:13 Matthew Beale, Jeremy Filsell, Catherine Denley La France au Calvaire, op. 49 / 1 Prologue cover
23:08:22 John Kitchen Praeludium, F min, Krebs-WV 408 cover
23:09:39 William Whitehead Nun lass uns den Leib begraben cover
23:12:25 Richard Brasier 2 Études pour Orgue / Le Canon Improbable cover
23:14:09 Richard Brasier 2 Études pour Orgue / Les tetracordes insistants cover
23:18:01 John Kitchen Praeludium & Fuge, F# Maj, Krebs-WV 409 / Praeludium cover
23:21:06 John Kitchen Praeludium & Fuge, F# Maj, Krebs-WV 409 / Fuge cover
23:26:21 Peter King, Huw Williams, Cantemus Chamber Choir As truly as God is our Father cover
23:32:46 Jeremy Filsell, Matthew Beale, Vasari Singers La France au Calvaire, op. 49 / 6 Saint-Vincent de Paul cover
23:43:18 Richard Brasier 4 Skizzen für den Pedalflügel, op. 58 / 2 Nicht schnell und sehr markiert, C Maj cover
23:46:06 David Bednall, Owen Rees, Choir of the Queen's College, Oxford The Seventh Angel cover
23:51:07 Christopher Allsop 12 Divertimenti / 2 "Humoresque" L'Organo primitivo. Toccatina for Flute cover
23:53:41 John Kitchen Trio, C Maj, Krebs-WV 436 cover
23:56:33 Richard Brasier 4 Skizzen für den Pedalflügel, op. 58 / 3 Lebhaft, F min cover
23:59:50 William Whitehead Orgelbüchlein / Da Jesus an dem Kreuze stund', BWV 621 cover
00:00:48 Christopher Allsop L'Organiste moderne / 29 Sortie, Eb Maj cover
00:05:19 John Kitchen Trio sopra chorale "Mein Gott, das Herze bring ich dir", G min, Krebs-WV 538 cover
00:08:40 Richard Brasier Introduktion, Thema, Variationen und Finale "Ah, vous dirai-je, Maman", op. 90 cover
00:22:07 William Whitehead Orgelbüchlein / Hilf Gott, dass mir's gelinge, BWV 624 cover
00:23:37 William Whitehead Kommt her zu mir, spricht Gottes Sohn cover
00:25:36 Christopher Allsop 30 Spielstücke für die Kleinorgel, op. 18-1 / 1 Schnelle cover
00:25:58 Christopher Allsop 30 Spielstücke für die Kleinorgel, op. 18-1 / 2 Schnelle cover
00:27:24 Christopher Allsop 30 Spielstücke für die Kleinorgel, op. 18-1 / 3 Gehende cover
00:31:03 Christopher Allsop 30 Spielstücke für die Kleinorgel, op. 18-1 / 4 Flinke cover
00:32:26 Christopher Allsop 12 short pieces / 08 Air + 09 Gavotte cover
00:36:16 Christopher Allsop Chanson de Matin, op. 15-2 cover
00:39:41 John Kitchen Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, Krebs-WV 530 cover
00:42:49 William Whitehead Wie nach einer Wasserquelle cover
00:43:41 Christopher Allsop Choral-Improvisationen, op. 65 / 59 Nun danket alle Gott cover
00:48:01 Christopher Allsop Evensong cover
00:52:04 Christopher Allsop Toccata Giocosa, op. 36-2 cover
00:55:38 Richard Cook Sarabande (with a touch of Satie) cover
00:58:41 Christopher Allsop 3 Preludes founded on Welsh hymn tunes / 2 Rhosymedre cover
01:03:09 William Whitehead Wär Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit cover
01:06:15 William Whitehead Allein zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ cover
01:07:46 John Kitchen Von Gott will ich nicht lassen, Krebs-WV 546 cover
01:10:53 Christopher Allsop Symphonie 5, F min, op. 42-1 / Toccata cover
01:17:03 William Whitehead Gott des Himmels und der Erden cover
01:20:49 Christopher Allsop 24 Pièces de Fantaisie / op. 53 / 4 Feux follets cover
01:25:43 John Kitchen Clavier-Übung 1 / Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr, Krebs-WV 500 / Preambulum cover
