De muziekbibliotheek van Organroxx

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Zoek in 9607 albums en in 149757 tracks:


Album name Album artist(s) Aanvragen
Peter Van de Velde, Antwerps Kathedraalkoor
Publisher: v.z.w. Choraelhuys
Catalog ID: AKK001
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s) Orgel info
Introïtus & Kyrie
Andrew Wright Peter Van de Velde, Antwerps Kathedraalkoor Belgium, Antwerpen, Onze Lieve Vrouwekathedraal: Schyven & Cie., Pierre 1891 [IVP 90] (
Cantique de Jean Racine, op. 11
Gabriel Fauré Peter Van de Velde, Antwerps Kathedraalkoor Belgium, Antwerpen, Onze Lieve Vrouwekathedraal: Schyven & Cie., Pierre 1891 [IVP 90] (
4 Motets, op. 9 / 2 Ave Maria
Marcel Dupré Peter Van de Velde, Antwerps Kathedraalkoor Belgium, Antwerpen, Onze Lieve Vrouwekathedraal: Schyven & Cie., Pierre 1891 [IVP 90] (
Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, BWV 147 / 10 Jesus bleibet meine Freude
Johann Sebastian Bach Peter Van de Velde, Antwerps Kathedraalkoor Belgium, Antwerpen, Onze Lieve Vrouwekathedraal: Schyven & Cie., Pierre 1891 [IVP 90] (
Iustorum animae
Émile Xaver Wambach Peter Van de Velde, Antwerps Kathedraalkoor Belgium, Antwerpen, Onze Lieve Vrouwekathedraal: Schyven & Cie., Pierre 1891 [IVP 90] (
Look at the world
John Rutter Peter Van de Velde, Antwerps Kathedraalkoor Belgium, Antwerpen, Onze Lieve Vrouwekathedraal: Schyven & Cie., Pierre 1891 [IVP 90] (
In the bleak mid-winter
Colin Mawby Peter Van de Velde, Antwerps Kathedraalkoor Belgium, Antwerpen, Onze Lieve Vrouwekathedraal: Schyven & Cie., Pierre 1891 [IVP 90] (
Missa Libertati nos Liberavit / 1 Kyrie
Sebastiaan Van Steenberge Peter Van de Velde, Antwerps Kathedraalkoor Belgium, Antwerpen, Onze Lieve Vrouwekathedraal: Schyven & Cie., Pierre 1891 [IVP 90] (
Missa Libertati nos Liberavit / 2 Gloria
Sebastiaan Van Steenberge Peter Van de Velde, Antwerps Kathedraalkoor Belgium, Antwerpen, Onze Lieve Vrouwekathedraal: Schyven & Cie., Pierre 1891 [IVP 90] (
Missa Libertati nos Liberavit / 3 Sanctus
Sebastiaan Van Steenberge Peter Van de Velde, Antwerps Kathedraalkoor Belgium, Antwerpen, Onze Lieve Vrouwekathedraal: Schyven & Cie., Pierre 1891 [IVP 90] (
Missa Libertati nos Liberavit / 4 Agnus Dei
Sebastiaan Van Steenberge Peter Van de Velde, Antwerps Kathedraalkoor Belgium, Antwerpen, Onze Lieve Vrouwekathedraal: Schyven & Cie., Pierre 1891 [IVP 90] (
Mariales / 1 Incantation
Naji Hakim Peter Van de Velde Belgium, Antwerpen, Onze Lieve Vrouwekathedraal: Schyven & Cie., Pierre 1891 [IVP 90] (
Mariales / 2 Pastorale
Naji Hakim Peter Van de Velde Belgium, Antwerpen, Onze Lieve Vrouwekathedraal: Schyven & Cie., Pierre 1891 [IVP 90] (
Mariales / 3 Antienne
Naji Hakim Peter Van de Velde Belgium, Antwerpen, Onze Lieve Vrouwekathedraal: Schyven & Cie., Pierre 1891 [IVP 90] (
Mariales / 4 Hymne
Naji Hakim Peter Van de Velde Belgium, Antwerpen, Onze Lieve Vrouwekathedraal: Schyven & Cie., Pierre 1891 [IVP 90] (
Mariales / 5 Danse
Naji Hakim Peter Van de Velde Belgium, Antwerpen, Onze Lieve Vrouwekathedraal: Schyven & Cie., Pierre 1891 [IVP 90] (
Ave Maria
Sebastiaan Van Steenberge Peter Van de Velde, Antwerps Kathedraalkoor Belgium, Antwerpen, Onze Lieve Vrouwekathedraal: Schyven & Cie., Pierre 1891 [IVP 90] (
Even such is Time - Tantum ergo
Kurt Bikkembergs Peter Van de Velde, Antwerps Kathedraalkoor Belgium, Antwerpen, Onze Lieve Vrouwekathedraal: Schyven & Cie., Pierre 1891 [IVP 90] (
Salve Regina
Naji Hakim Peter Van de Velde, Antwerps Kathedraalkoor Belgium, Antwerpen, Onze Lieve Vrouwekathedraal: Schyven & Cie., Pierre 1891 [IVP 90] (
Ave verum corpus, KV 618
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Peter Van de Velde, Antwerps Kathedraalkoor Belgium, Antwerpen, Onze Lieve Vrouwekathedraal: Schyven & Cie., Pierre 1891 [IVP 90] (
O Sacrum Convivium
Domenico Bartolucci Antwerps Kathedraalkoor -
Blessed be the God and Father
Samuel Sebastian Wesley Peter Van de Velde, Antwerps Kathedraalkoor Belgium, Antwerpen, Onze Lieve Vrouwekathedraal: Schyven & Cie., Pierre 1891 [IVP 90] (
Domenico Severin
Publisher: Appassionato AG
Year published: 2019
Catalog ID: AP.015.2019.04
EAN: 3760226920144
