21 April 2025

NEW Matthew Martin "Sur le nom d'Alain" & organ builders Fratelli Ruffatti
Time Artist(s) Title
04:00:00 Michael Murray 18 Choräle von verschiedener Art / Von Gott will ich nicht lassen, BWV 658 cover
04:04:27 Peter Stevens, Westminster Cathedral Choir Exodus Canticle cover
04:07:23 Philip Arkwright, The Choir of Buckfast Abbey, Matthew Searles Toccata-Gigue on the Sussex Carol cover
04:12:33 Fausto Caporali 2 Offertoires pour tous les temps, op. 42 / 2 Paraphrase de la messe "Magnae Deus potentiae" cover
04:17:51 Matthew Martin Variations sur l'hymne "Lucis Creator", JA 27 cover
04:22:25 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 01 Promenade cover
04:24:01 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 02 The Gnome cover
04:26:45 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 03 Promenade cover
04:27:43 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 04 The Old Castle cover
04:32:37 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 05 Promenade cover
04:33:12 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 06 Tuileries - Dispute between Children at play cover
04:34:17 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 07 Cattle cover
04:37:08 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 08 Promenade cover
04:37:53 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 09 Ballet of the unhatched Chicks cover
04:39:26 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 10 Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle cover
04:42:06 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 11 Promenade cover
04:43:45 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 12 The market at Limoges cover
04:45:27 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 13 The Catacombs cover
04:47:49 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 14 Con mortuis in lingua mortua cover
04:50:22 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 15 The Hut of Baba-Yaga cover
04:54:04 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 16 The great Gate of Kiev cover
05:00:31 Andrew Canning Gammal fäbodpsalm från Dalarna cover
05:05:10 Älmhult's Oratorio Choir, Mary Chard Petersson 3 canti sacri / 1 Laudate Dominum cover
05:07:49 Älmhult's Oratorio Choir, Mary Chard Petersson 3 canti sacri / 2 Dona nobis pacem cover
05:12:55 Älmhult's Oratorio Choir, Mary Chard Petersson 3 canti sacri / 3 Alleluia cover
05:16:19 Fausto Caporali Symphonie 3 [American Suite], op. 207 / 1 Introduction [Big Texas] cover
05:21:55 Fausto Caporali Symphonie 3 [American Suite], op. 207 / 2 Cantabile [Californian Evocation] cover
05:30:27 Fausto Caporali Symphonie 3 [American Suite], op. 207 / 3 Intermezzo [Scherzo-Cats] cover
05:32:21 Fausto Caporali Symphonie 3 [American Suite], op. 207 / 4 Un dimanche matin à New York cover
05:40:25 Fausto Caporali Symphonie 3 [American Suite], op. 207 / 5 Orage [Storm in Florida] cover
05:45:55 Mary Chard Petersson Tanz-Toccata cover
05:51:45 Domenico Severin 33 Portraits nach Palestrina bis Schönberg, op. 101 / 05 Ein Siegesgesang Israels (Händel) cover
05:55:19 Fausto Caporali 8 Chants de Bretagne, op. 181 / 5 Jésus, mon Sauveur béni cover
05:59:50 Michael Murray 3 Préludes et Fugues, op. 7 / 3, G min cover
