De muziekbibliotheek van Organroxx

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Organroxx ontwikkelde een krachtige zoekfunctie waar u verschillende woorden los van elkaar kunt invullen: titel album, uitvoerder, componist, werk, orgelbouwer, locatie orgel, enz. Zoek bv. "van peteghem koopman bach" of "cavaillé liszt lyon" of "gershwin wurlitzer" of "verschueren orgelbouw sweelinck" of ... Kortom, experimenteer!

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Zoek in 9567 albums en in 149169 tracks:


Album name Album artist(s) Aanvragen
Graham Barber
Publisher: Priory Records LTD
Catalog ID: PRCD 391
Orgel info: Germany, Villingen, Münsterkirche Unserer Lieben Frau: Sandtner Orgelbau 1983 [IIIP 60] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Partita, E Maj, op. 100 / 1 Entrata
Sigfrid Karg-Elert Graham Barber
Partita, E Maj, op. 100 / 2 Canzona
Sigfrid Karg-Elert Graham Barber
Partita, E Maj, op. 100 / 3 Corrente and Siciliano
Sigfrid Karg-Elert Graham Barber
Partita, E Maj, op. 100 / 4 Rigaudon (alla burla)
Sigfrid Karg-Elert Graham Barber
Partita, E Maj, op. 100 / 5 Sarabande
Sigfrid Karg-Elert Graham Barber
Partita, E Maj, op. 100 / 6 Gavotte and Carillon
Sigfrid Karg-Elert Graham Barber
Partita, E Maj, op. 100 / 7 Finale quasi Ritorno
Sigfrid Karg-Elert Graham Barber
Organ Sonata 4, op. 68
Francis Jackson Graham Barber
Pastorale, op. 229
Darius Milhaud Graham Barber
Te Deum, op. 11
Jeanne Demessieux Graham Barber
Graham Barber
Publisher: Priory Records LTD
Year published: 1993
Catalog ID: PRCD 315
Orgel info: Germany, Altenberg, Altenberger Dom: Klais Orgelbau 1980 [VIP 89] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Fantasie für Orgel über den Choral "Wie schön leucht't uns der Morgenstern", op. 40-1
Max Reger Graham Barber
3 Stücke, op. 142 / 1 Stimmen der Nacht
Sigfrid Karg-Elert Graham Barber
Sonata 5, C Maj, BWV 529 / 1 Allegro
Johann Sebastian Bach Graham Barber
Sonata 5, C Maj, BWV 529 / 2 Largo
Johann Sebastian Bach Graham Barber
Sonata 5, C Maj, BWV 529 / 3 Allegro
Johann Sebastian Bach Graham Barber
Funerale and 3 Chorale Improvisations, op. 75 / 1 Funerale
Sigfrid Karg-Elert Graham Barber
Funerale and 3 Chorale Improvisations, op. 75 / 2 Chorale Improvisation on "In dulci jubilo"
Sigfrid Karg-Elert Graham Barber
Funerale and 3 Chorale Improvisations, op. 75 / 3 Chorale Improvisation on "Der Hölle Pforten sind zerstört"
Sigfrid Karg-Elert Graham Barber
Funerale and 3 Chorale Improvisations, op. 75 / 4 Chorale Improvisation on "Gelobt sei Gott im höchsten Thron"
Sigfrid Karg-Elert Graham Barber
Matthias Eisenberg
Publisher: Priory Records LTD
Year published: 1994
Catalog ID: PRCD 411
Orgel info: Duitsland, Rötha, Sankt Georgenkirche: Gottfried Silbermann 1721 [IIP 23] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Praeludium, E min (gross)
Nicolaus Bruhns Matthias Eisenberg
Nun bitten wir den Heiligen Geist, BuxWV 208
Dieterich Buxtehude Matthias Eisenberg
Passacaglia, D min, BuxWV 161
Dieterich Buxtehude Matthias Eisenberg
Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott, BuxWV 199
Dieterich Buxtehude Matthias Eisenberg
Praeludium, A min, BuxWV 153
Dieterich Buxtehude Matthias Eisenberg
Fuge, G min
Johann Adam Reincken Matthias Eisenberg
Jesus Christus Unser Heyland
Franz Tunder Matthias Eisenberg
Orgelbüchlein / O Mensch, bewein' dein' Sünde gross, BWV 622
Johann Sebastian Bach Matthias Eisenberg
Fantasia & Fuge, G min, BWV 542
Johann Sebastian Bach Matthias Eisenberg
John Scott
Publisher: Priory Records LTD
Catalog ID: PRCD 401
Orgel info: United Kingdom, London, Saint Paul's Cathedral (City): Willis & Sons, firma Henry 1872 [VIP 109 (104)] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Organ Sonata 1, G Maj, op. 28 / 1 Allegro maestoso
