13 december 2024

In memoriam Barry Jordan +13 11 2024
Tijd Artiest(s) Titel
04:00:00 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
04:01:25 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 01 Promenade cover
04:03:14 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 02 The Gnome cover
04:06:28 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 03 Promenade cover
04:07:37 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 04 The Old Castle cover
04:12:50 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 05 Promenade cover
04:13:27 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 06 Tuileries - Dispute between Children at play cover
04:14:40 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 07 Cattle cover
04:17:56 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 08 Promenade cover
04:18:48 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 09 Ballet of the unhatched Chicks cover
04:20:54 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
04:22:20 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 10 Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle cover
04:24:40 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 11 Promenade cover
04:26:38 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 12 The market at Limoges cover
04:28:45 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 13 The Catacombs - With the dead in a dead language cover
04:33:07 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 15 The Hut of Baba-Yaga cover
04:37:36 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 16 The great Gate of Kiev cover
04:44:22 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
04:45:48 Barry Jordan 5 short pieces / 2 Folk Tune cover
04:49:36 Barry Jordan Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, BWV 770 / Partita 01 cover
04:50:34 Barry Jordan Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, BWV 770 / Partita 02 cover
04:51:29 Barry Jordan Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, BWV 770 / Partita 03 cover
04:52:33 Barry Jordan Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, BWV 770 / Partita 04 cover
04:53:26 Barry Jordan Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, BWV 770 / Partita 05 cover
04:54:13 Barry Jordan Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, BWV 770 / Partita 06 cover
04:55:00 Barry Jordan Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, BWV 770 / Partita 07 cover
04:55:46 Barry Jordan Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, BWV 770 / Partita 08 cover
04:56:37 Barry Jordan Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, BWV 770 / Partita 09 cover
04:59:33 Barry Jordan Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, BWV 770 / Partita 10 cover
05:03:57 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
05:05:22 Barry Jordan Toccata & Fuge, F Maj, BWV 540 / Toccata cover
05:14:18 Barry Jordan Toccata & Fuge, F Maj, BWV 540 / Fuge cover
05:20:24 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
05:21:49 Barry Jordan 10 pièces / 06 Rhapsodie sur des Noëls cover
05:29:26 Barry Jordan Libro secondo / Canzona, G min, FbWV 302 cover
05:34:11 Barry Jordan Praeludium & Fuge, C Maj, BWV 547 / Praeludium cover
05:38:35 Barry Jordan Praeludium & Fuge, C Maj, BWV 547 / Fuge cover
05:43:28 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
05:44:53 Barry Jordan 24 Pièces de Fantaisie / op. 53 / 5 Clair de lune cover
05:54:55 Barry Jordan Orgelbüchlein / Christum wir sollen loben schon, BWV 611 cover
05:57:30 Barry Jordan Praeludium & Fuge, G Maj, BWV 541 cover
06:05:27 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
06:06:53 Barry Jordan 3 Stücke, op. 142 / 2 Valse mignonne cover
06:13:31 Barry Jordan Tabulatura Nova / Vol. 3 / Vita sanctorum decus angelorum, SSWV 152 / Versus 1 cover
06:17:26 Barry Jordan Tabulatura Nova / Vol. 3 / Vita sanctorum decus angelorum, SSWV 152 / Versus 2 cover