06:06:42 Virgil Fox Praeludium & Fuge, D Maj, BWV 532 / Praeludium cover
06:11:09 Virgil Fox Praeludium & Fuge, D Maj, BWV 532 / Fuge cover
06:14:50 Matthew Martin Hommage à Jean Gallon cover
06:16:32 Virgil Fox Suite 3, D Maj, BWV 1068 / 2 Air cover
06:21:56 Mary Chard Petersson Concerto, G Maj, BWV 592 / [Allegro] cover
06:25:22 Mary Chard Petersson Concerto, G Maj, BWV 592 / Grave cover
06:28:06 Mary Chard Petersson Concerto, G Maj, BWV 592 / Presto cover
06:30:00 Michael Murray Orgelbüchlein / In dir ist Freude, BWV 615 cover
06:32:54 Fausto Caporali Prière des Mages, op. 212-2 cover
06:36:40 Philip Arkwright, The Choir of Buckfast Abbey, Matthew Searles Myn lyking cover
06:40:08 Mary Chard Petersson Dancing Pipes cover
06:45:44 Mary Chard Petersson Organ Mass / Agnus Dei cover
06:48:22 Matthew Martin Intermezzo, JA 66bis cover
06:53:41 Andrew Canning 3 Legends / 1, D Maj cover
06:55:12 Andrew Canning 3 Legends / 2, A Maj cover
06:57:12 Andrew Canning 3 Legends / 3, E Maj cover
06:58:59 Peter Stevens, Westminster Cathedral Choir Missa 1 / Agnus Dei cover
07:00:44 Domenico Severin 24 Pièces de Fantaisie / op. 53 / 6 Toccata cover
07:05:28 Fausto Caporali 8 Chants de Bretagne, op. 181 / 8 Pensez à l'éternité cover
07:09:16 Fausto Caporali Office de la fête de la Sainte-Trinité, op. 98 / 1 Ante Introtium [Prélude] cover
07:10:24 Fausto Caporali Office de la fête de la Sainte-Trinité, op. 98 / 2 Post Offertorium [Offertoire] cover
07:15:11 Fausto Caporali Office de la fête de la Sainte-Trinité, op. 98 / 3 Post Communionem [Communion] cover
07:19:57 Fausto Caporali Office de la fête de la Sainte-Trinité, op. 98 / 4 Post Benedictionem [Sortie] cover
07:22:38 Michael Murray Orgelbüchlein / Ich ruf' zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, BWV 639 cover
07:25:46 Matthew Martin Aria, JA 138 cover
07:32:10 Andrew Canning Scherzo (improvisation) cover
07:34:21 Matthew Martin Suite, op. 5 / Prélude cover
07:42:31 Matthew Martin Suite, op. 5 / Sicilienne cover
07:49:12 Matthew Martin Suite, op. 5 / Toccata cover
07:57:21 Peter Stevens Symphonie 10, D Maj, op. 73 / Cantilène cover
08:03:20 Virgil Fox Praeludium & Fuge, A min, BWV 543 / Praeludium cover
08:06:28 Virgil Fox Praeludium & Fuge, A min, BWV 543 / Fuge cover
08:11:30 Matthew Martin Litanies, JA 119 cover
08:16:15 Peter Stevens Symphonie 10, D Maj, op. 73 / Final cover
08:26:03 Fausto Caporali 8 Chants de Bretagne, op. 181 / 6 Jésus nous dit de prier cover
08:28:53 Virgil Fox Toccata, Adagio & Fuge, C Maj, BWV 564 / Toccata cover
08:34:16 Virgil Fox Toccata, Adagio & Fuge, C Maj, BWV 564 / Adagio cover
08:39:52 Virgil Fox Toccata, Adagio & Fuge, C Maj, BWV 564 / Fuge cover
08:44:56 Domenico Severin Eventide cover
08:51:43 Jean Guillou Symphonie 6, G min, op. 42-2 / Allegro cover
09:01:25 San Francisco Symphony, Michael Murray Symphonie concertante, op. 81 / Preludio cover
09:09:34 San Francisco Symphony, Michael Murray Symphonie concertante, op. 81 / Divertimento cover
09:17:52 San Francisco Symphony, Michael Murray Symphonie concertante, op. 81 / Molto Lento cover
09:29:03 San Francisco Symphony, Michael Murray Symphonie concertante, op. 81 / Toccata cover
09:35:59 Michael Murray Clavier-Übung III / Wir glauben all an einen Gott, BWV 680 cover