Edward Elgar John Scott
Organ Sonata 1, G Maj, op. 28 / 2 Allegretto
Edward Elgar John Scott
Organ Sonata 1, G Maj, op. 28 / 3 Andante espressivo
Edward Elgar John Scott
Organ Sonata 1, G Maj, op. 28 / 4 Presto
Edward Elgar John Scott
Sonate 1, Eb / 1 Andante serioso, ma con moto
Edward Bairstow John Scott
Sonate 1, Eb / 2 Allegro giocoso
Edward Bairstow John Scott
Sonate 1, Eb / 3 Maestoso
Edward Bairstow John Scott
Organ Sonata, A min / 1 Moderato con moto
William Henry Harris John Scott
Organ Sonata, A min / 2 Adagio espressivo
William Henry Harris John Scott
Organ Sonata, A min / 3 Maestoso
William Henry Harris John Scott
Peter Wright
Publisher: Priory Records LTD
Year published: 1994
Catalog ID: PRCD 406
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s) Orgel info
3 Pièces, op. 7 / 1 Marche
Augustin Barié Peter Wright Groot-Brittanië, London, Southwark Cathedral (Cathedral of St. Saviour & St. Mary Ov'e): Lewis & Co., T.C. 1897 [IVP 65] (
3 Pièces, op. 7 / 2 Lamento
Augustin Barié Peter Wright United Kingdom, London, Southwark Cathedral (Cathedral of St. Saviour & St. Mary Ov'e): Lewis & Co., T.C. 1897 [IVP 65] (
3 Pièces, op. 7 / 3 Toccata
Augustin Barié Peter Wright United Kingdom, London, Southwark Cathedral (Cathedral of St. Saviour & St. Mary Ov'e): Lewis & Co., T.C. 1897 [IVP 65] (
Symphonie, Bb min, op. 5 / 1 Prélude
Augustin Barié Peter Wright United Kingdom, London, Southwark Cathedral (Cathedral of St. Saviour & St. Mary Ov'e): Lewis & Co., T.C. 1897 [IVP 65] (
Symphonie, Bb min, op. 5 / 2 Fugue
Augustin Barié Peter Wright United Kingdom, London, Southwark Cathedral (Cathedral of St. Saviour & St. Mary Ov'e): Lewis & Co., T.C. 1897 [IVP 65] (
Symphonie, Bb min, op. 5 / 3 Adagio
Augustin Barié Peter Wright United Kingdom, London, Southwark Cathedral (Cathedral of St. Saviour & St. Mary Ov'e): Lewis & Co., T.C. 1897 [IVP 65] (
Symphonie, Bb min, op. 5 / 4 Intermezzo
Augustin Barié Peter Wright United Kingdom, London, Southwark Cathedral (Cathedral of St. Saviour & St. Mary Ov'e): Lewis & Co., T.C. 1897 [IVP 65] (
Symphonie, Bb min, op. 5 / 5 Finale
Augustin Barié Peter Wright United Kingdom, London, Southwark Cathedral (Cathedral of St. Saviour & St. Mary Ov'e): Lewis & Co., T.C. 1897 [IVP 65] (
Le Tombeau de Titelouze, op. 38 / 01 Creator alme siderum
Marcel Dupré Peter Wright United Kingdom, London, Southwark Cathedral (Cathedral of St. Saviour & St. Mary Ov'e): Lewis & Co., T.C. 1897 [IVP 65] (
Le Tombeau de Titelouze, op. 38 / 02 Jesu Redemptor omnium
Marcel Dupré Peter Wright United Kingdom, London, Southwark Cathedral (Cathedral of St. Saviour & St. Mary Ov'e): Lewis & Co., T.C. 1897 [IVP 65] (
Le Tombeau de Titelouze, op. 38 / 03 A solis ortus cardine
Marcel Dupré Peter Wright United Kingdom, London, Southwark Cathedral (Cathedral of St. Saviour & St. Mary Ov'e): Lewis & Co., T.C. 1897 [IVP 65] (
Le Tombeau de Titelouze, op. 38 / 04 Audi benigne Conditor
Marcel Dupré Peter Wright United Kingdom, London, Southwark Cathedral (Cathedral of St. Saviour & St. Mary Ov'e): Lewis & Co., T.C. 1897 [IVP 65] (
Le Tombeau de Titelouze, op. 38 / 05 Te lucis ante terminum
Marcel Dupré Peter Wright United Kingdom, London, Southwark Cathedral (Cathedral of St. Saviour & St. Mary Ov'e): Lewis & Co., T.C. 1897 [IVP 65] (
Le Tombeau de Titelouze, op. 38 / 06 Coelestis urbs Jerusalem
Marcel Dupré Peter Wright United Kingdom, London, Southwark Cathedral (Cathedral of St. Saviour & St. Mary Ov'e): Lewis & Co., T.C. 1897 [IVP 65] (
Le Tombeau de Titelouze, op. 38 / 07 Ad regias Agni dapes
Marcel Dupré Peter Wright United Kingdom, London, Southwark Cathedral (Cathedral of St. Saviour & St. Mary Ov'e): Lewis & Co., T.C. 1897 [IVP 65] (