06:19:05 Barry Jordan Tabulatura Nova / Vol. 3 / Vita sanctorum decus angelorum, SSWV 152 / Versus 3 cover
06:21:13 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
06:22:39 Barry Jordan Tabulatura Nova / Vol. 3 / Vita sanctorum decus angelorum, SSWV 152 / Versus 4 cover
06:24:18 Barry Jordan Tabulatura Nova / Vol. 3 / Vita sanctorum decus angelorum, SSWV 152 / Versus 5 cover
06:26:50 Barry Jordan Passacaglia, C min, BWV 582 cover
06:40:29 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
06:41:55 Barry Jordan Christe, der du bist Tag und Licht / Versus 1 cover
06:43:43 Barry Jordan Christe, der du bist Tag und Licht / Versus 2 cover
06:49:03 Barry Jordan Christe, der du bist Tag und Licht / Versus 3 cover
06:50:40 Barry Jordan Sonata Eroïca, op. 94 cover
07:09:13 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
07:10:38 Barry Jordan 11 Choralvorspiele, op. posth. 122 / 08 Es ist ein Ros' entsprungen cover
07:13:28 Barry Jordan Sonata 2 "Eroica", G min, op. 151 / 1 Rheims cover
07:22:57 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
07:24:22 Barry Jordan Sonata 2 "Eroica", G min, op. 151 / 2 Tempo di Marcia Solenne cover
07:33:26 Barry Jordan Sonata 2 "Eroica", G min, op. 151 / 3 Verdun cover
07:42:46 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
07:44:12 Barry Jordan 6 Choräle von verschiedener Art / Meine Seele erhebt den Herren, BWV 648 cover
07:46:19 Barry Jordan Improvisation on "Adeste Fideles" cover
07:55:25 Barry Jordan Praeludium, D min, LübWV 11 cover
08:03:22 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
08:04:48 Barry Jordan Orgelbüchlein / O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig, BWV 618 cover
08:09:59 Barry Jordan Trio, C min, BWV 585 / 1 Largo cover
08:12:33 Barry Jordan Trio, C min, BWV 585 / 2 Allegro un poco cover
08:15:05 Barry Jordan 6 Choräle von verschiedener Art / Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 645 cover
08:19:40 Barry Jordan Jesus Christus Unser Heyland / Versus 3 cover
08:22:19 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
08:23:45 Barry Jordan Rhapsody in Blue cover
08:42:30 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
08:43:55 Barry Jordan 24 Pièces de Fantaisie / op. 55 / 4 Naïades cover
08:49:28 Barry Jordan Praeludium & Fuge, C min, BWV 549 / Praeludium cover
08:51:33 Barry Jordan Praeludium & Fuge, C min, BWV 549 / Fuge cover
08:55:14 Barry Jordan 5 short pieces / 4 Scherzo cover
08:57:27 Barry Jordan Cathedral Windows, op. 106 / 4 Adeste fideles cover
09:01:21 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
09:02:46 Barry Jordan Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ, IGB 15 cover
09:07:39 Barry Jordan Trio, F Maj, Krebs-WV 446 cover
09:11:04 Barry Jordan Walking Song cover
09:17:21 Barry Jordan 3 Poèmes Evangéliques / 2 La Nativité cover
09:23:14 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
09:24:39 Barry Jordan Concerto 2, op. 56-2 / 2 Canon Grégorien cover
09:29:28 Barry Jordan 6 Choräle von verschiedener Art / Kommst du nun, Jesu, vom Himmel herunter, BWV 650 cover
09:33:10 Barry Jordan Vater unser im Himmelreich cover
09:36:23 Barry Jordan Symphonie 9, C min, op. 70 / 4 Moderato cover
09:49:42 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
09:51:08 Barry Jordan Sinfonie 9, F min, op. 45-9 / 1 Toccata cover
09:57:44 Barry Jordan Sinfonie 9, F min, op. 45-9 / 2 Scherzo cover
10:08:12 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
10:09:38 Barry Jordan Sinfonie 9, F min, op. 45-9 / 3 Finale. Improvizazione cover
10:20:56 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
10:22:22 Barry Jordan Ich ruff zu dir Herr Jesu Christ, LübWV 13 cover
10:36:53 Barry Jordan Jesus Christus Unser Heyland / Versus 2 cover
10:38:36 Barry Jordan Concerto del signor Telemann, C min, LV 136 / 1 Adagio cover
10:41:25 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