09:39:45 Fausto Caporali 8 Chants de Bretagne, op. 181 / 2 Disons le chapelet cover
09:42:29 Fausto Caporali Office pour la Sainte Famille, op. 97 / 1 Introitum [Prélude] cover
09:44:17 Fausto Caporali Office pour la Sainte Famille, op. 97 / 2 Post Offertorium [Offertoire] cover
09:48:48 Fausto Caporali Office pour la Sainte Famille, op. 97 / 3 Post Communionem [Communion] cover
09:51:23 Fausto Caporali Office pour la Sainte Famille, op. 97 / 4 Post Benedictionem [Sortie] cover
09:54:12 Domenico Severin Festival Toccata cover
10:02:03 Mary Chard Petersson Old Swedish folktune from Dalecarlia "Visa från Älvdalen" cover
10:08:49 Fausto Caporali Symphonie 1, op. 37 / 1 Allegro cover
10:19:18 Fausto Caporali Symphonie 1, op. 37 / 2 Eglogue cover
10:27:06 Fausto Caporali Symphonie 1, op. 37 / 3 Choral cover
10:32:39 Fausto Caporali Symphonie 1, op. 37 / 4 Final cover
10:42:31 Peter Stevens, Westminster Cathedral Choir Pontifical Blessing & Dismissal cover
10:43:59 Matthew Martin Prélude et Fugue sur le nom d'Alain, op. 7 / Prélude cover
10:50:47 Matthew Martin Prélude et Fugue sur le nom d'Alain, op. 7 / Fugue cover
10:56:09 Michael Murray 6 Pièces / Final, Bb Maj, op. 21 cover
11:07:30 Peter Stevens Cortège et Litanie, op. 19-2 cover
11:13:50 Philip Arkwright, The Choir of Buckfast Abbey, Matthew Searles Missa ad Praesepe / 1 Kyrie cover
11:15:59 Philip Arkwright, The Choir of Buckfast Abbey, Matthew Searles Missa ad Praesepe / 2 Gloria cover
11:21:19 Philip Arkwright, The Choir of Buckfast Abbey, Matthew Searles Missa ad Praesepe / 3 Sanctus cover
11:24:10 Philip Arkwright, The Choir of Buckfast Abbey, Matthew Searles Missa ad Praesepe / 4 Benedictus cover
11:25:54 Philip Arkwright, The Choir of Buckfast Abbey, Matthew Searles Missa ad Praesepe / 5 Agnus Dei cover
11:27:58 Michael Murray Clavier-Übung III / Kyrie, Gott heiliger Geist, BWV 671 cover
11:33:25 Michael Murray Orgelbüchlein / Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ, BWV 604 cover
11:35:36 Martin Baker 2 pièces, op. 53 / 1 Chant de Mai cover
11:41:16 Peter Stevens, Westminster Cathedral Choir Confitemini Domino cover
11:44:45 Domenico Severin 12 pièces pour orgue ou piano-pédalier / 03 Toccata, G Maj cover
11:52:37 Fausto Caporali 8 Chants de Bretagne, op. 181 / 4 Noël breton cover
11:56:41 Matthew Martin Suite pour orgue / Introduction et variations, JA 69 cover
12:04:26 Matthew Martin Suite pour orgue / Scherzo, JA 70 cover
12:09:24 Matthew Martin Suite pour orgue / Choral, JA 82 cover
12:13:57 Michael Murray 18 Choräle von verschiedener Art / Von Gott will ich nicht lassen, BWV 658 cover
12:18:24 Peter Stevens, Westminster Cathedral Choir Exodus Canticle cover
12:21:21 Philip Arkwright, The Choir of Buckfast Abbey, Matthew Searles Toccata-Gigue on the Sussex Carol cover
12:26:31 Fausto Caporali 2 Offertoires pour tous les temps, op. 42 / 2 Paraphrase de la messe "Magnae Deus potentiae" cover
12:31:48 Matthew Martin Variations sur l'hymne "Lucis Creator", JA 27 cover
12:36:22 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 01 Promenade cover
12:37:58 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 02 The Gnome cover
12:40:42 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 03 Promenade cover
12:41:40 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 04 The Old Castle cover