Le Tombeau de Titelouze, op. 38 / 08 Veni Creator Spiritus
Marcel Dupré Peter Wright United Kingdom, London, Southwark Cathedral (Cathedral of St. Saviour & St. Mary Ov'e): Lewis & Co., T.C. 1897 [IVP 65] (
Le Tombeau de Titelouze, op. 38 / 09 Vexilla Regis
Marcel Dupré Peter Wright United Kingdom, London, Southwark Cathedral (Cathedral of St. Saviour & St. Mary Ov'e): Lewis & Co., T.C. 1897 [IVP 65] (
Le Tombeau de Titelouze, op. 38 / 10 Pange lingua
Marcel Dupré Peter Wright United Kingdom, London, Southwark Cathedral (Cathedral of St. Saviour & St. Mary Ov'e): Lewis & Co., T.C. 1897 [IVP 65] (
Le Tombeau de Titelouze, op. 38 / 11 Ave Maris Stella
Marcel Dupré Peter Wright United Kingdom, London, Southwark Cathedral (Cathedral of St. Saviour & St. Mary Ov'e): Lewis & Co., T.C. 1897 [IVP 65] (
Le Tombeau de Titelouze, op. 38 / 12 Iste Confessor
Marcel Dupré Peter Wright United Kingdom, London, Southwark Cathedral (Cathedral of St. Saviour & St. Mary Ov'e): Lewis & Co., T.C. 1897 [IVP 65] (
Le Tombeau de Titelouze, op. 38 / 13 Lucis Creator optime
Marcel Dupré Peter Wright United Kingdom, London, Southwark Cathedral (Cathedral of St. Saviour & St. Mary Ov'e): Lewis & Co., T.C. 1897 [IVP 65] (
Le Tombeau de Titelouze, op. 38 / 14 Ut queant laxis
Marcel Dupré Peter Wright United Kingdom, London, Southwark Cathedral (Cathedral of St. Saviour & St. Mary Ov'e): Lewis & Co., T.C. 1897 [IVP 65] (
Le Tombeau de Titelouze, op. 38 / 15 Te splendor et virtus
Marcel Dupré Peter Wright United Kingdom, London, Southwark Cathedral (Cathedral of St. Saviour & St. Mary Ov'e): Lewis & Co., T.C. 1897 [IVP 65] (
Le Tombeau de Titelouze, op. 38 / 16 Placare Christe servulis
Marcel Dupré Peter Wright United Kingdom, London, Southwark Cathedral (Cathedral of St. Saviour & St. Mary Ov'e): Lewis & Co., T.C. 1897 [IVP 65] (
Luigi Benedetti
Publisher: Priory Records LTD
Year published: 1994
Catalog ID: PRCD 427
EAN: 5028612204277
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s) Orgel info
Messa Solenne, C Maj / 6 Versetti per il Gloria / 1 Allegro brillante
Vincenzo Antonio Petrali Luigi Benedetti Italië, Milano, Duomo Mariae Nascenti: Mascioni, Famiglia Organaria 1938 [VP 186] (
Messa Solenne, C Maj / 6 Versetti per il Gloria / 2 Andante mosso
Vincenzo Antonio Petrali Luigi Benedetti Italy, Milano, Duomo Mariae Nascenti: Mascioni, Famiglia Organaria 1938 [VP 186] (
Messa Solenne, C Maj / 6 Versetti per il Gloria / 3 Allegretto grazioso
Vincenzo Antonio Petrali Luigi Benedetti Italy, Milano, Duomo Mariae Nascenti: Mascioni, Famiglia Organaria 1938 [VP 186] (
Messa Solenne, C Maj / 6 Versetti per il Gloria / 4 Allegro assai maestoso
Vincenzo Antonio Petrali Luigi Benedetti Italy, Milano, Duomo Mariae Nascenti: Mascioni, Famiglia Organaria 1938 [VP 186] (
Messa Solenne, C Maj / 6 Versetti per il Gloria / 5 Larghetto
Vincenzo Antonio Petrali Luigi Benedetti Italy, Milano, Duomo Mariae Nascenti: Mascioni, Famiglia Organaria 1938 [VP 186] (
Messa Solenne, C Maj / 6 Versetti per il Gloria / 6 Allegretto assai moderato
Vincenzo Antonio Petrali Luigi Benedetti Italy, Milano, Duomo Mariae Nascenti: Mascioni, Famiglia Organaria 1938 [VP 186] (
5 pezzi per organo in stile libero, op. 132 / 4 Hora mystica
Marco Enrico Bossi Luigi Benedetti Italy, Milano, Duomo Mariae Nascenti: Mascioni, Famiglia Organaria 1938 [VP 186] (
5 pezzi per organo in stile libero, op. 132 / 5 Hora gaudiosa
Marco Enrico Bossi Luigi Benedetti Italy, Milano, Duomo Mariae Nascenti: Mascioni, Famiglia Organaria 1938 [VP 186] (
Trittico / Venerdi santo
Arnaldo Galliera Luigi Benedetti Italy, Milano, Duomo Mariae Nascenti: Mascioni, Famiglia Organaria 1938 [VP 186] (
Toccata Fantasia
Bruno Bettinelli Luigi Benedetti Italy, Milano, Duomo Mariae Nascenti: Mascioni, Famiglia Organaria 1938 [VP 186] (