10:42:51 Barry Jordan Concerto del signor Telemann, C min, LV 136 / 2 Allegro cover
10:45:22 Barry Jordan Concerto del signor Telemann, C min, LV 136 / 3 Adagio cover
10:47:36 Barry Jordan Concerto del signor Telemann, C min, LV 136 / 4 Allegro cover
10:49:50 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Choral cover
10:50:53 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Var. I (a 2 Clav.) cover
10:53:56 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Var. II cover
10:54:56 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Var. III cover
10:55:45 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Var. IV cover
10:56:38 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Var. V (a 2 Clav.) cover
10:57:53 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Var. VI cover
10:59:08 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Var. VII (a 2 Clav. e Ped.) cover
11:00:40 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
11:02:05 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Var. VIII cover
11:03:22 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Var. IX (a 2 Clav. e Ped.) cover
11:04:47 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Var. X (a 2 Clav. e Ped.) cover
11:10:04 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Var. XI (a 5 voci, in Organo pleno) cover
11:11:20 Barry Jordan Praeludium & Fuge, D Maj, Krebs-WV 404 / Praeludium cover
11:16:05 Barry Jordan Praeludium & Fuge, D Maj, Krebs-WV 404 / Fuge cover
11:23:20 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
11:24:45 Barry Jordan Biblische Sonaten / 3 Jacob's Wedding / 1 The joy of the family of Laban cover
11:27:49 Barry Jordan Biblische Sonaten / 3 Jacob's Wedding / 2 The servitude of Jacob cover
11:31:54 Barry Jordan Biblische Sonaten / 3 Jacob's Wedding / 3 The bridal song cover
11:34:59 Barry Jordan Biblische Sonaten / 3 Jacob's Wedding / 5 The Laban's trick cover
11:40:11 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
11:41:36 Barry Jordan Biblische Sonaten / 3 Jacob's Wedding / 6 The bridegroom loving and content cover
11:43:35 Barry Jordan Biblische Sonaten / 3 Jacob's Wedding / 7 Disappointment of Jacob for the trick cover
11:44:51 Barry Jordan Biblische Sonaten / 3 Jacob's Wedding / 8 The rejoicing for the wedding is repeated cover
11:46:23 Barry Jordan Miscellaneen. 12 Orgelvorträge, op. 174 / 10 Abendruhe. Andante lento cover
11:52:14 Barry Jordan 3 Stücke, op. 142 / 1 Stimmen der Nacht cover
11:59:28 Barry Jordan O Gott, du frommer Gott, BWV 767 / Partita 1 cover
12:00:19 Barry Jordan O Gott, du frommer Gott, BWV 767 / Partita 2 a 2 Clav. cover
12:02:59 Barry Jordan O Gott, du frommer Gott, BWV 767 / Partita 3 cover
12:04:09 Barry Jordan O Gott, du frommer Gott, BWV 767 / Partita 4 cover
12:05:04 Barry Jordan O Gott, du frommer Gott, BWV 767 / Partita 5 cover
12:06:36 Barry Jordan O Gott, du frommer Gott, BWV 767 / Partita 6 cover
12:07:40 Barry Jordan O Gott, du frommer Gott, BWV 767 / Partita 7 cover
12:09:20 Barry Jordan O Gott, du frommer Gott, BWV 767 / Partita 8 cover
12:11:28 Barry Jordan O Gott, du frommer Gott, BWV 767 / Partita 9 a 2 Clav. cover
12:14:47 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
12:16:13 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 01 Promenade cover
12:18:02 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 02 The Gnome cover
12:21:16 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 03 Promenade cover
12:22:24 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 04 The Old Castle cover
12:27:38 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 05 Promenade cover
12:28:14 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 06 Tuileries - Dispute between Children at play cover
12:29:27 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 07 Cattle cover
12:32:43 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 08 Promenade cover
