De muziekbibliotheek van Organroxx

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Zoek in 9608 albums en in 149777 tracks:


Album name Album artist(s) Aanvragen
Harald Feller
Publisher: Oehms Classics Musikproduktion
Year published: 2006
Catalog ID: OC 606
EAN: 4260034866065
Orgel info: Germany, Memmingen, Sankt Martinkirche: Goll Orgelbau AG, Friedrich 1998 [IVP 62] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Toccata & Fuge, D min, BWV 565
Johann Sebastian Bach Harald Feller
Guillaume Tell / Sinfonie
Gioacchino Rossini Harald Feller
24 Pièces de Fantaisie / op. 54 / 4 Fantômes
Louis Vierne Harald Feller
Sonata per Organo / 1 Allegro giusto
Nino Rota Harald Feller
Sonata per Organo / 2 Adagio
Nino Rota Harald Feller
Sonata per Organo / 3 Allegretto calmo con grazio
Nino Rota Harald Feller
Sonata per Organo / 4 Allegro
Nino Rota Harald Feller
Star Wars / Main title
John Williams Harald Feller
Star Wars / Princess Leia's Theme
John Williams Harald Feller
Star Wars / The Imperial March
John Williams Harald Feller
Star Wars / Yoda's Theme
John Williams Harald Feller
Star Wars / Throne Room & End Title
John Williams Harald Feller
Toccata "Schlafes Bruder"
Enjott Schneider Harald Feller
Donald Joyce
Publisher: BMG Music
Year published: 1993
Catalog ID: 09026 61825 2
EAN: 090266182527
Orgel info: United States, Collegedale, Seventh Day Adventist Church, Anton Heiller Memorial Organ: Brombaugh & Co., John 1986 [IVP 70 (68)] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Dance 4
Philip Glass Donald Joyce
Mad Rush
Philip Glass Donald Joyce
Dance 2
Philip Glass Donald Joyce
Contrary Motion
Philip Glass Donald Joyce
Satyagraha / Act 3 / Conclusion
Philip Glass Donald Joyce
Stephen Farr
Publisher: Resonus Limited
Year published: 2021
Catalog ID: RES10284
EAN: 5060262793145
Orgel info: Groot-Brittanië, Saint Albans, Cathedral of Saint Alban: Harrison & Harrison 1963 [VP 72 (61)] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Sonata for Organ / 1 Allegro agitato
Philip Moore Stephen Farr
Sonata for Organ / 2 Andante tranquillo
Philip Moore Stephen Farr
Sonata for Organ / 3 Allegro con brio
Philip Moore Stephen Farr
Laudate Dominum
Philip Moore Stephen Farr
Fanfare de Maris
Philip Moore Stephen Farr
Philip Moore Stephen Farr
Philip Moore Stephen Farr
Variations and Fugue on "East Acklam"
Philip Moore Stephen Farr
5 Sketches on Helmsley / 1 Maestoso
Philip Moore Stephen Farr
5 Sketches on Helmsley / 2 Maestoso
Philip Moore Stephen Farr
5 Sketches on Helmsley / 3 Allegro leggiero
Philip Moore Stephen Farr
5 Sketches on Helmsley / 4 Andante espressivo
Philip Moore Stephen Farr
5 Sketches on Helmsley / 5 Allegro deciso
Philip Moore Stephen Farr
Philip Moore Stephen Farr
Sinfonietta / 1 Allegro deciso
Philip Moore Stephen Farr
Sinfonietta / 2 Allegro scherzando
Philip Moore Stephen Farr
Sinfonietta / 3 Adagio e espressivo
Philip Moore Stephen Farr
Sinfonietta / 4 Molto allegro
Philip Moore Stephen Farr
Richard Moore, Barry Orford
Publisher: Convivium Records
Year published: 2022
EAN: 0700153370639
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s) Orgel info
Via Crucis / The Gathering
Eric Milner-White Barry Orford -
Via Crucis / 01 The Agony in Gethsemane
Eric Milner-White Barry Orford -
Via Crucis / 01 The Agony in Gethsemane
Philip Moore Richard Moore Groot-Brittanië, Guildford, Cathedral of the Holy Spirit: Rushworth & Dreaper 1962 [IVP 77 (74)] (
Via Crucis / 02 The Kiss of Judas
Eric Milner-White Barry Orford -
Via Crucis / 02 The Kiss of Judas
Philip Moore Richard Moore United Kingdom, Guildford, Cathedral of the Holy Spirit: Rushworth & Dreaper 1962 [IVP 77 (74)] (
Via Crucis / 03 Art Thou the Christ?
Eric Milner-White Barry Orford -
Via Crucis / 03 Art Thou the Christ?