Messa per Organo / 1 Ingresso
Alearco Ambrosi Luigi Benedetti Italy, Milano, Duomo Mariae Nascenti: Mascioni, Famiglia Organaria 1938 [VP 186] (
Messa per Organo / 2 Offertorio
Alearco Ambrosi Luigi Benedetti Italy, Milano, Duomo Mariae Nascenti: Mascioni, Famiglia Organaria 1938 [VP 186] (
Messa per Organo / 3 Comunione
Alearco Ambrosi Luigi Benedetti Italy, Milano, Duomo Mariae Nascenti: Mascioni, Famiglia Organaria 1938 [VP 186] (
Messa per Organo / 4 Finale
Alearco Ambrosi Luigi Benedetti Italy, Milano, Duomo Mariae Nascenti: Mascioni, Famiglia Organaria 1938 [VP 186] (
Nicholas Jackson
Publisher: Priory Records LTD
Year published: 1996
Catalog ID: PRCD 423
EAN: 5028612204239
Orgel info: ESP Segovia, Catedral de Santa Mariá: José Liborna Echevarría 1773 [III P]
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Batalla Imperial 5° tono
Juan Cabanilles Nicholas Jackson
Tiento para harpa u órgano
Alonso Mudarra Nicholas Jackson
Veni Creator
Juan Bermudo Nicholas Jackson
Himno a 3 (Coimbra)
Antonio de Cabezón Nicholas Jackson
Comunio Beata viscera Mariae
Antonio de Cabezón Nicholas Jackson
Libro llamado arte de tañer fantasia / Del modo de tañer a corcheas
Tomás de Santa María Nicholas Jackson
La romancesca
Antonio Valente Nicholas Jackson
Tiento de Medio registro alto de 1° tono
Francisco de Peraza Nicholas Jackson
Facultad Organica / 15 Tiento de 4° tono
Francisco Correa de Arauxo Nicholas Jackson
Facultad Organica / 24 Tiento pequeño y facil de 7° tono
Francisco Correa de Arauxo Nicholas Jackson
Facultad Organica / 35 Sexto tiento de medio registro de baxon de 1° tono
Francisco Correa de Arauxo Nicholas Jackson
Tiento de falsas 1° tono, WSC 161
Juan Cabanilles Nicholas Jackson
Obra de falsas cromaticas
Anonymous XVII Nicholas Jackson
Versos para Te Deum
Antonio Soler Nicholas Jackson
Falsas de 6° tono (2)
Sebastián Aguilera de Heredia Nicholas Jackson
Pange lingau a 3 sobre bajo por cesolfaut
Sebastián Aguilera de Heredia Nicholas Jackson
Pange lingua a 3 sobre tiple "La Reina de los Pange Lingua"
Sebastián Aguilera de Heredia Nicholas Jackson
Salve de 1° tono por delasolre
Sebastián Aguilera de Heredia Nicholas Jackson
Sonata 1° tono con trompeta real
José Lidón Nicholas Jackson
Sonata, Bb Maj
Josep Freixenet Nicholas Jackson
Batalla Famossa
Anonymous "Varias flores de Antonio Martín y Coll", 1708 Nicholas Jackson
John Scott
Publisher: Priory Records LTD
Year published: 1996
Catalog ID: PRCD 485
EAN: 5028612204857
Orgel info: United Kingdom, Edinburgh, Saint Giles Cathedral: Rieger Orgelbau 1992 [IIIP 57] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Laudes / 1 Largo - Con moto
Petr Eben John Scott
Laudes / 2 Lento - Allegro solenne
Petr Eben John Scott
Laudes / 3 Fantastico
Petr Eben John Scott
Laudes / 4 Gravamente - Allegro - Vivace fermo
Petr Eben John Scott
György Ligeti John Scott
Passacaglia quasi toccata na tema Bach
Miloš Sokola John Scott
Frank Martin John Scott
Ettrick Banks
Judith Weir John Scott
Jiří Ropek John Scott
Pari intervallo
Arvo Pärt John Scott
Fantasia super "Salve Regina"
Anton Heiller John Scott
John Scott Whiteley
Publisher: Priory Records LTD
Year published: 1995
Catalog ID: PRCD 487
EAN: 5028612204871
Orgel info: Groot-Brittanië, York, Minster - Cathedral Church of Saint Peter: Walker & Sons, J.W. 1903 [IVP 84] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Symphonie de la Passion, op. 20 / 1 Prologue
Paul de Maleingreau John Scott Whiteley
Symphonie de la Passion, op. 20 / 2 Le Tumulte au Préloire
Paul de Maleingreau John Scott Whiteley
Symphonie de la Passion, op. 20 / 3 Marche au Supplice
Paul de Maleingreau John Scott Whiteley
Symphonie de la Passion, op. 20 / 4 O Golgotha!