12:33:35 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 09 Ballet of the unhatched Chicks cover
12:35:42 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
12:37:07 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 10 Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle cover
12:39:27 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 11 Promenade cover
12:41:25 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 12 The market at Limoges cover
12:43:33 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 13 The Catacombs - With the dead in a dead language cover
12:47:55 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 15 The Hut of Baba-Yaga cover
12:52:23 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 16 The great Gate of Kiev cover
12:59:10 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
13:00:35 Barry Jordan 5 short pieces / 2 Folk Tune cover
13:04:23 Barry Jordan Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, BWV 770 / Partita 01 cover
13:05:21 Barry Jordan Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, BWV 770 / Partita 02 cover
13:06:16 Barry Jordan Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, BWV 770 / Partita 03 cover
13:07:21 Barry Jordan Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, BWV 770 / Partita 04 cover
13:08:14 Barry Jordan Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, BWV 770 / Partita 05 cover
13:09:01 Barry Jordan Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, BWV 770 / Partita 06 cover
13:09:47 Barry Jordan Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, BWV 770 / Partita 07 cover
13:10:34 Barry Jordan Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, BWV 770 / Partita 08 cover
13:11:25 Barry Jordan Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, BWV 770 / Partita 09 cover
13:14:20 Barry Jordan Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, BWV 770 / Partita 10 cover
13:18:44 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
13:20:10 Barry Jordan Toccata & Fuge, F Maj, BWV 540 / Toccata cover
13:29:06 Barry Jordan Toccata & Fuge, F Maj, BWV 540 / Fuge cover
13:35:11 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
13:36:37 Barry Jordan 10 pièces / 06 Rhapsodie sur des Noëls cover
13:44:14 Barry Jordan Libro secondo / Canzona, G min, FbWV 302 cover
13:48:58 Barry Jordan Praeludium & Fuge, C Maj, BWV 547 / Praeludium cover
13:53:23 Barry Jordan Praeludium & Fuge, C Maj, BWV 547 / Fuge cover
13:58:16 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
13:59:41 Barry Jordan 24 Pièces de Fantaisie / op. 53 / 5 Clair de lune cover
14:09:42 Barry Jordan Orgelbüchlein / Christum wir sollen loben schon, BWV 611 cover
14:12:17 Barry Jordan Praeludium & Fuge, G Maj, BWV 541 cover
14:20:15 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
14:21:40 Barry Jordan 3 Stücke, op. 142 / 2 Valse mignonne cover
14:28:18 Barry Jordan Tabulatura Nova / Vol. 3 / Vita sanctorum decus angelorum, SSWV 152 / Versus 1 cover
14:32:13 Barry Jordan Tabulatura Nova / Vol. 3 / Vita sanctorum decus angelorum, SSWV 152 / Versus 2 cover
14:33:53 Barry Jordan Tabulatura Nova / Vol. 3 / Vita sanctorum decus angelorum, SSWV 152 / Versus 3 cover
14:36:01 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
14:37:26 Barry Jordan Tabulatura Nova / Vol. 3 / Vita sanctorum decus angelorum, SSWV 152 / Versus 4 cover
14:39:06 Barry Jordan Tabulatura Nova / Vol. 3 / Vita sanctorum decus angelorum, SSWV 152 / Versus 5 cover
14:41:37 Barry Jordan Passacaglia, C min, BWV 582 cover
14:55:17 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
14:56:42 Barry Jordan Christe, der du bist Tag und Licht / Versus 1 cover
14:58:30 Barry Jordan Christe, der du bist Tag und Licht / Versus 2 cover
15:03:50 Barry Jordan Christe, der du bist Tag und Licht / Versus 3 cover
15:05:27 Barry Jordan Sonata Eroïca, op. 94 cover
15:24:00 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