Orgel info: Belgium, Mons, Église Collégiale Sainte-Waudru: Thomas Manufacture d'Orgues 2017 [IVP 76 (61)] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Toccata Tremens
Gianandrea Pauletta Domenico Severin
Messa d'organo / Preludio
Lorenzo Bonoldi Domenico Severin
Messa d'organo / Tierce en taille
Lorenzo Bonoldi Domenico Severin
Messa d'organo / Toccata
Lorenzo Bonoldi Domenico Severin
Tanz-Toccata "Lauda sion salvatorem", op. 95
Eugenio Maria Fagiani Domenico Severin
L'isola dei vivi
Carlotta Ferrari Domenico Severin
Messa per Organo / Comunione
Gianantonio Alberton Domenico Severin
Jubilant Präludium
Grimoaldo Macchia Domenico Severin
Pier Damiano Peretti Domenico Severin
Hommage to E.A. Poe: The Arrival of Red Death
Marco Lo Muscio Domenico Severin
Suite "La Veglia Pasquale" / La Luce
Federico Borsari Domenico Severin
Variazioni su "Vexilla Regis"
Pietro Ferrario Domenico Severin
Hommage à Philippe de Vitry
Domenico Severin Domenico Severin
Christopher Dearnley
Publisher: Priory Records LTD
Year published: 2007
Catalog ID: PRCD 6006
EAN: 5028612260068
Orgel info: Groot-Brittanië, London, Saint Paul's Cathedral (City): Willis & Sons, firma Henry 1872 [VIP 109 (104)] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
3 Preludes founded on Welsh hymn tunes / 2 Rhosymedre
Ralph Vaughan Williams Christopher Dearnley
Overture (Bonduca) - Rondeau (Abdelaza) - Prelude (The Fairy Queen)
Henry Purcell Christopher Dearnley
Trumpet Tune - Song Tune (Music's Handmaid) - Trumpet Tune - March (Music's Handmaid) - Trumpet Tune
Henry Purcell Christopher Dearnley
Minuet (Music's Handmaid) - Slow Air (The Married Beau)
Henry Purcell Christopher Dearnley
The Prince of Denmark's March
Jeremiah Clarke Christopher Dearnley
An Occasional Oratorio, HWV 62 / Overture
Georg Friedrich Händel Christopher Dearnley
7 Sketches on verses from the Psalms / 4 Exultemus
Percy Whitlock Christopher Dearnley
5 short pieces / 2 Folk Tune
Percy Whitlock Christopher Dearnley
3 Psalm Preludes, Set 2 / 3 Psalm 33 "Sing unto him a new song"
Herbert Howells Christopher Dearnley
Andante traquillo
Arthur Bliss Christopher Dearnley
Trumpet March
Geoffrey Bush Christopher Dearnley
Annette Richards
Publisher: Loft recordings
Year published: 2014
Catalog ID: LRCD 1129
EAN: 617145112927
Orgel info: United States, Ithaca NY, Cornell University - Anabel Taylor Chapel: Parsons Pipe Organ Builders 2010 [IIP 30] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Fantasia & Fuge, C min, BWV 537 / 1 Fantasia
Johann Sebastian Bach Annette Richards
Fantasia & Fuge, C min, BWV 537 / 2 Fuge
Johann Sebastian Bach Annette Richards
Amalie von Preussen Annette Richards
Ich ruf zu Dir, Herr Jesu Christ, BWV Anh 73
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach Annette Richards
Toccata, F Maj, BuxWV 156
Dieterich Buxtehude Annette Richards
Choralfantasie "Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland"
Nicolaus Bruhns Annette Richards
Sonata, G min, Wq 70-6 / 1 Allegro moderato
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach Annette Richards
Sonata, G min, Wq 70-6 / 2 Adagio
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach Annette Richards
Sonata, G min, Wq 70-6 / 3 Allegro
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach Annette Richards
18 Choräle von verschiedener Art / Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele, BWV 654
Johann Sebastian Bach Annette Richards
Fantasia, G Maj, BWV 572
Johann Sebastian Bach Annette Richards
Jens Rømer, Sven-Ingvart Mikkelsen
Publisher: Dubtrack Music
Year published: 2012
EAN: 5707471024478
Orgel info: Denemarken, Hillerød, Frederiksborg Slot, Slotskirke: Andersen, Poul-Gerhard 1972 [IIIP 38] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Orgabard 1
Sven-Ingvart Mikkelsen Jens Rømer, Sven-Ingvart Mikkelsen
Songs of Sanctuary / Adiemus
Karl Jenkins Jens Rømer, Sven-Ingvart Mikkelsen
Songs of Sanctuary / Cantus inaequalis
Karl Jenkins Jens Rømer, Sven-Ingvart Mikkelsen
Songs of Sanctuary / Amaté adea
Karl Jenkins Jens Rømer, Sven-Ingvart Mikkelsen
Branle gay - Welscher tantz
Anonymous, Pierre Attaignant 1531, Hans Neusiedler Jens Rømer, Sven-Ingvart Mikkelsen