Paul de Maleingreau John Scott Whiteley
Symphonie 2, D Maj, op. 13-2 / Scherzo "La Chasse" (v. 1872)
Charles-Marie Widor John Scott Whiteley
4 Pieces, op. 71 / 1 Hymn
Flor Peeters John Scott Whiteley
4 Pieces, op. 71 / 2 Largo
Flor Peeters John Scott Whiteley
4 Pieces, op. 71 / 3 In Memoriam
Flor Peeters John Scott Whiteley
4 Pieces, op. 71 / 4 Final
Flor Peeters John Scott Whiteley
Paul Pierné John Scott Whiteley
Toccata, op. 9
Jean Guillou John Scott Whiteley
Kristian Olesen
Publisher: Priory Records LTD
Year published: 1996
Catalog ID: PRCD 444
EAN: 5028612204444
Orgel info: Denmark, Roskilde, Domkirke Sct. Lucius: Lorentz, Johann 1654 [IIIP 33] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Praeludium, D min
Johan Lorentz II Kristian Olesen
La Viona - La Double
Johan Lorentz II Kristian Olesen
Johan Lorentz II Kristian Olesen
Johan Lorentz II Kristian Olesen
La Bouré
Johan Lorentz II Kristian Olesen
Magnificat 1° Toni
Jacob Praetorius Kristian Olesen
Psalm 140, SwWV 314
Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck Kristian Olesen
Canzon, F Maj, WV 44
Heinrich Scheidemann Kristian Olesen
Herzlich lieb hab ich dich, o Herr
Melchior Schildt Kristian Olesen
Toccata, F Maj, BuxWV 156
Dieterich Buxtehude Kristian Olesen
Herr Jesu Christ, ich weiss gar wohl, BuxWV 193
Dieterich Buxtehude Kristian Olesen
Von Gott will ich nicht lassen, BuxWV 220
Dieterich Buxtehude Kristian Olesen
Te Deum laudamus, BuxWV 218 / 1 [Praeludium]
Dieterich Buxtehude Kristian Olesen
Te Deum laudamus, BuxWV 218 / 2 Te Deum laudamus
Dieterich Buxtehude Kristian Olesen
Te Deum laudamus, BuxWV 218 / 3 Pleni sunt coeli
Dieterich Buxtehude Kristian Olesen
Te Deum laudamus, BuxWV 218 / 4 Te Martyrum
Dieterich Buxtehude Kristian Olesen
Te Deum laudamus, BuxWV 218 / 5 Tu devicto
Dieterich Buxtehude Kristian Olesen
Jane Watts
Publisher: Priory Records LTD
Year published: 1997
Catalog ID: PRCD 389
EAN: 5028612203898
Orgel info: Groot-Brittanië, Rochester (Kent), Cathedral of Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary: Mander Organs 1989 [IVP 66 (59)] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Suite / 1 March
Richard Popplewell Jane Watts
Suite / 2 Intermezzo
Richard Popplewell Jane Watts
Suite / 3 Fugue
Richard Popplewell Jane Watts
Richard Popplewell Jane Watts
Variations on "Breslau" / Introduction
David Willcocks Jane Watts
Variations on "Breslau" / Variation 1
David Willcocks Jane Watts
Variations on "Breslau" / Variation 2
David Willcocks Jane Watts
Variations on "Breslau" / Variation 3
David Willcocks Jane Watts
Variations on "Breslau" / Variation 4
David Willcocks Jane Watts
Variations on "Breslau" / Fughetta
David Willcocks Jane Watts
Vox Dicentis
Simon Preston Jane Watts
Sonata / 1 Moderato
Alun Hoddinott Jane Watts
Sonata / 2 Andante
Alun Hoddinott Jane Watts
Sonata / 3 Allegro molto
Alun Hoddinott Jane Watts
Variations on a hymn tune, op. 20 / Introduction
William Mathias Jane Watts
Variations on a hymn tune, op. 20 / Variation 1
William Mathias Jane Watts
Variations on a hymn tune, op. 20 / Variation 2
William Mathias Jane Watts
Variations on a hymn tune, op. 20 / Variation 3
William Mathias Jane Watts
Variations on a hymn tune, op. 20 / Variation 4
William Mathias Jane Watts
Variations on a hymn tune, op. 20 / Variation 5
William Mathias Jane Watts
Variations on a hymn tune, op. 20 / Variation 6
William Mathias Jane Watts
Variations on a hymn tune, op. 20 / Variation 7
William Mathias Jane Watts
Canzonetta, op. 78-2
William Mathias Jane Watts
Jubilate, op. 67-2