15:25:26 Barry Jordan 11 Choralvorspiele, op. posth. 122 / 08 Es ist ein Ros' entsprungen cover
15:28:16 Barry Jordan Sonata 2 "Eroica", G min, op. 151 / 1 Rheims cover
15:37:44 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
15:39:10 Barry Jordan Sonata 2 "Eroica", G min, op. 151 / 2 Tempo di Marcia Solenne cover
15:48:14 Barry Jordan Sonata 2 "Eroica", G min, op. 151 / 3 Verdun cover
15:57:34 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
15:58:59 Barry Jordan 6 Choräle von verschiedener Art / Meine Seele erhebt den Herren, BWV 648 cover
16:01:06 Barry Jordan Improvisation on "Adeste Fideles" cover
16:10:12 Barry Jordan Praeludium, D min, LübWV 11 cover
16:18:10 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
16:19:35 Barry Jordan Orgelbüchlein / O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig, BWV 618 cover
16:24:47 Barry Jordan Trio, C min, BWV 585 / 1 Largo cover
16:27:21 Barry Jordan Trio, C min, BWV 585 / 2 Allegro un poco cover
16:29:53 Barry Jordan 6 Choräle von verschiedener Art / Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 645 cover
16:34:28 Barry Jordan Jesus Christus Unser Heyland / Versus 3 cover
16:37:07 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
16:38:32 Barry Jordan Rhapsody in Blue cover
16:57:17 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
16:58:43 Barry Jordan 24 Pièces de Fantaisie / op. 55 / 4 Naïades cover
17:04:16 Barry Jordan Praeludium & Fuge, C min, BWV 549 / Praeludium cover
17:06:21 Barry Jordan Praeludium & Fuge, C min, BWV 549 / Fuge cover
17:10:02 Barry Jordan 5 short pieces / 4 Scherzo cover
17:12:14 Barry Jordan Cathedral Windows, op. 106 / 4 Adeste fideles cover
17:16:09 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
17:17:34 Barry Jordan Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ, IGB 15 cover
17:22:27 Barry Jordan Trio, F Maj, Krebs-WV 446 cover
17:25:51 Barry Jordan Walking Song cover
17:32:08 Barry Jordan 3 Poèmes Evangéliques / 2 La Nativité cover
17:38:01 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
17:39:27 Barry Jordan Concerto 2, op. 56-2 / 2 Canon Grégorien cover
17:44:16 Barry Jordan 6 Choräle von verschiedener Art / Kommst du nun, Jesu, vom Himmel herunter, BWV 650 cover
17:47:58 Barry Jordan Vater unser im Himmelreich cover
17:51:11 Barry Jordan Symphonie 9, C min, op. 70 / 4 Moderato cover
18:04:30 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
18:05:55 Barry Jordan Sinfonie 9, F min, op. 45-9 / 1 Toccata cover
18:12:31 Barry Jordan Sinfonie 9, F min, op. 45-9 / 2 Scherzo cover
18:23:00 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
18:24:25 Barry Jordan Sinfonie 9, F min, op. 45-9 / 3 Finale. Improvizazione cover
18:35:44 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
18:37:09 Barry Jordan Ich ruff zu dir Herr Jesu Christ, LübWV 13 cover
18:51:40 Barry Jordan Jesus Christus Unser Heyland / Versus 2 cover
18:53:24 Barry Jordan Concerto del signor Telemann, C min, LV 136 / 1 Adagio cover
18:56:13 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
18:57:38 Barry Jordan Concerto del signor Telemann, C min, LV 136 / 2 Allegro cover
19:00:09 Barry Jordan Concerto del signor Telemann, C min, LV 136 / 3 Adagio cover
19:02:24 Barry Jordan Concerto del signor Telemann, C min, LV 136 / 4 Allegro cover
19:04:37 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Choral cover
19:05:40 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Var. I (a 2 Clav.) cover
19:08:44 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Var. II cover
19:09:44 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Var. III cover
19:10:32 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Var. IV cover
19:11:26 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Var. V (a 2 Clav.) cover
19:12:41 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Var. VI cover
19:13:55 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Var. VII (a 2 Clav. e Ped.) cover