La gastalda - El pomo
Anonymous Jens Rømer, Sven-Ingvart Mikkelsen
Hans Neusiedler Jens Rømer, Sven-Ingvart Mikkelsen
The Best of Adiemus / Cantilena
Karl Jenkins Sven-Ingvart Mikkelsen
Songs of Sanctuary / Kayama
Karl Jenkins Jens Rømer, Sven-Ingvart Mikkelsen
Songs of Sanctuary / Cantus iteratus
Karl Jenkins Jens Rømer, Sven-Ingvart Mikkelsen
Songs of Sanctuary / Hymn
Karl Jenkins Jens Rømer, Sven-Ingvart Mikkelsen
Mariamusik / Ave maris stella - Nova
Anders Öhrwall Jens Rømer, Sven-Ingvart Mikkelsen
Queen Dagmar
Hans Matthison-Hansen Jens Rømer, Sven-Ingvart Mikkelsen
Barbara Bruns, Thompson Brass Ensemble
Publisher: MSR Classics
Year published: 2014
Catalog ID: MS 1481
EAN: 681585148129
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s) Orgel info
Les Fêtes Vénitiennes / Marche (1)
André Campra Barbara Bruns, Thompson Brass Ensemble Verenigde Staten, Gloucester MA, Saint John's Episcopal Church: Fisk Inc., C.B. 1989 [IIP 20 (15)] (
Les Fêtes Vénitiennes / Premier Passepied
André Campra Barbara Bruns, Thompson Brass Ensemble United States, Gloucester MA, Saint John's Episcopal Church: Fisk Inc., C.B. 1989 [IIP 20 (15)] (
Les Fêtes Vénitiennes / Air des Musettes
André Campra Barbara Bruns, Thompson Brass Ensemble United States, Gloucester MA, Saint John's Episcopal Church: Fisk Inc., C.B. 1989 [IIP 20 (15)] (
Les Fêtes Vénitiennes / Air des Espagnolles
André Campra Barbara Bruns, Thompson Brass Ensemble United States, Gloucester MA, Saint John's Episcopal Church: Fisk Inc., C.B. 1989 [IIP 20 (15)] (
Les Fêtes Vénitiennes / Air pour les Arlequins
André Campra Barbara Bruns, Thompson Brass Ensemble United States, Gloucester MA, Saint John's Episcopal Church: Fisk Inc., C.B. 1989 [IIP 20 (15)] (
Les Fêtes Vénitiennes / Marche (2)
André Campra Barbara Bruns, Thompson Brass Ensemble United States, Gloucester MA, Saint John's Episcopal Church: Fisk Inc., C.B. 1989 [IIP 20 (15)] (
Sonata, op. 200 / 1 Senza misura
Alan Hovhaness Barbara Bruns, Thompson Brass Ensemble United States, Gloucester MA, Saint John's Episcopal Church: Fisk Inc., C.B. 1989 [IIP 20 (15)] (
Hänsel und Gretel / Abendsegen-Fantasie
Engelbert Humperdinck Barbara Bruns, Thompson Brass Ensemble United States, Gloucester MA, Saint John's Episcopal Church: Fisk Inc., C.B. 1989 [IIP 20 (15)] (
Canzon 7° toni
Giovanni Gabrieli Barbara Bruns, Thompson Brass Ensemble Verenigde Staten, Boston MA, Old West Church: Fisk Inc., C.B. 1971 [ 29] (
18 Choräle von verschiedener Art / Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele, BWV 654
Johann Sebastian Bach Barbara Bruns United States, Boston MA, Old West Church: Fisk Inc., C.B. 1971 [ 29] (
6 Studien in kanonischer Form, op. 56 / 6 Adagio, B Maj
Robert Schumann Barbara Bruns, Thompson Brass Ensemble United States, Boston MA, Old West Church: Fisk Inc., C.B. 1971 [ 29] (
Sacrae Symphoniae 1 / 31 Canzon 9° Toni a 8, Ch 174
Giovanni Gabrieli Barbara Bruns, Thompson Brass Ensemble United States, Boston MA, Old West Church: Fisk Inc., C.B. 1971 [ 29] (
Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern, BuxWV 223
Dieterich Buxtehude Barbara Bruns Verenigde Staten, Andover MA, Christ Church: Fisk Inc., C.B. 2011 [IIP 31 (28)] (
Mlada / Procession of the Nobles
Nicolaj Rimsky-Korsakov Barbara Bruns, Thompson Brass Ensemble United States, Andover MA, Christ Church: Fisk Inc., C.B. 2011 [IIP 31 (28)] (
Fantasia, G Maj, BWV 572
Johann Sebastian Bach Barbara Bruns United States, Andover MA, Christ Church: Fisk Inc., C.B. 2011 [IIP 31 (28)] (
Feierlicher Einzug der Ritter des Johanniterordens
Richard Strauss Barbara Bruns, Thompson Brass Ensemble United States, Andover MA, Christ Church: Fisk Inc., C.B. 2011 [IIP 31 (28)] (
Jos van der Kooy
Catalog ID: DVH 140103
EAN: 8713604140103
Orgel info: Henk Klop
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Anonymous "Tabulature Jan from Lublin", 1537-1548 Jos van der Kooy
Anonymous "Tabulature Jan from Lublin", 1537-1548 Jos van der Kooy
Alia Poznanie
Anonymous "Tabulature Jan from Lublin", 1537-1548 Jos van der Kooy
Ad novem saltus
Anonymous "Tabulature Jan from Lublin", 1537-1548 Jos van der Kooy