01:28:26 John Kitchen Clavier-Übung 1 / Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr, Krebs-WV 500 / Chorale cover
01:29:40 John Kitchen Clavier-Übung 1 / Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr, Krebs-WV 500 / Chorale variant cover
01:31:01 Christopher Allsop Fountain Reverie cover
01:36:48 Peter King, Huw Williams, Cantemus Chamber Choir A Gaelic blessing cover
01:38:48 Christian Wilson Word / 01 Prelude cover
01:40:06 Commotio Word / 02 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God cover
01:41:28 Commotio, Christian Wilson Word / 03 In the beginning was the Word. What Word? cover
01:44:39 Commotio Word / 04 What has come into being in him was life cover
01:45:28 Commotio, Christian Wilson Word / 05 I have seen the sun break through cover
01:52:28 Commotio Word / 06 He was in the world, and the world came into being through him cover
01:53:53 Commotio, Christian Wilson Word / 07 And to one God says: Come to me by numbers and figures cover
01:57:26 Commotio, Christian Wilson Word / 08 You must put your knowledge off and come to me with your mind bare cover
01:59:58 Commotio Word / 09 But to all who received him, who believed in his name cover
02:00:56 Commotio, Christian Wilson Word / 10 It's a long way off cover
02:05:37 Commotio Word / 11 And the Word became flesh and lived among us cover
02:06:43 Christian Wilson Word / 12 Epilogue cover
02:10:05 Commotio, Christian Wilson Word / 13 Enough that we are on our way cover
02:13:37 Commotio, Christian Wilson Word / 14 And the Word became flesh and lived among us cover
02:16:17 Richard Brasier Passacaglia, C min, BWV 582 cover
02:31:34 Christopher Allsop Katerina Ismailova, op. 114 / Passacaglia cover
02:37:57 William Whitehead Lob sie Gott in des Himmels Thron cover
02:40:48 Christopher Allsop Carillon-Sortie, D Maj cover
02:46:24 Christopher Allsop Tomkins' Trifle cover
02:48:09 Richard Brasier 4 Skizzen für den Pedalflügel, op. 58 / 4 Allegretto, Db Maj cover
02:50:44 William Whitehead Von Gott will ich nicht lassen cover
02:53:09 William Whitehead Orgelbüchlein / Herr Gott, nun schleuss den Himmel auf, BWV 617 cover
02:55:35 William Whitehead Orgelbüchlein / Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein, BWV 641 cover
02:57:53 Colin Campbell, Jeremy Filsell, Catherine Denley, Vasari Singers La France au Calvaire, op. 49 / 8 Final cover
03:08:08 Christopher Allsop Première fantaisie, JA 72 cover
03:12:39 William Whitehead In dich hab ich gehoffet, Herr cover
03:13:56 Proteus Ensemble, Richard Cook The Bradford Service / Magnificat cover
03:18:33 Proteus Ensemble, Richard Cook The Bradford Service / Nunc dimittis cover
03:24:35 Proteus Ensemble, Richard Cook The mystery of things cover
03:30:23 William Whitehead Christ, der du bist der helle Tag cover
03:31:39 Helen Neeves, Jeremy Filsell, Vasari Singers La France au Calvaire, op. 49 / 7 Sainte-Thérèse cover
03:38:22 Christopher Allsop Deuxième Fantaisie, JA 117 cover
03:44:27 William Whitehead Orgelbüchlein / In dir ist Freude, BWV 615 cover
03:47:37 Richard Cook 2 Celtic transcriptions for organ / Danny Boy cover
03:51:36 Richard Cook 2 Celtic transcriptions for organ / To Skye cover
03:55:09 Richard Brasier Thema [Andante] mit Variationen, D Maj, MWV W 32 cover