19:15:27 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
19:16:53 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Var. VIII cover
19:18:09 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Var. IX (a 2 Clav. e Ped.) cover
19:19:34 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Var. X (a 2 Clav. e Ped.) cover
19:24:52 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Var. XI (a 5 voci, in Organo pleno) cover
19:26:08 Barry Jordan Praeludium & Fuge, D Maj, Krebs-WV 404 / Praeludium cover
19:30:53 Barry Jordan Praeludium & Fuge, D Maj, Krebs-WV 404 / Fuge cover
19:38:07 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
19:39:33 Barry Jordan Biblische Sonaten / 3 Jacob's Wedding / 1 The joy of the family of Laban cover
19:42:36 Barry Jordan Biblische Sonaten / 3 Jacob's Wedding / 2 The servitude of Jacob cover
19:46:42 Barry Jordan Biblische Sonaten / 3 Jacob's Wedding / 3 The bridal song cover
19:49:46 Barry Jordan Biblische Sonaten / 3 Jacob's Wedding / 5 The Laban's trick cover
19:54:58 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
19:56:24 Barry Jordan Biblische Sonaten / 3 Jacob's Wedding / 6 The bridegroom loving and content cover
19:58:23 Barry Jordan Biblische Sonaten / 3 Jacob's Wedding / 7 Disappointment of Jacob for the trick cover
19:59:38 Barry Jordan Biblische Sonaten / 3 Jacob's Wedding / 8 The rejoicing for the wedding is repeated cover
20:01:11 Barry Jordan Miscellaneen. 12 Orgelvorträge, op. 174 / 10 Abendruhe. Andante lento cover
20:07:01 Barry Jordan 3 Stücke, op. 142 / 1 Stimmen der Nacht cover
20:14:15 Barry Jordan O Gott, du frommer Gott, BWV 767 / Partita 1 cover
20:15:06 Barry Jordan O Gott, du frommer Gott, BWV 767 / Partita 2 a 2 Clav. cover
20:17:46 Barry Jordan O Gott, du frommer Gott, BWV 767 / Partita 3 cover
20:18:56 Barry Jordan O Gott, du frommer Gott, BWV 767 / Partita 4 cover
20:19:51 Barry Jordan O Gott, du frommer Gott, BWV 767 / Partita 5 cover
20:21:23 Barry Jordan O Gott, du frommer Gott, BWV 767 / Partita 6 cover
20:22:28 Barry Jordan O Gott, du frommer Gott, BWV 767 / Partita 7 cover
20:24:08 Barry Jordan O Gott, du frommer Gott, BWV 767 / Partita 8 cover
20:26:15 Barry Jordan O Gott, du frommer Gott, BWV 767 / Partita 9 a 2 Clav. cover
20:29:35 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
20:31:00 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 01 Promenade cover
20:32:49 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 02 The Gnome cover
20:36:03 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 03 Promenade cover
20:37:12 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 04 The Old Castle cover
20:42:26 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 05 Promenade cover
20:43:02 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 06 Tuileries - Dispute between Children at play cover
20:44:15 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 07 Cattle cover
20:47:31 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 08 Promenade cover
20:48:23 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 09 Ballet of the unhatched Chicks cover
20:50:29 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
20:51:55 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 10 Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle cover
20:54:15 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 11 Promenade cover
20:56:13 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 12 The market at Limoges cover
20:58:20 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 13 The Catacombs - With the dead in a dead language cover
21:02:42 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 15 The Hut of Baba-Yaga cover
21:07:11 Barry Jordan Pictures of an Exhibition / 16 The great Gate of Kiev cover
21:13:57 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
21:15:23 Barry Jordan 5 short pieces / 2 Folk Tune cover