12:46:34 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 05 Promenade cover
12:47:09 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 06 Tuileries - Dispute between Children at play cover
12:48:14 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 07 Cattle cover
12:51:05 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 08 Promenade cover
12:51:50 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 09 Ballet of the unhatched Chicks cover
12:53:24 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 10 Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle cover
12:56:04 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 11 Promenade cover
12:57:42 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 12 The market at Limoges cover
12:59:25 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 13 The Catacombs cover
13:01:46 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 14 Con mortuis in lingua mortua cover
13:04:19 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 15 The Hut of Baba-Yaga cover
13:08:01 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 16 The great Gate of Kiev cover
13:14:28 Andrew Canning Gammal fäbodpsalm från Dalarna cover
13:19:07 Älmhult's Oratorio Choir, Mary Chard Petersson 3 canti sacri / 1 Laudate Dominum cover
13:21:46 Älmhult's Oratorio Choir, Mary Chard Petersson 3 canti sacri / 2 Dona nobis pacem cover
13:26:52 Älmhult's Oratorio Choir, Mary Chard Petersson 3 canti sacri / 3 Alleluia cover
13:30:17 Fausto Caporali Symphonie 3 [American Suite], op. 207 / 1 Introduction [Big Texas] cover
13:35:53 Fausto Caporali Symphonie 3 [American Suite], op. 207 / 2 Cantabile [Californian Evocation] cover
13:44:24 Fausto Caporali Symphonie 3 [American Suite], op. 207 / 3 Intermezzo [Scherzo-Cats] cover
13:46:19 Fausto Caporali Symphonie 3 [American Suite], op. 207 / 4 Un dimanche matin à New York cover
13:54:22 Fausto Caporali Symphonie 3 [American Suite], op. 207 / 5 Orage [Storm in Florida] cover
13:59:52 Mary Chard Petersson Tanz-Toccata cover
14:05:42 Domenico Severin 33 Portraits nach Palestrina bis Schönberg, op. 101 / 05 Ein Siegesgesang Israels (Händel) cover
14:09:16 Fausto Caporali 8 Chants de Bretagne, op. 181 / 5 Jésus, mon Sauveur béni cover
14:13:47 Michael Murray 3 Préludes et Fugues, op. 7 / 3, G min cover
14:20:39 Virgil Fox Praeludium & Fuge, D Maj, BWV 532 / Praeludium cover
14:25:07 Virgil Fox Praeludium & Fuge, D Maj, BWV 532 / Fuge cover
14:28:47 Matthew Martin Hommage à Jean Gallon cover
14:30:29 Virgil Fox Suite 3, D Maj, BWV 1068 / 2 Air cover
14:35:53 Mary Chard Petersson Concerto, G Maj, BWV 592 / [Allegro] cover
14:39:19 Mary Chard Petersson Concerto, G Maj, BWV 592 / Grave cover
14:42:04 Mary Chard Petersson Concerto, G Maj, BWV 592 / Presto cover
14:43:57 Michael Murray Orgelbüchlein / In dir ist Freude, BWV 615 cover
14:46:51 Fausto Caporali Prière des Mages, op. 212-2 cover
14:50:37 Philip Arkwright, The Choir of Buckfast Abbey, Matthew Searles Myn lyking cover
14:54:05 Mary Chard Petersson Dancing Pipes cover
14:59:41 Mary Chard Petersson Organ Mass / Agnus Dei cover
15:02:19 Matthew Martin Intermezzo, JA 66bis cover
15:07:38 Andrew Canning 3 Legends / 1, D Maj cover
15:09:09 Andrew Canning 3 Legends / 2, A Maj cover
