10 July 2024

NEW Richard Gowers "Samuel Sebastian Wesley - Sacred Choral Music", GB-Bermondsey, Saint James: Bishop 1829 [III P 29] & NL-Farmsum: Lohman 1829 [II P 28]
Time Artist(s) Title
04:00:00 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 11, D / 1 Larghetto cover
04:01:58 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 11, D / 2 Fuga cover
04:07:03 Jaap Zwart II Phantasie für Orgel über den Choral "Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott", op. 27 cover
04:20:11 Piet Wiersma Fuge, G min, BWV 578 cover
04:24:35 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 03, D Maj / 1 Larghetto cover
04:26:39 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 03, D Maj / 2 Spiritoso - Laro cover
04:30:21 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 03, D Maj / 3 Maestoso cover
04:33:09 Willem van Twillert Ellens dritter Gesang, DV 839 cover
04:37:53 Jennifer Bate A short and familiar Voluntary / 1 Slow cover
04:39:40 Jennifer Bate A short and familiar Voluntary / 2 Lively cover
04:43:19 Jennifer Bate Preludium, Arietta and Fuga, C min / 1 Preludium cover
04:44:52 Jennifer Bate Preludium, Arietta and Fuga, C min / 2 Arietta cover
04:49:03 Jennifer Bate Preludium, Arietta and Fuga, C min / 3 Fuga cover
04:55:17 Sybolt de Jong, Euwe de Jong 4 variierte Choräle zu vier Händen / Vater unser im Himmelreich cover
04:59:43 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 04, D Maj / 1 Adagio cover
05:03:17 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 04, D Maj / 2 Siciliano cover
05:08:01 Piet Wiersma 18 Choräle von verschiedener Art / Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, BWV 666 cover
05:11:38 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward All people that on earth do dwell cover
05:17:36 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 04, A min / 1 Largo cover
05:19:38 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 04, A min / 2 Allegro cover
05:23:27 Piet Wiersma In dulci jubilo, BWV 751 cover
05:25:47 Willem van Twillert 14 Romances, op. 34 / 14 Vocalise cover
05:32:30 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Blessed be the God and Father cover
05:40:19 Erwin Wiersinga Fantasia, F min, KV 608 cover
05:52:58 Jennifer Bate Voluntary 6, Bb Maj / 1 Spirited cover
05:56:23 Jennifer Bate Voluntary 6, Bb Maj / 2 Moderately slow cover
05:59:07 Jennifer Bate Voluntary 6, Bb Maj / 3 Lively cover
06:02:35 Pieter Pilon Orgelbüchlein / Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend, BWV 632 cover
06:04:21 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 01, C Maj / 1 Adagio cover
06:06:36 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 01, C Maj / 2 Spirituoso cover
06:09:21 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 01, C Maj / 3 Gratioso cover
06:10:40 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 01, C Maj / 4 Allegro moderato cover
06:13:37 Thomas Trotter Andante, F Maj, KV 616 cover
06:20:49 Daniel Moult 12 short pieces / 09 Gavotte cover
06:24:01 Willem van Twillert Quasi adagio pour Orgue ou Harmonium cover
06:28:15 Willem van Twillert Gott der Herr ist Sonn und Schild, BWV 79 / 3 Nun danket Alle Gott cover
06:30:31 Pieter Pilon 11 Choralvorspiele, op. posth. 122 / 05 Schmücke dich, o Liebe Seele cover
06:32:59 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 07, Eb Maj / 1 Maestoso cover
06:34:42 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 07, Eb Maj / 2 Andante maestoso cover
06:39:28 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 07, Eb Maj / 3 Siciliano cover
06:40:55 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 07, Eb Maj / 4 Fugue cover
06:46:46 Daniel Moult 12 short pieces / 08 Air cover
06:48:17 John Kitchen Voluntary, G Maj / 1 Largo cover
06:50:12 John Kitchen Voluntary, G Maj / 2 Fugue cover
06:53:39 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Psalm 142 cover
06:56:58 Jaap Zwart II 4 kleine Choralvorspiele / Nun danket alle Gott cover
06:58:46 Pieter Pilon Sonate voor Orgel / 1 Allegro moderato cover
07:05:27 Pieter Pilon Sonate voor Orgel / 2 Andane sostenuto cover
07:08:35 Pieter Pilon Sonate voor Orgel / 3 Allegro con brio cover
07:12:55 Thomas Trotter The London Sketchbook / Andante, Bb Maj, KV 15ii cover
07:14:46 Thomas Trotter The London Sketchbook / Allegro, F Maj, KV 15a cover
07:16:26 Thomas Trotter The London Sketchbook / Andante, Bb Maj, KV 15q cover
07:18:02 Thomas Trotter The London Sketchbook / Andante, D Maj, KV 15o cover
07:20:10 Jennifer Bate Voluntary, G / 1 Moderately slow cover
07:22:08 Jennifer Bate Voluntary, G / 2 Lively cover
07:25:29 Jennifer Bate Voluntary, G / 3 With Spirit cover
07:27:18 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 12, C / 1 Adagio cover
07:28:51 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 12, C / 2 Maestoso cover
07:31:54 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 12, C / 3 March cover
07:34:07 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 12, C / 4 Largo cover
07:35:54 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 12, C / 5 Fugue cover
07:41:01 Leo van Doeselaar 7 Chorale Preludes, F. 38 / 4 Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt cover
07:45:40 Willem van Twillert Psalm 133, (1) / 1 Zetting cover
07:47:16 Willem van Twillert Psalm 133, (1) / 2 Elegie cover
07:51:01 Willem van Twillert Psalm 133, (1) / 3 Lamento cover