Anonymous "Tabulature Jan from Lublin", 1537-1548 Jos van der Kooy
Upon La Mi Re
Thomas Preston Jos van der Kooy
Psalm 24 / Vers 1
Anthoni van Noordt Jos van der Kooy
Psalm 24 / Vers 2
Anthoni van Noordt Jos van der Kooy
Psalm 24 / Vers 3
Anthoni van Noordt Jos van der Kooy
Fantasia, G min, P128
Johann Pachelbel Jos van der Kooy
Ciacona, E min, BuxWV 160
Dieterich Buxtehude Jos van der Kooy
18 Choräle von verschiedener Art / Vor deinen Thron tret' ich hiermit, BWV 668
Johann Sebastian Bach Jos van der Kooy
18 Choräle von verschiedener Art / Von Gott will ich nicht lassen, BWV 658
Johann Sebastian Bach Jos van der Kooy
Orgelbüchlein / O Mensch, bewein' dein' Sünde gross, BWV 622
Johann Sebastian Bach Jos van der Kooy
Voluntary 10, D Maj / 1 Andante
Walter Alcock Jos van der Kooy
Voluntary 10, D Maj / 2 Vivace
Walter Alcock Jos van der Kooy
10 Voluntaries, op. 6 / 02 A min / 1 Andante
John Stanley Jos van der Kooy
10 Voluntaries, op. 6 / 02 A min / 2 Allegro - Adagio - Allegro
John Stanley Jos van der Kooy
Sonate 2 / 2 Ruhig bewegt
Paul Hindemith Jos van der Kooy
Den 91 Sten Psalm / 1 Koraalzetting
Cor Kee Jos van der Kooy
Den 91 Sten Psalm / 2
Cor Kee Jos van der Kooy
Improvisatie over Psalm 81 / Variatie 1
Jos van der Kooy Jos van der Kooy
Improvisatie over Psalm 81 / Variatie 2
Jos van der Kooy Jos van der Kooy
Improvisatie over Psalm 81 / Variatie 3
Jos van der Kooy Jos van der Kooy
Carson Cooman
Publisher: Lorenz Publishing Company
Catalog ID: 99/3728L
EAN: 000308146660
Orgel info: GBR Salisbury, Cathedral: Henry Willis & Sons 1877, 1934/Harrison & Harrison 1978, 1993 [IV P 53] HAUPTWERK
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Cortège de Triomphe
Roger C. Wilson Carson Cooman
James Mansfield Carson Cooman
And the Morning Stars Sang Together
Douglas E. Wagner Carson Cooman
Blessing and Honor
Carl W. Siemon Carson Cooman
Fred B. Binckes Carson Cooman
Robert J. Powell Carson Cooman
Recitative and Chorale
Walker Baylor Carson Cooman
Processional, Bb Maj
Anthony Giamanco Carson Cooman
Roger C. Wilson Carson Cooman
Alleluia Toccata
Fenton Groden Carson Cooman
Recessional in a Gregorian Mode
Henry Kihlken Carson Cooman
Song of Triumph
George Blake Carson Cooman
Short Fantasy, A min
Walker Baylor Carson Cooman
Blessed Are They
Richard A. Williamson Carson Cooman
Trumpet Rondo
Fenton Groden Carson Cooman
Festival of Praise
Robert J. Hughes Carson Cooman
Kevin Norris Carson Cooman
Be Strong in the Lord
Robert J. Powell Carson Cooman
Postlude for a Festive Occasion
Robert Allen Roesch Carson Cooman
Matthew McConnell Carson Cooman
Celebration, D
Stephen L. Aber Carson Cooman
Chapel Windows
Gregg Sewell Carson Cooman
Tommaso Mazzoletti, Enea Luzzani
Publisher: Brilliant classics
Year published: 2023
Catalog ID: 96562
EAN: 5028421965628
Orgel info: CHE Gland, Temple Protestant Saint-Paul: Vegezzi-Bossi 2021 [III P 45]
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Sonata da Chiesa
Frank Martin Tommaso Mazzoletti, Enea Luzzani
Denis Bédard Tommaso Mazzoletti, Enea Luzzani
4 Stücke für Flöte und Orgel / 1
Augustinus Franz Kropfreiter Tommaso Mazzoletti, Enea Luzzani
4 Stücke für Flöte und Orgel / 2
Augustinus Franz Kropfreiter Tommaso Mazzoletti, Enea Luzzani
4 Stücke für Flöte und Orgel / 3
Augustinus Franz Kropfreiter Tommaso Mazzoletti, Enea Luzzani
4 Stücke für Flöte und Orgel / 4
Augustinus Franz Kropfreiter Tommaso Mazzoletti, Enea Luzzani
5 Pièces, op. 180 / 1
Jean Langlais Tommaso Mazzoletti, Enea Luzzani
5 Pièces, op. 180 / 2
Jean Langlais Tommaso Mazzoletti, Enea Luzzani
5 Pièces, op. 180 / 3
Jean Langlais Tommaso Mazzoletti, Enea Luzzani
5 Pièces, op. 180 / 4
Jean Langlais Tommaso Mazzoletti, Enea Luzzani
5 Pièces, op. 180 / 5
Jean Langlais Tommaso Mazzoletti, Enea Luzzani
Michael Conway Baker Tommaso Mazzoletti, Enea Luzzani
Aïn Karim fantasie
Daniel Roth Tommaso Mazzoletti, Enea Luzzani
The Cambridge Co-Operative Band, David Read, Arthur Wills
Publisher: Hyperion Records
Year published: 1999
Catalog ID: CDH55003
EAN: 034571150031
Orgel info: United Kingdom, Ely, Cathedral of the Holy Trinity: Harrison, Arthur 1908 [VP 78 (69)] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Pictures of an Exhibition / 01 Promenade