William Mathias Jane Watts
William Mathias Jane Watts
Toccata Giocosa, op. 36-2
William Mathias Jane Watts
Roger Sayer
Publisher: Priory Records LTD
Year published: 1995
Catalog ID: PRCD 495
EAN: 5028612204956
Orgel info: IJsland, Reykjavík, Hallgrímskírkja: Klais Orgelbau 1992 [IVP 71] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Praeludium & Fuge, D Maj, BWV 532
Johann Sebastian Bach Roger Sayer
Clavier-Übung III / Christe, aller Welt Trost, BWV 670
Johann Sebastian Bach Roger Sayer
Paysages Euskariens / 1 La Vallée du Béhorléguy, au matin
Joseph-Ermend Bonnal Roger Sayer
Paysages Euskariens / 2 Le Berger d'Ahusquy
Joseph-Ermend Bonnal Roger Sayer
Paysages Euskariens / 3 Cloches dans le ciel
Joseph-Ermend Bonnal Roger Sayer
Triptyque, op. 78 / 1 Melody
Jean Langlais Roger Sayer
Triptyque, op. 78 / 2 Trio
Jean Langlais Roger Sayer
Triptyque, op. 78 / 3 Final
Jean Langlais Roger Sayer
South and West Suite / Bideford Pastorale
Barry Ferguson Roger Sayer
South and West Suite / Pavana Chromatica
Barry Ferguson Roger Sayer
South and West Suite / Toccata for Joy
Barry Ferguson Roger Sayer
South and West Suite / Sunset at West Loatmead
Barry Ferguson Roger Sayer
Évocation, op. 37 / 3 Allegro deciso
Marcel Dupré Roger Sayer
Graham Barber
Publisher: Priory Records LTD
Year published: 1998
Catalog ID: PRCD 520
EAN: 5028612205205
Orgel info: Nederland, Leeuwarden, Grote- of Jacobijnerkerk: Müller, Christian 1727 [IIIP 38] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Fantasia & Fuge, A min, BWV 904
Johann Sebastian Bach Graham Barber
Psalm 24
Anthoni van Noordt Graham Barber
Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir
Georg Böhm Graham Barber
Freu dich sehr, o meine Seele
Georg Böhm Graham Barber
Praeludium, Fuge und Postludium, G min
Georg Böhm Graham Barber
Canzonetta, G Maj, BuxWV 172
Dieterich Buxtehude Graham Barber
Ciacona, E min, BuxWV 160
Dieterich Buxtehude Graham Barber
Praeludium, E min, BuxWV 142
Dieterich Buxtehude Graham Barber
Ricercar, C Maj
Johann Christoph Altnickol Graham Barber
Sei Lob und Ehr' dem höchsten Gut, HoWV 8-10
Gottfried August Homilius Graham Barber
O Grosser Gott, du reines Wesen, HoWV 8-13
Gottfried August Homilius Graham Barber
Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ, HoWV 8-28
Gottfried August Homilius Graham Barber
Toccata & Fuge, A min, Krebs-WV 411
Johann Ludwig Krebs Graham Barber
Christopher Brayne
Publisher: Priory Records LTD
Year published: 1997
Catalog ID: PRCD 380
EAN: 5028612203805
Orgel info: Groot-Brittanië, Bristol, Bristol Cathedral (Cathedral Church of the Holy and Undivided Trinity): Walker & Sons, J.W. 1907 [IVP 65 (58)] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Introduction & Theme
Herbert Sumsion Christopher Brayne
Scenes in Kent / 1 Aylesford Bridge
Frederic Herbert Wood Christopher Brayne
Scenes in Kent / 2 Allington Lock
Frederic Herbert Wood Christopher Brayne
Scenes in Kent / 3 Orchard Blossom
Frederic Herbert Wood Christopher Brayne
Scenes in Kent / 4 Rochester Bells
Frederic Herbert Wood Christopher Brayne
12 pièces, op. 5 / 07 Intermezzo
Joseph Bonnet Christopher Brayne
Swan Lake, op. 20 / Selection
Piotr Ilitch Tchaikovski Christopher Brayne
Philip Moore Christopher Brayne
Thema met variaties
Hendrik Andriessen Christopher Brayne
Pastorale, D Maj
William Wolstenholme Christopher Brayne
Scenes on the Downs / 1 Sunrise on Stonehemge
Frederic Herbert Wood Christopher Brayne
Scenes on the Downs / 2 A Downs Morris (Shepherd's Dance)
Frederic Herbert Wood Christopher Brayne