15:11:09 Andrew Canning 3 Legends / 3, E Maj cover
15:12:56 Peter Stevens, Westminster Cathedral Choir Missa 1 / Agnus Dei cover
15:14:41 Domenico Severin 24 Pièces de Fantaisie / op. 53 / 6 Toccata cover
15:19:26 Fausto Caporali 8 Chants de Bretagne, op. 181 / 8 Pensez à l'éternité cover
15:23:13 Fausto Caporali Office de la fête de la Sainte-Trinité, op. 98 / 1 Ante Introtium [Prélude] cover
15:24:21 Fausto Caporali Office de la fête de la Sainte-Trinité, op. 98 / 2 Post Offertorium [Offertoire] cover
15:29:09 Fausto Caporali Office de la fête de la Sainte-Trinité, op. 98 / 3 Post Communionem [Communion] cover
15:33:54 Fausto Caporali Office de la fête de la Sainte-Trinité, op. 98 / 4 Post Benedictionem [Sortie] cover
15:36:35 Michael Murray Orgelbüchlein / Ich ruf' zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, BWV 639 cover
15:39:43 Matthew Martin Aria, JA 138 cover
15:46:07 Andrew Canning Scherzo (improvisation) cover
15:48:18 Matthew Martin Suite, op. 5 / Prélude cover
15:56:28 Matthew Martin Suite, op. 5 / Sicilienne cover
16:03:09 Matthew Martin Suite, op. 5 / Toccata cover
16:11:18 Peter Stevens Symphonie 10, D Maj, op. 73 / Cantilène cover
16:17:17 Virgil Fox Praeludium & Fuge, A min, BWV 543 / Praeludium cover
16:20:25 Virgil Fox Praeludium & Fuge, A min, BWV 543 / Fuge cover
16:25:27 Matthew Martin Litanies, JA 119 cover
16:30:12 Peter Stevens Symphonie 10, D Maj, op. 73 / Final cover
16:40:00 Fausto Caporali 8 Chants de Bretagne, op. 181 / 6 Jésus nous dit de prier cover
16:42:50 Virgil Fox Toccata, Adagio & Fuge, C Maj, BWV 564 / Toccata cover
16:48:13 Virgil Fox Toccata, Adagio & Fuge, C Maj, BWV 564 / Adagio cover
16:53:49 Virgil Fox Toccata, Adagio & Fuge, C Maj, BWV 564 / Fuge cover
16:58:53 Domenico Severin Eventide cover
17:05:40 Jean Guillou Symphonie 6, G min, op. 42-2 / Allegro cover
17:15:22 San Francisco Symphony, Michael Murray Symphonie concertante, op. 81 / Preludio cover
17:23:31 San Francisco Symphony, Michael Murray Symphonie concertante, op. 81 / Divertimento cover
17:31:49 San Francisco Symphony, Michael Murray Symphonie concertante, op. 81 / Molto Lento cover
17:43:00 San Francisco Symphony, Michael Murray Symphonie concertante, op. 81 / Toccata cover
17:49:56 Michael Murray Clavier-Übung III / Wir glauben all an einen Gott, BWV 680 cover
17:53:42 Fausto Caporali 8 Chants de Bretagne, op. 181 / 2 Disons le chapelet cover
17:56:27 Fausto Caporali Office pour la Sainte Famille, op. 97 / 1 Introitum [Prélude] cover
17:58:14 Fausto Caporali Office pour la Sainte Famille, op. 97 / 2 Post Offertorium [Offertoire] cover
18:02:45 Fausto Caporali Office pour la Sainte Famille, op. 97 / 3 Post Communionem [Communion] cover
18:05:20 Fausto Caporali Office pour la Sainte Famille, op. 97 / 4 Post Benedictionem [Sortie] cover
18:08:09 Domenico Severin Festival Toccata cover
18:16:00 Mary Chard Petersson Old Swedish folktune from Dalecarlia "Visa från Älvdalen" cover
18:22:46 Fausto Caporali Symphonie 1, op. 37 / 1 Allegro cover
18:33:15 Fausto Caporali Symphonie 1, op. 37 / 2 Eglogue cover
18:41:03 Fausto Caporali Symphonie 1, op. 37 / 3 Choral cover
18:46:37 Fausto Caporali Symphonie 1, op. 37 / 4 Final cover
18:56:28 Peter Stevens, Westminster Cathedral Choir Pontifical Blessing & Dismissal cover