Modest Moessorgski Arthur Wills
Pictures of an Exhibition / 02 The Gnome
Modest Moessorgski Arthur Wills
Pictures of an Exhibition / 03 Promenade
Modest Moessorgski Arthur Wills
Pictures of an Exhibition / 04 The Old Castle
Modest Moessorgski Arthur Wills
Pictures of an Exhibition / 05 Promenade
Modest Moessorgski Arthur Wills
Pictures of an Exhibition / 06 Tuileries - Dispute between Children at play
Modest Moessorgski Arthur Wills
Pictures of an Exhibition / 07 Cattle
Modest Moessorgski Arthur Wills
Pictures of an Exhibition / 08 Promenade
Modest Moessorgski Arthur Wills
Pictures of an Exhibition / 09 Ballet of the unhatched Chicks
Modest Moessorgski Arthur Wills
Pictures of an Exhibition / 10 Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle
Modest Moessorgski Arthur Wills
Pictures of an Exhibition / 11 Promenade
Modest Moessorgski Arthur Wills
Pictures of an Exhibition / 12 The market at Limoges
Modest Moessorgski Arthur Wills
Pictures of an Exhibition / 13 The Catacombs - With the dead in a dead language
Modest Moessorgski Arthur Wills
Pictures of an Exhibition / 15 The Hut of Baba-Yaga
Modest Moessorgski Arthur Wills
Pictures of an Exhibition / 16 The great Gate of Kiev
Modest Moessorgski Arthur Wills
Variations on an Original Theme, op. 36 / 09 Nimrod
Edward Elgar The Cambridge Co-Operative Band, Arthur Wills
Pomp and Circumstance Marches, op. 39 / 4, G Maj
Edward Elgar The Cambridge Co-Operative Band, Arthur Wills
Henry V / Touch her soft lips and part
William Walton The Cambridge Co-Operative Band, David Read, Arthur Wills
Crown Imperial
William Walton The Cambridge Co-Operative Band, Arthur Wills
The Fenlands / 1 The Vikings
Arthur Wills The Cambridge Co-Operative Band, Arthur Wills
The Fenlands / 2 Wicken Fen
Arthur Wills The Cambridge Co-Operative Band, Arthur Wills
The Fenlands / 3 Oliver Cromwell
Arthur Wills The Cambridge Co-Operative Band, Arthur Wills
The Fenlands / 4 March: City of Ely
Arthur Wills The Cambridge Co-Operative Band, Arthur Wills
Jan Hage, Tatiana Koleva
Publisher: Orgelpark
Year published: 2010
EAN: 8717825032070
Orgel info: Netherlands, Amsterdam, Orgelpark, Frans-Romantisch orgel: Verschueren Orgelbouw 2009 [IIIP 41] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Black host
William Bolcom Jan Hage, Tatiana Koleva
Siebengestalt für Orgel und Tam-Tam
Wolfgang Rihm Jan Hage, Tatiana Koleva
Detto 1
Sofia Gubaidulina Jan Hage, Tatiana Koleva
Hans Koolmees Jan Hage, Tatiana Koleva
The Shining City
Jacob ter Veldhuis Jan Hage, Tatiana Koleva
Jan Hage, Tatiana Koleva Jan Hage, Tatiana Koleva
Michael Murray, Empire Brass
Publisher: Telarc Records
Year published: 1990
Catalog ID: CD 80218
EAN: 089408021824
Orgel info: United States, Boston MA, Church of the Advent: Aeolian-Skinner Organ Company 1935 [IVP 60 (57)] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
6 Pièces / 6 Grand choeur dialogué, G Maj
Eugène Gigout Michael Murray, Empire Brass
Poème héroïque, op. 33
Marcel Dupré Michael Murray, Empire Brass
Suite Française, FP 80 / 1 Bransle de Bourgogne
Francis Poulenc Michael Murray, Empire Brass
Suite Française, FP 80 / 2 Pavane
Francis Poulenc Michael Murray, Empire Brass
Suite Française, FP 80 / 3 Petite marche militaire
Francis Poulenc Michael Murray, Empire Brass
Suite Française, FP 80 / 4 Complainte
Francis Poulenc Michael Murray, Empire Brass
Suite Française, FP 80 / 5 Bransle de Champagne
Francis Poulenc Michael Murray, Empire Brass
Suite Française, FP 80 / 6 Sicilienne
Francis Poulenc Michael Murray, Empire Brass
Suite Française, FP 80 / 7 Carillon
Francis Poulenc Michael Murray, Empire Brass
Vespers / Deus in Adjutorium
Claudio Monteverdi Michael Murray, Empire Brass
12 heroische Märsche / 08 La Gaillardise, TWV 50:38
Georg Philipp Telemann Michael Murray, Empire Brass
12 heroische Märsche / 04 La Tranquillité, TWV 50:34
Georg Philipp Telemann Michael Murray, Empire Brass
12 heroische Märsche / 12 La Réjouissance, TWV 50:42
Georg Philipp Telemann Michael Murray, Empire Brass
Etchmiadzin / The Prayer of Saint Gregory
Alan Hovhaness Michael Murray, Empire Brass
Trumpet Tune
Jeremiah Clarke Michael Murray, Empire Brass