Scenes on the Downs / 3 Evening on the Downs (Nocturne)
Frederic Herbert Wood Christopher Brayne
Scenes on the Downs / 4 Morning on the Downs (Caprice)
Frederic Herbert Wood Christopher Brayne
Gerard Brooks
Publisher: Priory Records LTD
Year published: 1997
Catalog ID: PRCD 558
EAN: 5028612205588
Orgel info: Frankrijk, Rouen, Église Abbatiale de Saint-Ouen: Aristide Cavaillé-Coll 1890 [IVP 65] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
6 Pièces / Scherzo
Edouard Commette Gerard Brooks
Pièces dans different styles, op. 17 / 3 Marche funèbre et chant séraphique
Alexandre Guilmant Gerard Brooks
3 Pièces / 1 Pièce solennelle
Jacques Ibert Gerard Brooks
3 Pièces / 2 Musette
Jacques Ibert Gerard Brooks
3 Pièces / 3 Fugue
Jacques Ibert Gerard Brooks
Toccata & Fugue, A min / Toccata
Achille Philip Gerard Brooks
Toccata & Fugue, A min / Fugue
Achille Philip Gerard Brooks
5 Invocations / 1 Stella matutina
Henri Dallier Gerard Brooks
5 Invocations / 2 O Clemens, O Pia
Henri Dallier Gerard Brooks
5 Invocations / 3 Monstra te esse matrem
Henri Dallier Gerard Brooks
5 Invocations / 4 Pulchra ut Luna
Henri Dallier Gerard Brooks
5 Invocations / 5 Electa ut sol
Henri Dallier Gerard Brooks
John Kitchen
Publisher: Priory Records LTD
Year published: 1998
Catalog ID: PRCD 627
EAN: 5028612206271
Orgel info: Groot-Brittanië, Edinburgh, University of Edinburgh, Reid Concert Hall: Jürgen Ahrend 1978 [IIP 21] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Tabulatura Nova / Vol. 3 / 20 Modus pleno organo pedaliter "Benedicamus", SSWV 158
Samuel Scheidt John Kitchen
Nun lob mein Seel den Herren
Michael Praetorius John Kitchen
Praeludium, D min / 1 Preludio
Johann Krieger John Kitchen
Praeludium, D min / 2 Ricercar
Johann Krieger John Kitchen
Praeludium, D min / 3 Fuge
Johann Krieger John Kitchen
Praeludium, D min / 4 Passacaglia
Johann Krieger John Kitchen
Toccata 05 & 6 Fugen, C Maj
Gottlieb Muffat John Kitchen
Fantasia sopra "Freu dich sehr, o meine Seele", Krebs-WV 519
Johann Ludwig Krebs John Kitchen
O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort, Krebs-WV 542
Johann Ludwig Krebs John Kitchen
Clavier-Übung 1 / Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr, Krebs-WV 500
Johann Ludwig Krebs John Kitchen
Fantasia, A min
Johann Christian Kittel John Kitchen
Praeludium 12, F min
Johann Christian Kittel John Kitchen
Praeludium 5 "Fantasia", D Maj
Johann Christian Kittel John Kitchen
Trio 01, Bb Maj
Johann Ernst Rembt John Kitchen
Trio 10, F Maj
Johann Ernst Rembt John Kitchen
Sonata, G min, Wq 70-6 / 1 Allegro moderato
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach John Kitchen
Sonata, G min, Wq 70-6 / 2 Adagio
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach John Kitchen
Sonata, G min, Wq 70-6 / 3 Allegro
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach John Kitchen
Fantasia und Fuge, C min, Wq 119-7
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach John Kitchen
James Lancelot
Publisher: Priory Records LTD
Year published: 1988
Catalog ID: PRCD 228
Orgel info: Groot-Brittanië, Durham (UK), Cathedral of Christ and BVM: Willis & Sons, firma Henry 1877 [VP 98 (88)] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Introduction & Passacaglia, D min, WoO IV-6
Max Reger James Lancelot
Sonata 11, D min, op. 148 / 2 Cantilene. Adagio
Joseph Gabriel Rheinberger James Lancelot
3 Psalm Preludes, Set 1, op. 32 / 3 Psalm 23 "Yea, though I wal through the valley"
Herbert Howells James Lancelot
Berceuse, op. 95-3
William Mathias James Lancelot