18:57:56 Matthew Martin Prélude et Fugue sur le nom d'Alain, op. 7 / Prélude cover
19:04:44 Matthew Martin Prélude et Fugue sur le nom d'Alain, op. 7 / Fugue cover
19:10:07 Michael Murray 6 Pièces / Final, Bb Maj, op. 21 cover
19:21:28 Peter Stevens Cortège et Litanie, op. 19-2 cover
19:27:47 Philip Arkwright, The Choir of Buckfast Abbey, Matthew Searles Missa ad Praesepe / 1 Kyrie cover
19:29:56 Philip Arkwright, The Choir of Buckfast Abbey, Matthew Searles Missa ad Praesepe / 2 Gloria cover
19:35:16 Philip Arkwright, The Choir of Buckfast Abbey, Matthew Searles Missa ad Praesepe / 3 Sanctus cover
19:38:08 Philip Arkwright, The Choir of Buckfast Abbey, Matthew Searles Missa ad Praesepe / 4 Benedictus cover
19:39:51 Philip Arkwright, The Choir of Buckfast Abbey, Matthew Searles Missa ad Praesepe / 5 Agnus Dei cover
19:41:55 Michael Murray Clavier-Übung III / Kyrie, Gott heiliger Geist, BWV 671 cover
19:47:23 Michael Murray Orgelbüchlein / Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ, BWV 604 cover
19:49:33 Martin Baker 2 pièces, op. 53 / 1 Chant de Mai cover
19:55:13 Peter Stevens, Westminster Cathedral Choir Confitemini Domino cover
19:58:43 Domenico Severin 12 pièces pour orgue ou piano-pédalier / 03 Toccata, G Maj cover
20:06:34 Fausto Caporali 8 Chants de Bretagne, op. 181 / 4 Noël breton cover
20:10:38 Matthew Martin Suite pour orgue / Introduction et variations, JA 69 cover
20:18:23 Matthew Martin Suite pour orgue / Scherzo, JA 70 cover
20:23:21 Matthew Martin Suite pour orgue / Choral, JA 82 cover
20:27:54 Michael Murray 18 Choräle von verschiedener Art / Von Gott will ich nicht lassen, BWV 658 cover
20:32:21 Peter Stevens, Westminster Cathedral Choir Exodus Canticle cover
20:35:18 Philip Arkwright, The Choir of Buckfast Abbey, Matthew Searles Toccata-Gigue on the Sussex Carol cover
20:40:28 Fausto Caporali 2 Offertoires pour tous les temps, op. 42 / 2 Paraphrase de la messe "Magnae Deus potentiae" cover
20:45:45 Matthew Martin Variations sur l'hymne "Lucis Creator", JA 27 cover
20:50:19 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 01 Promenade cover
20:51:55 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 02 The Gnome cover
20:54:40 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 03 Promenade cover
20:55:38 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 04 The Old Castle cover
21:00:32 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 05 Promenade cover
21:01:06 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 06 Tuileries - Dispute between Children at play cover
21:02:11 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 07 Cattle cover
21:05:02 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 08 Promenade cover
21:05:47 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 09 Ballet of the unhatched Chicks cover
21:07:21 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 10 Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle cover
21:10:01 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 11 Promenade cover
21:11:40 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 12 The market at Limoges cover
21:13:22 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 13 The Catacombs cover