Voluntary on the Old 100th, Z 721
Henry Purcell Michael Murray, Empire Brass
Trumpet Tune + Bell Symphony
Henry Purcell Michael Murray, Empire Brass
Feierlicher Einzug der Ritter des Johanniterordens
Richard Strauss Michael Murray, Empire Brass
Choral-Improvisationen, op. 65 / 59 Nun danket alle Gott
Sigfrid Karg-Elert Michael Murray, Empire Brass
Idoménée / Rigaudon
André Campra Michael Murray, Empire Brass
Erik Simmons
Publisher: Divine Art Ltd
Year published: 2020
Catalog ID: dda 25200
EAN: 809730520020
Orgel info: DEU Görlitz, Evangelische Stadtkirche Sankt Peter und Paul: Eugenio Casparini 1703/Mathis Orgelbau 1997, 2006 [IV P 76] (Sonnenorgel) HAUPTWERK
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Trilogy on B-A-C-H / 1 March
Carson Cooman Erik Simmons
Trilogy on B-A-C-H / 2 Meditation
Carson Cooman Erik Simmons
Trilogy on B-A-C-H / 3 Fantasia
Carson Cooman Erik Simmons
Diptych Eternal City / 1 Mystic Prelude
Carson Cooman Erik Simmons
Diptych Eternal City / 2 Fire Dance
Carson Cooman Erik Simmons
3 Voluntaries / 1 (Slow)
Carson Cooman Erik Simmons
3 Voluntaries / 2 (Joyful)
Carson Cooman Erik Simmons
3 Voluntaries / 3 (Moderate)
Carson Cooman Erik Simmons
Introitus, D Maj
Carson Cooman Erik Simmons
Rhapsody, A Maj
Carson Cooman Erik Simmons
Sonatina 5 / 1 Fanfare
Carson Cooman Erik Simmons
Sonatina 5 / 2 Prayer
Carson Cooman Erik Simmons
Sonatina 5 / 3 Toccata
Carson Cooman Erik Simmons
2 Contrasts / 1 Sharagan
Carson Cooman Erik Simmons
2 Contrasts / 2 Madrigal
Carson Cooman Erik Simmons
Carson Cooman Erik Simmons
Radegund Variations
Carson Cooman Erik Simmons
Erik Simmons
Publisher: Divine Art Ltd
Year published: 2021
Catalog ID: dda 25218
EAN: 809730521829
Orgel info: DEU Billerbeck, Domkirche Sankt Ludgerus: Fleiter Orgelbau 1898/2014 [IV P 58] HAUPTWERK
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Fantasia canonica
Carson Cooman Erik Simmons
2 from the British Isles / 1 Prelude on "Kingsfold"
Carson Cooman Erik Simmons
2 from the British Isles / 2 Postlude on "Hyfrydol"
Carson Cooman Erik Simmons
3 Autumn Sketches after a Watercolor by Maria Willscher / 1 Herbststimmung
Carson Cooman Erik Simmons
3 Autumn Sketches after a Watercolor by Maria Willscher / 2 Herbstfarben
Carson Cooman Erik Simmons
3 Autumn Sketches after a Watercolor by Maria Willscher / 3 Sonnenuntergang
Carson Cooman Erik Simmons
A St. Patrick Silhouette
Carson Cooman Erik Simmons
St. Michael Antiphonies
Carson Cooman Erik Simmons
Desert Marigold
Carson Cooman Erik Simmons
Preludio del ricordo
Carson Cooman Erik Simmons
Suite circulaire / 1 Praeludium
Carson Cooman Erik Simmons
Suite circulaire / 2 Ricercare
Carson Cooman Erik Simmons
Suite circulaire / 3 Toccata
Carson Cooman Erik Simmons
Hans Fagius, Mats Jansson
Publisher: Grammofon AB BIS
Year published: 1993
Catalog ID: BIS CD 551
EAN: 7318590005514
Orgel info: NOR Oslo, Norges Musikkhøgskole, Lindemansalen: Marcussen 1990/Th. Frobenius & Sønner 2000 [III P 44]
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Ballade, A min, op. 30
Marcel Dupré Hans Fagius, Mats Jansson
Variations sur deux thèmes, C# min, op. 35
Marcel Dupré Hans Fagius, Mats Jansson
Sinfonia, op. 42
Marcel Dupré Hans Fagius, Mats Jansson
6 Pièces / Prélude, Fugue et Variation, B min, op. 18
César Franck Hans Fagius, Mats Jansson
Silhouetten, op. 29 / Quasi Minuetto, D Maj
Sigfrid Karg-Elert Hans Fagius, Mats Jansson
Silhouetten, op. 29 / Berceuse mignonne, F Maj
Sigfrid Karg-Elert Hans Fagius, Mats Jansson
Silhouetten, op. 29 / Danse ancienne, G Maj
Sigfrid Karg-Elert Hans Fagius, Mats Jansson
Poesien, op. 35 / Ideale, B Maj
Sigfrid Karg-Elert Hans Fagius, Mats Jansson
Poesien, op. 35 / Parabel, B min
Sigfrid Karg-Elert Hans Fagius, Mats Jansson
Concerto, op. 74 / Introduzione ed Allegro
Flor Peeters Hans Fagius, Mats Jansson
Concerto, op. 74 / Arioso
Flor Peeters Hans Fagius, Mats Jansson
Concerto, op. 74 / Cadenza e Finale
Flor Peeters Hans Fagius, Mats Jansson
Jan Lehtola, Annikka Konttori-Gustafsson
Publisher: Alba Records Oy
Year published: 2008
Catalog ID: ABCD 255
EAN: 6417513102550