Philip Moore Richard Moore United Kingdom, Guildford, Cathedral of the Holy Spirit: Rushworth & Dreaper 1962 [IVP 77 (74)] (
Via Crucis / 04 The Denial
Eric Milner-White Barry Orford -
Via Crucis / 04 The Denial
Philip Moore Richard Moore United Kingdom, Guildford, Cathedral of the Holy Spirit: Rushworth & Dreaper 1962 [IVP 77 (74)] (
Via Crucis / 05 Pilate Washes His Hands
Eric Milner-White Barry Orford -
Via Crucis / 05 Pilate Washes His Hands
Philip Moore Richard Moore United Kingdom, Guildford, Cathedral of the Holy Spirit: Rushworth & Dreaper 1962 [IVP 77 (74)] (
Via Crucis / 06 The Scourging
Eric Milner-White Barry Orford -
Via Crucis / 06 The Scourging
Philip Moore Richard Moore United Kingdom, Guildford, Cathedral of the Holy Spirit: Rushworth & Dreaper 1962 [IVP 77 (74)] (
Via Crucis / 07 Bearing the Cross
Eric Milner-White Barry Orford -
Via Crucis / 07 Bearing the Cross
Philip Moore Richard Moore United Kingdom, Guildford, Cathedral of the Holy Spirit: Rushworth & Dreaper 1962 [IVP 77 (74)] (
Via Crucis / 08 St. Simon of Cyren
Eric Milner-White Barry Orford -
Via Crucis / 08 St. Simon of Cyren
Philip Moore Richard Moore United Kingdom, Guildford, Cathedral of the Holy Spirit: Rushworth & Dreaper 1962 [IVP 77 (74)] (
Via Crucis / 09 Daughters of Jerusalem
Eric Milner-White Barry Orford -
Via Crucis / 09 Daughters of Jerusalem
Philip Moore Richard Moore United Kingdom, Guildford, Cathedral of the Holy Spirit: Rushworth & Dreaper 1962 [IVP 77 (74)] (
Via Crucis / 10 The Nailing
Eric Milner-White Barry Orford -
Via Crucis / 10 The Nailing
Philip Moore Richard Moore United Kingdom, Guildford, Cathedral of the Holy Spirit: Rushworth & Dreaper 1962 [IVP 77 (74)] (
Via Crucis / 11 Seven Words
Eric Milner-White Barry Orford -
Via Crucis / 11 Seven Words
Philip Moore Richard Moore United Kingdom, Guildford, Cathedral of the Holy Spirit: Rushworth & Dreaper 1962 [IVP 77 (74)] (
Via Crucis / 12 The Darkness
Eric Milner-White Barry Orford -
Via Crucis / 12 The Darkness
Philip Moore Richard Moore United Kingdom, Guildford, Cathedral of the Holy Spirit: Rushworth & Dreaper 1962 [IVP 77 (74)] (
Via Crucis / 13 The Death of the Lord Jesus
Eric Milner-White Barry Orford -
Via Crucis / 13 The Death of the Lord Jesus
Philip Moore Richard Moore United Kingdom, Guildford, Cathedral of the Holy Spirit: Rushworth & Dreaper 1962 [IVP 77 (74)] (
Via Crucis / 14 The Burial
Eric Milner-White Barry Orford -
Via Crucis / 14 The Burial
Philip Moore Richard Moore United Kingdom, Guildford, Cathedral of the Holy Spirit: Rushworth & Dreaper 1962 [IVP 77 (74)] (
Via Crucis / 15 The Conclusion
Eric Milner-White Barry Orford -
Via Crucis / 15 The Conclusion
Philip Moore Richard Moore United Kingdom, Guildford, Cathedral of the Holy Spirit: Rushworth & Dreaper 1962 [IVP 77 (74)] (
Martin Sander
Publisher: Musikproduktion Dabringhaus und Grimm
Year published: 2005
Catalog ID: MDG 606 1319-2
EAN: 760623131924
Orgel info: Germany, Heidelberg, Stadthalle (Kongreßhaus): Voit & Söhne, Heinrich 1903 [IIIP 63] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Sonata, Bb Maj, op. 1 / 1 Ziemlich bewegt. "Wenn mein Stündlein vorhanden ist"
Philipp Wolfrum Martin Sander
Sonata, Bb Maj, op. 1 / 2 Sehr geteragen. "Mein' Sünd' mich werden kränken sehr"
Philipp Wolfrum Martin Sander
Sonata, Bb Maj, op. 1 / 3 Choraltempo, doch nicht schleppend. - Fuge. Im Zeitmaß des Chorals. "Ich bin ein Glied an deinem Leib" - "Weil du vom Tod' erstanden bist"
Philipp Wolfrum Martin Sander
Sonata 2, E Maj, op. 10 / 1 In langsam gehender Bewegung, doch nicht schwerfällig.
Philipp Wolfrum Martin Sander
Sonata 2, E Maj, op. 10 / 2 Gemässigt und etwas feierlich.
Philipp Wolfrum Martin Sander
Sonata 2, E Maj, op. 10 / 3 Fuge. Ziemlich lebhaft.