21:19:11 Barry Jordan Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, BWV 770 / Partita 01 cover
21:20:09 Barry Jordan Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, BWV 770 / Partita 02 cover
21:21:04 Barry Jordan Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, BWV 770 / Partita 03 cover
21:22:08 Barry Jordan Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, BWV 770 / Partita 04 cover
21:23:02 Barry Jordan Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, BWV 770 / Partita 05 cover
21:23:48 Barry Jordan Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, BWV 770 / Partita 06 cover
21:24:35 Barry Jordan Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, BWV 770 / Partita 07 cover
21:25:21 Barry Jordan Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, BWV 770 / Partita 08 cover
21:26:12 Barry Jordan Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, BWV 770 / Partita 09 cover
21:29:08 Barry Jordan Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, BWV 770 / Partita 10 cover
21:33:32 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
21:34:57 Barry Jordan Toccata & Fuge, F Maj, BWV 540 / Toccata cover
21:43:53 Barry Jordan Toccata & Fuge, F Maj, BWV 540 / Fuge cover
21:49:59 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
21:51:24 Barry Jordan 10 pièces / 06 Rhapsodie sur des Noëls cover
21:59:01 Barry Jordan Libro secondo / Canzona, G min, FbWV 302 cover
22:03:46 Barry Jordan Praeludium & Fuge, C Maj, BWV 547 / Praeludium cover
22:08:11 Barry Jordan Praeludium & Fuge, C Maj, BWV 547 / Fuge cover
22:13:03 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
22:14:29 Barry Jordan 24 Pièces de Fantaisie / op. 53 / 5 Clair de lune cover
22:24:30 Barry Jordan Orgelbüchlein / Christum wir sollen loben schon, BWV 611 cover
22:27:05 Barry Jordan Praeludium & Fuge, G Maj, BWV 541 cover
22:35:03 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
22:36:28 Barry Jordan 3 Stücke, op. 142 / 2 Valse mignonne cover
22:43:06 Barry Jordan Tabulatura Nova / Vol. 3 / Vita sanctorum decus angelorum, SSWV 152 / Versus 1 cover
22:47:01 Barry Jordan Tabulatura Nova / Vol. 3 / Vita sanctorum decus angelorum, SSWV 152 / Versus 2 cover
22:48:40 Barry Jordan Tabulatura Nova / Vol. 3 / Vita sanctorum decus angelorum, SSWV 152 / Versus 3 cover
22:50:48 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
22:52:14 Barry Jordan Tabulatura Nova / Vol. 3 / Vita sanctorum decus angelorum, SSWV 152 / Versus 4 cover
22:53:53 Barry Jordan Tabulatura Nova / Vol. 3 / Vita sanctorum decus angelorum, SSWV 152 / Versus 5 cover
22:56:25 Barry Jordan Passacaglia, C min, BWV 582 cover
23:10:04 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
23:11:30 Barry Jordan Christe, der du bist Tag und Licht / Versus 1 cover
23:13:18 Barry Jordan Christe, der du bist Tag und Licht / Versus 2 cover
23:18:38 Barry Jordan Christe, der du bist Tag und Licht / Versus 3 cover
23:20:15 Barry Jordan Sonata Eroïca, op. 94 cover
23:38:48 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
23:40:13 Barry Jordan 11 Choralvorspiele, op. posth. 122 / 08 Es ist ein Ros' entsprungen cover
23:43:03 Barry Jordan Sonata 2 "Eroica", G min, op. 151 / 1 Rheims cover
23:52:32 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
23:53:57 Barry Jordan Sonata 2 "Eroica", G min, op. 151 / 2 Tempo di Marcia Solenne cover
00:03:01 Barry Jordan Sonata 2 "Eroica", G min, op. 151 / 3 Verdun cover
00:12:21 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
00:13:47 Barry Jordan 6 Choräle von verschiedener Art / Meine Seele erhebt den Herren, BWV 648 cover
00:15:54 Barry Jordan Improvisation on "Adeste Fideles" cover
00:25:00 Barry Jordan Praeludium, D min, LübWV 11 cover
00:32:58 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
00:34:23 Barry Jordan Orgelbüchlein / O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig, BWV 618 cover
00:39:34 Barry Jordan Trio, C min, BWV 585 / 1 Largo cover