Orgel info: Finland, Kerava, Kerava Kirkko: Paschen Kiel Orgelbau 1993 [IIP 36] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Choral's Dream
Thierry Escaich Jan Lehtola, Annikka Konttori-Gustafsson
Quincunx duplex / 1 à propos b-a-c-h
Jouko Linjama, Paavo Heininen Jan Lehtola, Annikka Konttori-Gustafsson
Quincunx duplex / 2 Toccata 1
Jouko Linjama, Paavo Heininen Jan Lehtola, Annikka Konttori-Gustafsson
Quincunx duplex / 3 Canon
Jouko Linjama, Paavo Heininen Jan Lehtola, Annikka Konttori-Gustafsson
Quincunx duplex / 4 Toccata 2
Jouko Linjama, Paavo Heininen Jan Lehtola, Annikka Konttori-Gustafsson
Quincunx duplex / 5 à propos e-s
Jouko Linjama, Paavo Heininen Jan Lehtola, Annikka Konttori-Gustafsson
Quincunx duplex / 6 Cantus B
Jouko Linjama, Paavo Heininen Jan Lehtola, Annikka Konttori-Gustafsson
Quincunx duplex / 7 Ambihelix
Jouko Linjama, Paavo Heininen Jan Lehtola, Annikka Konttori-Gustafsson
Quincunx duplex / 8 Cristallino
Jouko Linjama, Paavo Heininen Jan Lehtola, Annikka Konttori-Gustafsson
Quincunx duplex / 9 Cantus refrax
Jouko Linjama, Paavo Heininen Jan Lehtola, Annikka Konttori-Gustafsson
Quincunx duplex / 10 Helix B
Jouko Linjama, Paavo Heininen Jan Lehtola, Annikka Konttori-Gustafsson
Täällä / 1 Elo ja pauhe
Paavo Heininen Jan Lehtola, Annikka Konttori-Gustafsson
Täällä / 2 Maa ja laule
Paavo Heininen Jan Lehtola, Annikka Konttori-Gustafsson
Variations sur deux thèmes, C# min, op. 35
Marcel Dupré Jan Lehtola, Annikka Konttori-Gustafsson
Alison Balsom, Quentin Thomas
Publisher: Warner Classics
Year published: 2002
Catalog ID: 7243 5 75683 2 6
EAN: 724357568326
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s) Orgel info
Mein junges Leben hat ein End, SwWV 324
Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck Alison Balsom, Quentin Thomas GBR Paisley, Abbey: Cavaillé-Coll 1872/Norman & Beard 1902/J.W.Walker 1968/Harrison & Harrison 2009 [IV P 64]
Partita 2, D min, BWV 1004 / 1 Allemande
Johann Sebastian Bach Alison Balsom -
King Arthur / Trumpet Tune
Henry Purcell Alison Balsom, Quentin Thomas GBR Paisley, Abbey: Cavaillé-Coll 1872/Norman & Beard 1902/J.W.Walker 1968/Harrison & Harrison 2009 [IV P 64]
King Arthur / Symphony
Henry Purcell Alison Balsom, Quentin Thomas GBR Paisley, Abbey: Cavaillé-Coll 1872/Norman & Beard 1902/J.W.Walker 1968/Harrison & Harrison 2009 [IV P 64]
King Arthur / Song Tune 1 "Round Thy Shores"
Henry Purcell Alison Balsom, Quentin Thomas GBR Paisley, Abbey: Cavaillé-Coll 1872/Norman & Beard 1902/J.W.Walker 1968/Harrison & Harrison 2009 [IV P 64]
King Arthur / Warlike Consort
Henry Purcell Alison Balsom, Quentin Thomas GBR Paisley, Abbey: Cavaillé-Coll 1872/Norman & Beard 1902/J.W.Walker 1968/Harrison & Harrison 2009 [IV P 64]
Anonymous Alison Balsom, Quentin Thomas GBR Paisley, Abbey: Cavaillé-Coll 1872/Norman & Beard 1902/J.W.Walker 1968/Harrison & Harrison 2009 [IV P 64]
Elegy, Bb Maj
George Thalben-Ball Alison Balsom, Quentin Thomas GBR Paisley, Abbey: Cavaillé-Coll 1872/Norman & Beard 1902/J.W.Walker 1968/Harrison & Harrison 2009 [IV P 64]
Semaine sainte à Cuzco
Henri Tomasi Alison Balsom, Quentin Thomas GBR Paisley, Abbey: Cavaillé-Coll 1872/Norman & Beard 1902/J.W.Walker 1968/Harrison & Harrison 2009 [IV P 64]
Vocalise-Etude pour voix élevées
Olivier Messiaen Alison Balsom, Quentin Thomas GBR Paisley, Abbey: Cavaillé-Coll 1872/Norman & Beard 1902/J.W.Walker 1968/Harrison & Harrison 2009 [IV P 64]
Okna / 1 Blaues Fenster con moto
Petr Eben Alison Balsom, Quentin Thomas GBR Paisley, Abbey: Cavaillé-Coll 1872/Norman & Beard 1902/J.W.Walker 1968/Harrison & Harrison 2009 [IV P 64]
Okna / 2 Grünes Fenster andantino
Petr Eben Alison Balsom, Quentin Thomas GBR Paisley, Abbey: Cavaillé-Coll 1872/Norman & Beard 1902/J.W.Walker 1968/Harrison & Harrison 2009 [IV P 64]
Okna / 3 Rotes Fenster risoluto
Petr Eben Alison Balsom, Quentin Thomas GBR Paisley, Abbey: Cavaillé-Coll 1872/Norman & Beard 1902/J.W.Walker 1968/Harrison & Harrison 2009 [IV P 64]
Okna / 4 Goldenes Fenster festivo
Petr Eben Alison Balsom, Quentin Thomas GBR Paisley, Abbey: Cavaillé-Coll 1872/Norman & Beard 1902/J.W.Walker 1968/Harrison & Harrison 2009 [IV P 64]
Miklós Spányi, János Sebestyén
Publisher: Hungaroton Records Ltd.