Philipp Wolfrum Martin Sander
Sonata 3, F min, op. 14 / 1 Un poco grave
Philipp Wolfrum Martin Sander
Sonata 3, F min, op. 14 / 2 Adagio
Philipp Wolfrum Martin Sander
Sonata 3, F min, op. 14 / 3 Thema und Variationen über den Choral "Herr Gott, nun schleuß' den Himmel auf"
Philipp Wolfrum Martin Sander
Philip Rushforth
Publisher: OxRecs Digital
Year published: 2009
Catalog ID: OXCD-103
EAN: 5060055562521
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s) Orgel info
Toccata "Nun danket alle Gott"
Egil Hovland Philip Rushforth GBR Southwell, Cathedral: Nicholson & Co. 1996 [IV P 48] (Screen Organ)
Giles Swayne Philip Rushforth GBR Southwell, Cathedral: Nicholson & Co. 1996 [IV P 48] (Screen Organ)
A Fancy
William Henry Harris Philip Rushforth GBR Southwell, Cathedral: Nicholson & Co. 1996 [IV P 48] (Screen Organ)
24 Pièces de Fantaisie / op. 54 / 6 Carillon de Westminster
Louis Vierne Philip Rushforth GBR Southwell, Cathedral: Nicholson & Co. 1996 [IV P 48] (Screen Organ)
Jean Roger-Ducasse Philip Rushforth United Kingdom, Chester, Cathedral Church of Saint Werburgh: Gray & Davison 1844 [IVP 70] (
Dido and Aeneas / Dido's Lament
Henry Purcell Philip Rushforth United Kingdom, Chester, Cathedral Church of Saint Werburgh: Gray & Davison 1844 [IVP 70] (
Impromptu, op. 5
Francis Jackson Philip Rushforth United Kingdom, Chester, Cathedral Church of Saint Werburgh: Gray & Davison 1844 [IVP 70] (
Downland Suite / 2 Elegy
John Ireland Philip Rushforth United Kingdom, Chester, Cathedral Church of Saint Werburgh: Gray & Davison 1844 [IVP 70] (
Introduction and Passacaglia
Walter Alcock Philip Rushforth United Kingdom, Chester, Cathedral Church of Saint Werburgh: Gray & Davison 1844 [IVP 70] (
Siegbert Rampe
Publisher: Musikproduktion Dabringhaus und Grimm
Year published: 2005
Catalog ID: MDG 341 1257-2
EAN: 760623125725
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s) Orgel info
Fantasia, F Maj
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Germany, Ostönnen, Evangelische Sankt Andreaskirche: Builder unknown ca. 1430 [Ip 8] (
Fece da Voi a. 6, G Maj
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Germany, Ostönnen, Evangelische Sankt Andreaskirche: Builder unknown ca. 1430 [Ip 8] (
Pavana Dolorosa & Galiarda Dolorosa, C Maj / Pavana
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Clavichord Jörg Gobelin 2000
Pavana Dolorosa & Galiarda Dolorosa, C Maj / Galiarda
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Clavichord Jörg Gobelin 2000
Bon jour mon Cueur di Orlando
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Clavichord Martin Kather 1999
Galliarde, A min, (1)
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Clavichord Jörg Gobelin 2000
Chi fara fede al Cielo. di Alessandro Striggio, G Maj
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Clavichord Jörg Gobelin 2000
Le Rossignuol, C Maj
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe
Almande, D min
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Virginal Artus Gheerdinck 1605
Galliarde, A min, (2)
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Virginal Artus Gheerdinck 1605
Margotte Laborez, G Maj
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Harpsichord Andreas Ruckers 1637
Pavane 16, G Maj, FVB 85
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Harpsichord Andreas Ruckers 1637
Galliarde, G Maj, FVB 87
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Harpsichord Andreas Ruckers 1637
Den lustelijken mei, G Maj
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Harpsichord Andreas Ruckers 1637
Almande d'amor, G min
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Virginal Artus Gheerdinck 1605
Che fa, A min
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Harpsichord Andreas Ruckers 1637
Deccio Dunque partire, D min / 1
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Germany, Tangermünde, Sankt Stephanskirche: Scherer der Jüngere, Hans 1624 [IIIP 34] (
Deccio Dunque partire, D min / 2
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Germany, Tangermünde, Sankt Stephanskirche: Scherer der Jüngere, Hans 1624 [IIIP 34] (
Deccio Dunque partire, D min / 3
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Germany, Tangermünde, Sankt Stephanskirche: Scherer der Jüngere, Hans 1624 [IIIP 34] (