21:15:43 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 14 Con mortuis in lingua mortua cover
21:18:16 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 15 The Hut of Baba-Yaga cover
21:21:59 Martin Baker Pictures of an Exhibition / 16 The great Gate of Kiev cover
21:28:25 Andrew Canning Gammal fäbodpsalm från Dalarna cover
21:33:04 Älmhult's Oratorio Choir, Mary Chard Petersson 3 canti sacri / 1 Laudate Dominum cover
21:35:44 Älmhult's Oratorio Choir, Mary Chard Petersson 3 canti sacri / 2 Dona nobis pacem cover
21:40:50 Älmhult's Oratorio Choir, Mary Chard Petersson 3 canti sacri / 3 Alleluia cover
21:44:14 Fausto Caporali Symphonie 3 [American Suite], op. 207 / 1 Introduction [Big Texas] cover
21:49:50 Fausto Caporali Symphonie 3 [American Suite], op. 207 / 2 Cantabile [Californian Evocation] cover
21:58:22 Fausto Caporali Symphonie 3 [American Suite], op. 207 / 3 Intermezzo [Scherzo-Cats] cover
22:00:16 Fausto Caporali Symphonie 3 [American Suite], op. 207 / 4 Un dimanche matin à New York cover
22:08:19 Fausto Caporali Symphonie 3 [American Suite], op. 207 / 5 Orage [Storm in Florida] cover
22:13:49 Mary Chard Petersson Tanz-Toccata cover
22:19:39 Domenico Severin 33 Portraits nach Palestrina bis Schönberg, op. 101 / 05 Ein Siegesgesang Israels (Händel) cover
22:23:13 Fausto Caporali 8 Chants de Bretagne, op. 181 / 5 Jésus, mon Sauveur béni cover
22:27:45 Michael Murray 3 Préludes et Fugues, op. 7 / 3, G min cover
22:34:36 Virgil Fox Praeludium & Fuge, D Maj, BWV 532 / Praeludium cover
22:39:04 Virgil Fox Praeludium & Fuge, D Maj, BWV 532 / Fuge cover
22:42:44 Matthew Martin Hommage à Jean Gallon cover
22:44:26 Virgil Fox Suite 3, D Maj, BWV 1068 / 2 Air cover
22:49:50 Mary Chard Petersson Concerto, G Maj, BWV 592 / [Allegro] cover
22:53:16 Mary Chard Petersson Concerto, G Maj, BWV 592 / Grave cover
22:56:01 Mary Chard Petersson Concerto, G Maj, BWV 592 / Presto cover
22:57:54 Michael Murray Orgelbüchlein / In dir ist Freude, BWV 615 cover
23:00:49 Fausto Caporali Prière des Mages, op. 212-2 cover
23:04:35 Philip Arkwright, The Choir of Buckfast Abbey, Matthew Searles Myn lyking cover
23:08:02 Mary Chard Petersson Dancing Pipes cover
23:13:38 Mary Chard Petersson Organ Mass / Agnus Dei cover
23:16:16 Matthew Martin Intermezzo, JA 66bis cover
23:21:35 Andrew Canning 3 Legends / 1, D Maj cover
23:23:06 Andrew Canning 3 Legends / 2, A Maj cover
23:25:07 Andrew Canning 3 Legends / 3, E Maj cover
23:26:53 Peter Stevens, Westminster Cathedral Choir Missa 1 / Agnus Dei cover
23:28:38 Domenico Severin 24 Pièces de Fantaisie / op. 53 / 6 Toccata cover
23:33:23 Fausto Caporali 8 Chants de Bretagne, op. 181 / 8 Pensez à l'éternité cover
23:37:11 Fausto Caporali Office de la fête de la Sainte-Trinité, op. 98 / 1 Ante Introtium [Prélude] cover
23:38:19 Fausto Caporali Office de la fête de la Sainte-Trinité, op. 98 / 2 Post Offertorium [Offertoire] cover
23:43:06 Fausto Caporali Office de la fête de la Sainte-Trinité, op. 98 / 3 Post Communionem [Communion] cover
23:47:51 Fausto Caporali Office de la fête de la Sainte-Trinité, op. 98 / 4 Post Benedictionem [Sortie] cover
23:50:32 Michael Murray Orgelbüchlein / Ich ruf' zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, BWV 639 cover
23:53:40 Matthew Martin Aria, JA 138 cover
00:00:05 Andrew Canning Scherzo (improvisation) cover