Year published: 2003
Catalog ID: HCD 32167
EAN: 5991813216724
Orgel info: HUN Tordas, Evangélikus Templom: Károly Szalay 1855 [I P 8] & Chest organ: Aquincum Organ Factory 1988 [I 5]
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Sonata, G Maj
Daniel Steibelt Miklós Spányi, János Sebestyén
Pastorale a due organi
Ferdinando Bonazzi Miklós Spányi, János Sebestyén
Suonata per due organi, C Maj
Ferdinando Bonazzi Miklós Spányi, János Sebestyén
Sonata concertata, G Maj / 1 Introductio
Severo Giussani Miklós Spányi, János Sebestyén
Sonata concertata, G Maj / 2 Allegro
Severo Giussani Miklós Spányi, János Sebestyén
Sonata concertata, G Maj / 3 Andante
Severo Giussani Miklós Spányi, János Sebestyén
Sonata concertata, G Maj / 4 Allegro
Severo Giussani Miklós Spányi, János Sebestyén
Sonata a due organi, Eb Maj
Anonymous XIX Miklós Spányi, János Sebestyén
Sonata, F Maj
Johann Baptist Cramer Miklós Spányi, János Sebestyén
Duettino, D Maj / 1 Allegro spirituoso
Tommaso Giordani Miklós Spányi, János Sebestyén
Duettino, D Maj / 2 Andante grazioso
Tommaso Giordani Miklós Spányi, János Sebestyén
Sonata, A Maj
Muzio Clementi Miklós Spányi, János Sebestyén
Sonata per due organi, C Maj, op. 14-1 / 1 Allegro
Muzio Clementi Miklós Spányi, János Sebestyén
Sonata per due organi, C Maj, op. 14-1 / 2 Adagio
Muzio Clementi Miklós Spányi, János Sebestyén
Sonata per due organi, C Maj, op. 14-1 / 3 Allegro
Muzio Clementi Miklós Spányi, János Sebestyén
The Cathedral Choristers of St. John the Divine, Adam Lau, Tim Murray, Bryn Holdsworth, Sara Murphy, David Briggs, John Tiranno, The Manhattan School of Music Women's Chorus, Rachel Rosales, Jana McIntyre, The Oratorio Society of New York, Kent Tritle, Noragh Devlin, The Manhattan School of Music Symphonic Chorus
Publisher: Pro Organo
Year published: 2016
Catalog ID: CD 7276
Orgel info: United States, New York City, Cathedral of Saint John the Divine: Skinner, Ernest M. 1910 [VIP 115 (103)] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Symphonie 8 / 1 Veni, creator spiritus
Gustav Mahler The Cathedral Choristers of St. John the Divine, Adam Lau, Tim Murray, Bryn Holdsworth, Sara Murphy, David Briggs, John Tiranno, The Manhattan School of Music Women's Chorus, Rachel Rosales, Jana McIntyre, The Oratorio Society of New York, Kent Tritle, Noragh Devlin, The Manhattan School of Music Symphonic Chorus
The Cathedral Choristers of St. John the Divine, Adam Lau, Tim Murray, Bryn Holdsworth, Sara Murphy, David Briggs, John Tiranno, The Manhattan School of Music Women's Chorus, Rachel Rosales, Jana McIntyre, The Oratorio Society of New York, Kent Tritle, Noragh Devlin, The Manhattan School of Music Symphonic Chorus
Publisher: Pro Organo
Year published: 2016
Catalog ID: CD 7276
EAN: 636077727627
Orgel info: United States, New York City, Cathedral of Saint John the Divine: Skinner, Ernest M. 1910 [VIP 115 (103)] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Symphonie 8 / 2 Schlusszene von Goethes "Faust"
Gustav Mahler The Cathedral Choristers of St. John the Divine, Adam Lau, Tim Murray, Bryn Holdsworth, Sara Murphy, David Briggs, John Tiranno, The Manhattan School of Music Women's Chorus, Rachel Rosales, Jana McIntyre, The Oratorio Society of New York, Kent Tritle, Noragh Devlin, The Manhattan School of Music Symphonic Chorus

Aangevraagde albums

Album name Album artist(s) Broadcast date