Veni Sancte Spiritus, C Maj
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Germany, Tangermünde, Sankt Stephanskirche: Scherer der Jüngere, Hans 1624 [IIIP 34] (
Benedicam Dominum, G min
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Germany, Tangermünde, Sankt Stephanskirche: Scherer der Jüngere, Hans 1624 [IIIP 34] (
Siegbert Rampe
Publisher: Musikproduktion Dabringhaus und Grimm
Year published: 2008
Catalog ID: MDG 341 1435-2
EAN: 760623143521
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s) Orgel info
Fantasia, G Maj
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Germany, Ostönnen, Evangelische Sankt Andreaskirche: Builder unknown ca. 1430 [Ip 8] (
Ecco l'aurora Luca Marenz[io] à 5, G Maj
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Clavichord Jörg Gobeli 2000
Pavana Anglica, A min
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Clavichord Jörg Gobeli 2000
Liquide perle amor, G Maj
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Clavichord Jörg Gobeli 2000
Galliarde, G min
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Clavichord Jörg Gobeli 2000
Amarilli di Julio Romano, G min
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Clavichord Jörg Gobeli 2000
Tirsi morir volea / 1
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Harpsichord Andreas Ruckers 1637
Tirsi morir volea / 2 Freno
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Harpsichord Andreas Ruckers 1637
Tirsi morir volea / 3 Cosi moriro
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Harpsichord Andreas Ruckers 1637
Passamezzo Pavana, G min
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Harpsichord Andreas Ruckers 1637
Passamezzo Galiarda, G min
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Harpsichord Andreas Ruckers 1637
Galiarde (Passamezzo), G min
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Harpsichord Andreas Ruckers 1637
Pavana Pagget, C min
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Harpsichord Andreas Ruckers 1637
Galiarda, C min
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Harpsichord Andreas Ruckers 1637
Fantasia, G Maj
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Germany, Tangermünde, Sankt Stephanskirche: Scherer der Jüngere, Hans 1624 [IIIP 34] (
Se desio di fugir, D min
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Germany, Tangermünde, Sankt Stephanskirche: Scherer der Jüngere, Hans 1624 [IIIP 34] (
Fantasie, D min
Peter Philips Siegbert Rampe Germany, Tangermünde, Sankt Stephanskirche: Scherer der Jüngere, Hans 1624 [IIIP 34] (
Cristina García Banegas
Publisher: con gioia
Year published: 2011
Catalog ID: AV-10-11-500
Orgel info: Germany, Darmstadt, Evangelische Pauluskirche: Schuke, Karl 1969 [ 53] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Verano Porteño
Astor Piazzolla Cristina García Banegas
Fuge, B min, BWV 579
Johann Sebastian Bach Cristina García Banegas
Suite Troileana / 1 Bandoneón
Astor Piazzolla Cristina García Banegas
Choralbearbeitungen in der Kirnbergerschen Sammlung / Fantasia super "Christ lag in Todesbanden", BWV 695
Johann Sebastian Bach Cristina García Banegas
Suite Troileana / 3 Whisky
Astor Piazzolla Cristina García Banegas
Orgelbüchlein / Ich ruf' zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, BWV 639
Johann Sebastian Bach Cristina García Banegas
Sens unique
Astor Piazzolla Cristina García Banegas
Praeludium & Fuge, F Maj, BWV 556
Johann Sebastian Bach Cristina García Banegas
Astor Piazzolla Cristina García Banegas
Choralbearbeitungen in der Kirnbergerschen Sammlung / In dich hab ich gehoffet, Herr, BWV 712
Johann Sebastian Bach Cristina García Banegas
La muerte del Ángel
Astor Piazzolla Cristina García Banegas
Praeludium, A min, BWV 569
Johann Sebastian Bach Cristina García Banegas
Adiós Nonino
Astor Piazzolla Cristina García Banegas
Fuge, G Maj, BWV 577
Johann Sebastian Bach Cristina García Banegas
Martin Baker
Publisher: Ad Fontes
Year published: 2020
EAN: 0793591948508
Orgel info: United Kingdom, Buckfast, Buckfast Abbey Church of Saint Mary: Ruffatti, Fratelli 2018 [IVP 101] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Fanfare for Easter Day
Sebastian Wolff Martin Baker
Passacaglia, C min, BWV 582
Johann Sebastian Bach Martin Baker