00:42:08 Barry Jordan Trio, C min, BWV 585 / 2 Allegro un poco cover
00:44:40 Barry Jordan 6 Choräle von verschiedener Art / Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 645 cover
00:49:15 Barry Jordan Jesus Christus Unser Heyland / Versus 3 cover
00:51:55 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
00:53:20 Barry Jordan Rhapsody in Blue cover
01:12:05 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
01:13:30 Barry Jordan 24 Pièces de Fantaisie / op. 55 / 4 Naïades cover
01:19:03 Barry Jordan Praeludium & Fuge, C min, BWV 549 / Praeludium cover
01:21:09 Barry Jordan Praeludium & Fuge, C min, BWV 549 / Fuge cover
01:24:49 Barry Jordan 5 short pieces / 4 Scherzo cover
01:27:02 Barry Jordan Cathedral Windows, op. 106 / 4 Adeste fideles cover
01:30:56 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
01:32:22 Barry Jordan Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ, IGB 15 cover
01:37:15 Barry Jordan Trio, F Maj, Krebs-WV 446 cover
01:40:39 Barry Jordan Walking Song cover
01:46:56 Barry Jordan 3 Poèmes Evangéliques / 2 La Nativité cover
01:52:49 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
01:54:14 Barry Jordan Concerto 2, op. 56-2 / 2 Canon Grégorien cover
01:59:04 Barry Jordan 6 Choräle von verschiedener Art / Kommst du nun, Jesu, vom Himmel herunter, BWV 650 cover
02:02:45 Barry Jordan Vater unser im Himmelreich cover
02:05:58 Barry Jordan Symphonie 9, C min, op. 70 / 4 Moderato cover
02:19:17 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
02:20:43 Barry Jordan Sinfonie 9, F min, op. 45-9 / 1 Toccata cover
02:27:19 Barry Jordan Sinfonie 9, F min, op. 45-9 / 2 Scherzo cover
02:37:47 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
02:39:13 Barry Jordan Sinfonie 9, F min, op. 45-9 / 3 Finale. Improvizazione cover
02:50:32 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
02:51:57 Barry Jordan Ich ruff zu dir Herr Jesu Christ, LübWV 13 cover
03:06:28 Barry Jordan Jesus Christus Unser Heyland / Versus 2 cover
03:08:11 Barry Jordan Concerto del signor Telemann, C min, LV 136 / 1 Adagio cover
03:11:00 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
03:12:26 Barry Jordan Concerto del signor Telemann, C min, LV 136 / 2 Allegro cover
03:14:57 Barry Jordan Concerto del signor Telemann, C min, LV 136 / 3 Adagio cover
03:17:11 Barry Jordan Concerto del signor Telemann, C min, LV 136 / 4 Allegro cover
03:19:25 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Choral cover
03:20:28 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Var. I (a 2 Clav.) cover
03:23:31 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Var. II cover
03:24:31 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Var. III cover
03:25:20 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Var. IV cover
03:26:14 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Var. V (a 2 Clav.) cover
03:27:28 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Var. VI cover
03:28:43 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Var. VII (a 2 Clav. e Ped.) cover
03:30:15 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
03:31:40 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Var. VIII cover
03:32:57 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Var. IX (a 2 Clav. e Ped.) cover
03:34:22 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Var. X (a 2 Clav. e Ped.) cover
03:39:39 Barry Jordan Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768 / Var. XI (a 5 voci, in Organo pleno) cover
03:40:55 Barry Jordan Praeludium & Fuge, D Maj, Krebs-WV 404 / Praeludium cover
03:45:40 Barry Jordan Praeludium & Fuge, D Maj, Krebs-WV 404 / Fuge cover
03:52:55 Commercial Organroxx commercials cover
03:54:20 Barry Jordan Biblische Sonaten / 3 Jacob's Wedding / 1 The joy of the family of Laban cover
03:57:24 Barry Jordan Biblische Sonaten / 3 Jacob's Wedding / 2 The servitude of Jacob cover