6 Sonaten, op. 65 / 2, C min
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy James Lancelot
Frank Martin James Lancelot
Postlude pour l'office de complies, JA 29
Jehan Alain James Lancelot
3 Paraphrases grégoriennes, op. 5 / 3 Hymne d'Actions de grâces "Te Deum"
Jean Langlais James Lancelot
Hans-Otto Jakob
Publisher: Priory Records LTD
Year published: 1997
Catalog ID: PRCD 615
EAN: 5028612206158
Orgel info: Germany, Frankfurt am Main, Kaiserdom Sankt Bartholomaeus: Klais Orgelbau 1957 [VP 85 (83)] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Tuba Tune, D Maj, op. 15
Craig Sellar Lang Hans-Otto Jakob
Variaties over "Merck toch hoe sterk"
Cor Kee Hans-Otto Jakob
Leo Sowerby Hans-Otto Jakob
3 Tonestykker, op. 22 / 1 Moderato, F Maj
Niels Wilhelm Gade Hans-Otto Jakob
3 Tonestykker, op. 22 / 2 Allegretto
Niels Wilhelm Gade Hans-Otto Jakob
3 Tonestykker, op. 22 / 3 Allegro con fuoco
Niels Wilhelm Gade Hans-Otto Jakob
Scherzo for the white rabbit
Nigel Ogden Hans-Otto Jakob
Sonate 2 / 1 Lebhaft
Paul Hindemith Hans-Otto Jakob
Sonate 2 / 2 Ruhig bewegt
Paul Hindemith Hans-Otto Jakob
Sonate 2 / 3 Fuge
Paul Hindemith Hans-Otto Jakob
3 Sinfonische Choräle, op. 87 / 2 Jesu, meine Freude, C min / Introduzione. Inferno
Sigfrid Karg-Elert Hans-Otto Jakob
3 Sinfonische Choräle, op. 87 / 2 Jesu, meine Freude, C min / Canzone
Sigfrid Karg-Elert Hans-Otto Jakob
3 Sinfonische Choräle, op. 87 / 2 Jesu, meine Freude, C min / Fuga con Corale
Sigfrid Karg-Elert Hans-Otto Jakob
Peter King
Publisher: Priory Records LTD
Year published: 1997
Catalog ID: PRCD 618
EAN: 5028612206189
Orgel info: Groot-Brittanië, Bath, Abbey Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul: Smith, John 1835 [IVP 62] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
Praeludium, C Maj, BuxWV 137
Dieterich Buxtehude Peter King
Vater unser im Himmelreich, IGB 24
Georg Böhm Peter King
Praeludium, G min, BuxWV 148
Dieterich Buxtehude Peter King
Orpheus, S. 98
Ferenc Liszt Peter King
Tríptico del Buen Pastor / 1 El rebaño
Jesús Guridi Peter King
Tríptico del Buen Pastor / 2 La oveja perdida
Jesús Guridi Peter King
Tríptico del Buen Pastor / 3 El Buen Pastor
Jesús Guridi Peter King
Pastorale, F Maj, BWV 590
Johann Sebastian Bach Peter King
Fantaisie 2, Db Maj, op. 101
Camille Saint-Saëns Peter King
Hommage à Buxtehude
Petr Eben Peter King
Gerard Brooks
Publisher: Priory Records LTD
Catalog ID: PRCD 637
EAN: 5028612206370
Orgel info: France, Douai, Église Collégiale Saint-Pierre: Mutin, Charles 1922 [IVP 67 (66)] (
Track name Track composer(s) Track artist(s)
12 pièces avec pédale obligée, op. 18 / 06 Fantaisie et Fugue, Bb Maj
Alexandre Pierre François Boëly Gerard Brooks
Andante con moto, G min, op. 45-7
Alexandre Pierre François Boëly Gerard Brooks
12 pièces avec pédale obligée, op. 18 / 01 Andante con moto, Eb Maj
Alexandre Pierre François Boëly Gerard Brooks
13 pièces diverses, op. 43 / 13 Toccata, B min
Alexandre Pierre François Boëly Gerard Brooks
13 pièces diverses, op. 43 / Larghetto un poco sostenuto, C# min
Alexandre Pierre François Boëly Gerard Brooks
Fantasia pour le verset Judex Crederis au Te Deum, op. 38-4
Alexandre Pierre François Boëly Gerard Brooks
Morceau de concert, G Maj, op. 24
Alexandre Guilmant Gerard Brooks
Achille Philip Gerard Brooks
Adagio et Fugue
Achille Philip Gerard Brooks
2 Arabesques / 1 Andantino con moto
Claude Debussy Gerard Brooks
Carillon Orléanais
Henri Nibelle Gerard Brooks

Aangevraagde albums

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