Livre d'Orgue 1 / Messe / Gloria / 4 Récit de tierce en taille
Nicolas de Grigny Martin Baker
2 pièces, op. 53 / 1 Chant de Mai
Joseph Jongen Martin Baker
Symphonie 6, G min, op. 42-2 / Allegro
Charles-Marie Widor Martin Baker
Pictures of an Exhibition / 01 Promenade
Modest Moessorgski Martin Baker
Pictures of an Exhibition / 02 The Gnome
Modest Moessorgski Martin Baker
Pictures of an Exhibition / 03 Promenade
Modest Moessorgski Martin Baker
Pictures of an Exhibition / 04 The Old Castle
Modest Moessorgski Martin Baker
Pictures of an Exhibition / 05 Promenade
Modest Moessorgski Martin Baker
Pictures of an Exhibition / 06 Tuileries - Dispute between Children at play
Modest Moessorgski Martin Baker
Pictures of an Exhibition / 07 Cattle
Modest Moessorgski Martin Baker
Pictures of an Exhibition / 08 Promenade
Modest Moessorgski Martin Baker
Pictures of an Exhibition / 09 Ballet of the unhatched Chicks
Modest Moessorgski Martin Baker
Pictures of an Exhibition / 10 Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle
Modest Moessorgski Martin Baker
Pictures of an Exhibition / 11 Promenade
Modest Moessorgski Martin Baker
Pictures of an Exhibition / 12 The market at Limoges
Modest Moessorgski Martin Baker
Pictures of an Exhibition / 13 The Catacombs
Modest Moessorgski Martin Baker
Pictures of an Exhibition / 14 Con mortuis in lingua mortua
Modest Moessorgski Martin Baker
Pictures of an Exhibition / 15 The Hut of Baba-Yaga
Modest Moessorgski Martin Baker
Pictures of an Exhibition / 16 The great Gate of Kiev
Modest Moessorgski Martin Baker
Hansjörg Albrecht
Publisher: Oehms Classics Musikproduktion
Year published: 2008
Catalog ID: OC 632
EAN: 4260034866324
Orgel info: DEU Kiel, Sankt Nikolai: Kleuker 1965 & Mutin Cavaillé-Coll 1920/Ulrich Babel 1997, 2009 [III P 65]
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Pictures of an Exhibition / 01 Promenade
Modest Moessorgski Hansjörg Albrecht
Pictures of an Exhibition / 02 The Gnome
Modest Moessorgski Hansjörg Albrecht
Pictures of an Exhibition / 03 Promenade
Modest Moessorgski Hansjörg Albrecht
Pictures of an Exhibition / 04 The Old Castle
Modest Moessorgski Hansjörg Albrecht
Pictures of an Exhibition / 05 Promenade
Modest Moessorgski Hansjörg Albrecht
Pictures of an Exhibition / 06 Tuileries - Dispute between Children at play
Modest Moessorgski Hansjörg Albrecht
Pictures of an Exhibition / 07 Cattle
Modest Moessorgski Hansjörg Albrecht
Pictures of an Exhibition / 08 Promenade
Modest Moessorgski Hansjörg Albrecht
Pictures of an Exhibition / 09 Ballet of the unhatched Chicks
Modest Moessorgski Hansjörg Albrecht
Pictures of an Exhibition / 10 Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle
Modest Moessorgski Hansjörg Albrecht
Pictures of an Exhibition / 12 The market at Limoges
Modest Moessorgski Hansjörg Albrecht
Pictures of an Exhibition / 13 The Catacombs - With the dead in a dead language
Modest Moessorgski Hansjörg Albrecht
Pictures of an Exhibition / 15 The Hut of Baba-Yaga
Modest Moessorgski Hansjörg Albrecht
Pictures of an Exhibition / 16 The great Gate of Kiev
Modest Moessorgski Hansjörg Albrecht
The Isle of the Dead, tone poem, op. 29
Sergei Rachmaninov Hansjörg Albrecht
Petrouchka / 1 The shrove-tide / 10 They dance before the crowd
Igor Stravinsky Hansjörg Albrecht
Petrouchka / 2 At Petrushka's room
Igor Stravinsky Hansjörg Albrecht
Petrouchka / 1 The shrove-tide
Igor Stravinsky Hansjörg Albrecht
Ton Reijnaerdts
Publisher: Ton Reijnaerdts Audio Productions
Year published: 1997
Catalog ID: TRA 1997-01
EAN: 5026174199710
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s) Orgel info
24 Pièces de Fantaisie / op. 54 / 6 Carillon de Westminster
Louis Vierne Ton Reijnaerdts Nederland, Elsloo, Kerk van de Heilige Augustinus: Pereboom & Leijser 1874 [IIP 23] (
24 Pièces en style libre, op. 31 / 14 Scherzetto
Louis Vierne Ton Reijnaerdts Nederland, Elsloo, Kerk van de Heilige Augustinus: Pereboom & Leijser 1874 [IIP 23] (
10 pièces / 04 Toccata, B min
Eugène Gigout Ton Reijnaerdts Nederland, Elsloo, Kerk van de Heilige Augustinus: Pereboom & Leijser 1874 [IIP 23] (
Symphonie 5, F min, op. 42-1 / Allegro cantabile
Charles-Marie Widor Ton Reijnaerdts Nederland, Elsloo, Kerk van de Heilige Augustinus: Pereboom & Leijser 1874 [IIP 23] (