00:02:15 Matthew Martin Suite, op. 5 / Prélude cover
00:10:25 Matthew Martin Suite, op. 5 / Sicilienne cover
00:17:06 Matthew Martin Suite, op. 5 / Toccata cover
00:25:16 Peter Stevens Symphonie 10, D Maj, op. 73 / Cantilène cover
00:31:14 Virgil Fox Praeludium & Fuge, A min, BWV 543 / Praeludium cover
00:34:23 Virgil Fox Praeludium & Fuge, A min, BWV 543 / Fuge cover
00:39:24 Matthew Martin Litanies, JA 119 cover
00:44:09 Peter Stevens Symphonie 10, D Maj, op. 73 / Final cover
00:53:57 Fausto Caporali 8 Chants de Bretagne, op. 181 / 6 Jésus nous dit de prier cover
00:56:48 Virgil Fox Toccata, Adagio & Fuge, C Maj, BWV 564 / Toccata cover
01:02:10 Virgil Fox Toccata, Adagio & Fuge, C Maj, BWV 564 / Adagio cover
01:07:46 Virgil Fox Toccata, Adagio & Fuge, C Maj, BWV 564 / Fuge cover
01:12:51 Domenico Severin Eventide cover
01:19:38 Jean Guillou Symphonie 6, G min, op. 42-2 / Allegro cover
01:29:19 San Francisco Symphony, Michael Murray Symphonie concertante, op. 81 / Preludio cover
01:37:28 San Francisco Symphony, Michael Murray Symphonie concertante, op. 81 / Divertimento cover
01:45:46 San Francisco Symphony, Michael Murray Symphonie concertante, op. 81 / Molto Lento cover
01:56:57 San Francisco Symphony, Michael Murray Symphonie concertante, op. 81 / Toccata cover
02:03:54 Michael Murray Clavier-Übung III / Wir glauben all an einen Gott, BWV 680 cover
02:07:39 Fausto Caporali 8 Chants de Bretagne, op. 181 / 2 Disons le chapelet cover
02:10:24 Fausto Caporali Office pour la Sainte Famille, op. 97 / 1 Introitum [Prélude] cover
02:12:11 Fausto Caporali Office pour la Sainte Famille, op. 97 / 2 Post Offertorium [Offertoire] cover
02:16:42 Fausto Caporali Office pour la Sainte Famille, op. 97 / 3 Post Communionem [Communion] cover
02:19:17 Fausto Caporali Office pour la Sainte Famille, op. 97 / 4 Post Benedictionem [Sortie] cover
02:22:06 Domenico Severin Festival Toccata cover
02:29:57 Mary Chard Petersson Old Swedish folktune from Dalecarlia "Visa från Älvdalen" cover
02:36:43 Fausto Caporali Symphonie 1, op. 37 / 1 Allegro cover
02:47:12 Fausto Caporali Symphonie 1, op. 37 / 2 Eglogue cover
02:55:00 Fausto Caporali Symphonie 1, op. 37 / 3 Choral cover
03:00:34 Fausto Caporali Symphonie 1, op. 37 / 4 Final cover
03:10:25 Peter Stevens, Westminster Cathedral Choir Pontifical Blessing & Dismissal cover
03:11:53 Matthew Martin Prélude et Fugue sur le nom d'Alain, op. 7 / Prélude cover
03:18:41 Matthew Martin Prélude et Fugue sur le nom d'Alain, op. 7 / Fugue cover
03:24:04 Michael Murray 6 Pièces / Final, Bb Maj, op. 21 cover
03:35:25 Peter Stevens Cortège et Litanie, op. 19-2 cover
03:41:44 Philip Arkwright, The Choir of Buckfast Abbey, Matthew Searles Missa ad Praesepe / 1 Kyrie cover
03:43:53 Philip Arkwright, The Choir of Buckfast Abbey, Matthew Searles Missa ad Praesepe / 2 Gloria cover
03:49:13 Philip Arkwright, The Choir of Buckfast Abbey, Matthew Searles Missa ad Praesepe / 3 Sanctus cover
03:52:05 Philip Arkwright, The Choir of Buckfast Abbey, Matthew Searles Missa ad Praesepe / 4 Benedictus cover
03:53:48 Philip Arkwright, The Choir of Buckfast Abbey, Matthew Searles Missa ad Praesepe / 5 Agnus Dei cover
03:55:52 Michael Murray Clavier-Übung III / Kyrie, Gott heiliger Geist, BWV 671 cover