Pièces posthumes / Offertoire, G min, CCF 92
César Franck Ton Reijnaerdts Nederland, Elsloo, Kerk van de Heilige Augustinus: Pereboom & Leijser 1874 [IIP 23] (
24 Pièces en style libre, op. 31 / 15 Arabesque
Louis Vierne Ton Reijnaerdts Nederland, Elsloo, Kerk van de Heilige Augustinus: Pereboom & Leijser 1874 [IIP 23] (
L'Organiste / 7 Pièces en sol majeur et sol mineur / 1 Poco allegretto
César Franck Ton Reijnaerdts Nederland, Elsloo, Kerk van de Heilige Augustinus: Pereboom & Leijser 1874 [IIP 23] (
24 Pièces de Fantaisie / op. 51 / 2 Andantino
Louis Vierne Ton Reijnaerdts Nederland, Maastricht, Kerk van de Heilige Martinus (Wyck): Pereboom & Leijser 1878 [IIIP 30] (
3 Pièces / Cantabile, B Maj
César Franck Ton Reijnaerdts Netherlands, Maastricht, Kerk van de Heilige Martinus (Wyck): Pereboom & Leijser 1878 [IIIP 30] (
Symphonie 2 / Choral
Louis Vierne Ton Reijnaerdts Netherlands, Maastricht, Kerk van de Heilige Martinus (Wyck): Pereboom & Leijser 1878 [IIIP 30] (
24 Pièces en style libre, op. 31 / 07 Méditation
Louis Vierne Ton Reijnaerdts Netherlands, Maastricht, Kerk van de Heilige Martinus (Wyck): Pereboom & Leijser 1878 [IIIP 30] (
3 Pièces / Pièce Héroïque, B min
César Franck Ton Reijnaerdts Netherlands, Maastricht, Kerk van de Heilige Martinus (Wyck): Pereboom & Leijser 1878 [IIIP 30] (
François-Henri Houbart
Publisher: BNL productions
Year published: 1986
Catalog ID: BNL 112614
Orgel info: Frankrijk, Les Andelys, Église Saint-Sauveur: Ingout, Robert 1674 [IIIP 35] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Livre 1
Louis Marchand François-Henri Houbart
Livre 2
Louis Marchand François-Henri Houbart
Livre 3
Louis Marchand François-Henri Houbart
Livre 4
Louis Marchand François-Henri Houbart
Livre 5
Louis Marchand François-Henri Houbart
Dominique Proust
Publisher: Disques Dom
Year published: 1992
Catalog ID: DOM CD 1418
EAN: 3254872014185
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s) Orgel info
Fugue 1, D Maj
William Herschel Dominique Proust Frankrijk, Meudon, Église Notre-Dame de l'Assomption: Aristide Cavaillé-Coll 1887 [IIP 11] (
Prélude 1, C Maj
William Herschel Dominique Proust France, Meudon, Église Notre-Dame de l'Assomption: Aristide Cavaillé-Coll 1887 [IIP 11] (
Fugue 2, C Maj
William Herschel Dominique Proust France, Meudon, Église Notre-Dame de l'Assomption: Aristide Cavaillé-Coll 1887 [IIP 11] (
Allegro 9, C Maj
William Herschel Dominique Proust France, Meudon, Église Notre-Dame de l'Assomption: Aristide Cavaillé-Coll 1887 [IIP 11] (
Fugue 3, C Maj
William Herschel Dominique Proust France, Meudon, Église Notre-Dame de l'Assomption: Aristide Cavaillé-Coll 1887 [IIP 11] (
Prélude 24, C Maj
William Herschel Dominique Proust France, Meudon, Église Notre-Dame de l'Assomption: Aristide Cavaillé-Coll 1887 [IIP 11] (
Fugue 4, G Maj
William Herschel Dominique Proust France, Meudon, Église Notre-Dame de l'Assomption: Aristide Cavaillé-Coll 1887 [IIP 11] (
Allegro 1, G Maj
William Herschel Dominique Proust France, Meudon, Église Notre-Dame de l'Assomption: Aristide Cavaillé-Coll 1887 [IIP 11] (
Fugue 5, D min
William Herschel Dominique Proust France, Meudon, Église Notre-Dame de l'Assomption: Aristide Cavaillé-Coll 1887 [IIP 11] (
Prélude 7, C Maj
William Herschel Dominique Proust France, Meudon, Église Notre-Dame de l'Assomption: Aristide Cavaillé-Coll 1887 [IIP 11] (
Fugue 6, Eb Maj
William Herschel Dominique Proust France, Meudon, Église Notre-Dame de l'Assomption: Aristide Cavaillé-Coll 1887 [IIP 11] (
François Lombard
Orgel info: France, Tournehem-sur-la-Hem, Église Saint-Médard: Builder unknown 1755 [IIP 26] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Livre de noëls / 36 Allons voir ce divin gage
Jean François Dandrieu François Lombard
Livre de noëls / Quoy ma voisine es tu faché
Jean François Dandrieu François Lombard
Livre de noëls / Si c'est pour ôter la vie
Jean François Dandrieu François Lombard
Livre de noëls / Chantons de voix hautaine[s]
Jean François Dandrieu François Lombard
Livre de noëls / 40 A minuit fut fait un réveil, basse de trompette
Jean François Dandrieu François Lombard
Livre de noëls / Joseph est bien marié
Jean François Dandrieu François Lombard
In dulci jubilo, BuxWV 197
Dieterich Buxtehude François Lombard
Lobt Gott, ihr Christen allzugleich, BuxWV 202
Dieterich Buxtehude François Lombard
Orgelbüchlein / Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ, BWV 604
Johann Sebastian Bach François Lombard
Orgelbüchlein / Der Tag, der ist so freudenreich, BWV 605
Johann Sebastian Bach François Lombard
Orgelbüchlein / Wir Christenleut', BWV 612
Johann Sebastian Bach François Lombard
Orgelbüchlein / In dulci jubilo, BWV 608
Johann Sebastian Bach François Lombard
Orgelbüchlein / Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 610
Johann Sebastian Bach François Lombard
Orgelbüchlein / Nun komm' der Heiden Heiland, BWV 599
Johann Sebastian Bach François Lombard
Orgelbüchlein / Vom Himmel hoch, da komm' ich her, BWV 606
Johann Sebastian Bach François Lombard
Orgelbüchlein / Das alte Jahr vergangen ist, BWV 614
Johann Sebastian Bach François Lombard
Orgelbüchlein / Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ, BWV 604
Johann Sebastian Bach François Lombard
Pastorale, F Maj, BWV 590 / [prima pars]
Johann Sebastian Bach François Lombard
Pastorale, F Maj, BWV 590 / [secunda pars]
Johann Sebastian Bach François Lombard
Pastorale, F Maj, BWV 590 / [tertia pars]
Johann Sebastian Bach François Lombard
Pastorale, F Maj, BWV 590 / [quarta pars]
Johann Sebastian Bach François Lombard
Nouveau Livre de noëls / Voicy le jour solemnel
Michel Corrette François Lombard
Nouveau Livre de noëls / Un jour Dieu se résolut
Michel Corrette François Lombard
Nouveau Livre de noëls / Tous les Bourgeois de Chartres. Basse de trompette
Michel Corrette François Lombard
Nouveau Livre de noëls / A la venue de Noël
Michel Corrette François Lombard
Francette Bartholomée, Dominica Eyckmans, Jean-Philippe Merckaert, Ophélie Gaillard
Publisher: Aparté
Year published: 2011
Catalog ID: AP014
EAN: 794881993123
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s) Orgel info
Pierre Bartholomée Ophélie Gaillard -
Pierre Bartholomée Francette Bartholomée -
Wintry day
Pierre Bartholomée Francette Bartholomée -
Face à face
Pierre Bartholomée Dominica Eyckmans -
Livre d'orgue / 1 Déserts
Pierre Bartholomée Jean-Philippe Merckaert België, Maredsous, Abbaye de Maredsous, Église Abbatiale Saint-Benoît: Westenfelder, Georg 2009 [IIIP 51 (45)] (
Livre d'orgue / 2 Météores
Pierre Bartholomée Jean-Philippe Merckaert België, Maredsous, Abbaye de Maredsous, Église Abbatiale Saint-Benoît: Westenfelder, Georg 2009 [IIIP 51 (45)] (
Livre d'orgue / 3 Lune
Pierre Bartholomée Jean-Philippe Merckaert België, Maredsous, Abbaye de Maredsous, Église Abbatiale Saint-Benoît: Westenfelder, Georg 2009 [IIIP 51 (45)] (
Livre d'orgue / 4 Carrousel
Pierre Bartholomée Jean-Philippe Merckaert België, Maredsous, Abbaye de Maredsous, Église Abbatiale Saint-Benoît: Westenfelder, Georg 2009 [IIIP 51 (45)] (
Livre d'orgue / 5 Visage
Pierre Bartholomée Jean-Philippe Merckaert België, Maredsous, Abbaye de Maredsous, Église Abbatiale Saint-Benoît: Westenfelder, Georg 2009 [IIIP 51 (45)] (
Livre d'orgue / 6 Poussières d'abime
Pierre Bartholomée Jean-Philippe Merckaert België, Maredsous, Abbaye de Maredsous, Église Abbatiale Saint-Benoît: Westenfelder, Georg 2009 [IIIP 51 (45)] (
Pierre Cochereau
Publisher: Philips Classics Productions
Catalog ID: 412 704-2
EAN: 028941270429
Orgel info: Frankrijk, Paris, Cathédrale Notre-Dame (4e arrondissement): Aristide Cavaillé-Coll 1868 [VP 110] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Toccata & Fuge, D min, BWV 565
Johann Sebastian Bach Pierre Cochereau
Andante, F Maj, KV 616
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Pierre Cochereau
3 Chorals / 2, B min
César Franck Pierre Cochereau
11 Choralvorspiele, op. posth. 122 / 10 Herzlich tut mich verlangen II
Johannes Brahms Pierre Cochereau
Heures Mystiques, op. 29 / 5 Élévations / 1, Eb Maj
Léon Boëllmann Pierre Cochereau
Symphonie 5, F min, op. 42-1 / Toccata
Charles-Marie Widor Pierre Cochereau
24 Pièces en style libre, op. 31 / 19 Berceuse
Louis Vierne Pierre Cochereau
Le Banquet céleste
Olivier Messiaen Pierre Cochereau
Suite à la française sur des thèmes populaires / 1 Prélude "Légende de Saint Nicolas"
Pierre Cochereau Pierre Cochereau
Suite à la française sur des thèmes populaires / 7 Toccata "Marche des rois"
Pierre Cochereau Pierre Cochereau
Jeremy Filsell
Publisher: ASV ltd.
Year published: 2001
Catalog ID: CD DCA 1104
EAN: 743625110425
Orgel info: Groot-Brittanië, Liverpool, Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King (Roman Catholic): Walker & Sons, J.W. 1967 [VP 88 (64)] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
La Marseillaise
Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle Jeremy Filsell
Sortie improvisée sur "La Marseillaise"
Pierre Cochereau Jeremy Filsell
Variations sur "Adeste Fideles"
Pierre Cochereau Jeremy Filsell
Symphonie improvisée (Boston 1956) / 1
Pierre Cochereau Jeremy Filsell
Symphonie improvisée (Boston 1956) / 2
Pierre Cochereau Jeremy Filsell
Symphonie improvisée (Boston 1956) / 3
Pierre Cochereau Jeremy Filsell
Symphonie improvisée (Boston 1956) / 4
Pierre Cochereau Jeremy Filsell
Chorals sur des thèmes de Pâques / 3 Alleluia de Pâques
Pierre Cochereau Jeremy Filsell
Scherzo symphonique (Notre-Dame 1974)
Pierre Cochereau Jeremy Filsell
Pierre Pincemaille, Ensemble de cuivres de l'Orchestre Philharmonique de Marseille, Choeur Régional Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, François Lombard
Publisher: Disques Fy & du Solstice
Year published: 1999
Catalog ID: SOCD 163
EAN: 3279791632036
Orgel info: France, Roquevaire, Église Saint-Vincent: Birouste, Daniel 1997 [VP 80 (69)] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Symphonie / 1 Adagio et Allegro
Pierre Cochereau François Lombard
Symphonie / 2 Adagio
Pierre Cochereau François Lombard
Symphonie / 3 Scherzando
Pierre Cochereau François Lombard
Symphonie / 4 Allegro (Final)
Pierre Cochereau François Lombard
Paraphrase de la Dédicace
Pierre Cochereau Pierre Pincemaille, Ensemble de cuivres de l'Orchestre Philharmonique de Marseille, Choeur Régional Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, François Lombard
3 Variations sur un thème chromatique
Pierre Cochereau Pierre Pincemaille
Micro Sonate en trio / 1 Allegro ma non troppo
Pierre Cochereau Pierre Pincemaille
Micro Sonate en trio / 2 Adagio
Pierre Cochereau Pierre Pincemaille
Micro Sonate en trio / 3 Allegro
Pierre Cochereau Pierre Pincemaille
Thème et variations sur "Ma jeunesse a une fin" / 1 Thème
Pierre Cochereau Pierre Pincemaille
Thème et variations sur "Ma jeunesse a une fin" / 2 Intermezzo
Pierre Cochereau Pierre Pincemaille
Thème et variations sur "Ma jeunesse a une fin" / 3 Canon
Pierre Cochereau Pierre Pincemaille
Thème et variations sur "Ma jeunesse a une fin" / 4 Fileuse improvisée
Pierre Cochereau Pierre Pincemaille
Thème et variations sur "Ma jeunesse a une fin" / 5 Berceuse
Pierre Cochereau Pierre Pincemaille
Thème et variations sur "Ma jeunesse a une fin" / 6 Toccata et Adagio
Pierre Cochereau Pierre Pincemaille
Pierre Cochereau
Publisher: Disques Fy & du Solstice
Catalog ID: SOCD 94
EAN: 3279790942037
Orgel info: Frankrijk, Paris, Cathédrale Notre-Dame (4e arrondissement): Aristide Cavaillé-Coll 1868 [VP 110] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Praeludium & Fuge, C Maj, BWV 547 / Praeludium
Johann Sebastian Bach Pierre Cochereau
Praeludium & Fuge, C Maj, BWV 547 / Fuge
Johann Sebastian Bach Pierre Cochereau
3 Pièces / Fantaisie, A Maj
César Franck Pierre Cochereau
Apparition de l'Église éternelle
Olivier Messiaen Pierre Cochereau
Évocation, op. 37 / 1 Moderato
Marcel Dupré Pierre Cochereau
Évocation, op. 37 / 2 Adagio con tenerezza
Marcel Dupré Pierre Cochereau
Évocation, op. 37 / 3 Allegro deciso
Marcel Dupré Pierre Cochereau
Clavier-Übung III / Aus tiefer Noth schrei ich zu dir, BWV 686
Johann Sebastian Bach Pierre Cochereau
La Marseillaise
Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle Pierre Cochereau
Sortie improvisée sur "La Marseillaise"
Pierre Cochereau Pierre Cochereau

Aangevraagde albums

Album name Album artist(s) Broadcast date