07:54:42 Willem van Twillert Psalm 133, (1) / 4 Zetting cover
07:56:19 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 03, G Maj / 1 Larghetto cover
07:57:31 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 03, G Maj / 2 Allegretto cover
08:01:15 Daniel Moult 12 short pieces / 10 cover
08:02:33 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 06, F Maj / 1 Largo cover
08:04:26 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 06, F Maj / 2 Allegretto cover
08:07:40 Willem van Twillert Symphonie 6, G min, op. 42-2 / Intermezzo cover
08:14:39 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 01, E min / 1 Larghetto cover
08:16:22 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 01, E min / 2 Maestoso cover
08:20:35 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 01, E min / 3 Largo maestoso cover
08:22:53 Jennifer Bate Preludium and Fuga, G / 1 Preludium cover
08:24:00 Jennifer Bate Preludium and Fuga, G / 2 Fuga cover
08:30:45 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 10, G Maj / 1 Largo maestoso cover
08:31:45 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 10, G Maj / 2 Fuga Alla Capella cover
08:36:40 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Wash me throughly cover
08:41:44 Jennifer Bate 12 Voluntaries, op. 6 / 09, G min / 1 Larghetto cover
08:42:45 Jennifer Bate 12 Voluntaries, op. 6 / 09, G min / 3 Fugue cover
08:47:08 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Let us lift up our heart / 1 Let us lift up our heart cover
08:51:54 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Let us lift up our heart / 2 Be not very sore, O Lord cover
08:55:55 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Let us lift up our heart / 3 Thou, O Lord God cover
09:00:23 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Let us lift up our heart / 4 Thou Judge of quick and dead cover
09:02:00 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Let us lift up our heart / 5 O may we thus ensure cover
09:04:26 Pieter Pilon Prélude, Adagio et Choral varié sur le thème du "Veni Creator", op. 4 / Choral varié / Thème cover
09:05:22 Pieter Pilon Prélude, Adagio et Choral varié sur le thème du "Veni Creator", op. 4 / Choral varié / Variation 1 cover
09:06:09 Pieter Pilon Prélude, Adagio et Choral varié sur le thème du "Veni Creator", op. 4 / Choral varié / Variation 2 cover
09:06:41 Pieter Pilon Prélude, Adagio et Choral varié sur le thème du "Veni Creator", op. 4 / Choral varié / Variation 3 cover
09:07:42 Pieter Pilon Prélude, Adagio et Choral varié sur le thème du "Veni Creator", op. 4 / Choral varié / Variation 4 cover
09:10:36 Jennifer Bate 12 Voluntaries, op. 6 / 08 D Maj / 1 Largo cover
09:12:57 Jennifer Bate 12 Voluntaries, op. 6 / 08 D Maj / 2 Fuga cover
09:16:52 Jennifer Bate 12 Voluntaries, op. 6 / 08 D Maj / 3 March cover
09:20:12 Jennifer Bate 12 Voluntaries, op. 6 / 09, G min / 1 Larghetto cover
09:21:13 Jennifer Bate 12 Voluntaries, op. 6 / 09, G min / 3 Fugue cover
09:25:36 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward O thou who camest from above cover
09:28:14 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 08, B min / 1 Largo maestoso cover
09:29:22 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 08, B min / 2 Fuga Alla Capella cover
09:32:52 Willem van Twillert Partita "De aarde is vervuld" (1) cover
09:38:22 Leo van Doeselaar 8 Fugues, F. 31 / 2, C min cover
09:40:47 Sybolt de Jong, Euwe de Jong Orgel-Phantasie für zwei Spieler, op. 12 / 1 Introduction cover
09:42:15 Sybolt de Jong, Euwe de Jong Orgel-Phantasie für zwei Spieler, op. 12 / 2 Thema cover
09:42:57 Sybolt de Jong, Euwe de Jong Orgel-Phantasie für zwei Spieler, op. 12 / 3 Variation 1 cover
09:44:06 Sybolt de Jong, Euwe de Jong Orgel-Phantasie für zwei Spieler, op. 12 / 4 Variation 2 cover
09:45:26 Sybolt de Jong, Euwe de Jong Orgel-Phantasie für zwei Spieler, op. 12 / 5 Fuga-Finale cover
09:50:12 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 07, A Maj / 1 Siciliano cover
09:53:07 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 07, A Maj / 2 Allegretto moderato cover
09:56:40 Sietze de Vries Improvisatie "Psalm 92" / Versus 1 cover
09:59:23 Sietze de Vries Improvisatie "Psalm 92" / Versus 2 cover
10:01:31 Sietze de Vries Improvisatie "Psalm 92" / Versus 3 cover
10:03:48 Sietze de Vries Improvisatie "Psalm 92" / Versus 4 cover
10:06:53 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 10, G min / 1 Larghetto cover
10:07:41 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 10, G min / 2 Fugue cover
10:11:27 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward O God, whose nature and property cover
10:15:23 Jennifer Bate Arrangement with Variation of "Rule Britannia" / 1 Arrangement cover
10:16:30 Jennifer Bate Arrangement with Variation of "Rule Britannia" / 2 Variation cover
10:17:45 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 12, C Maj / 1 Largo maestoso cover
10:19:26 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 12, C Maj / 2 Fuga cover
10:24:02 Thomas Trotter Andantino, Eb Maj, KV 236 cover
10:25:41 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 05, F Maj / 1 Larghetto cover
10:27:32 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 05, F Maj / 2 Allegretto cover
10:32:15 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 05, F Maj / 3 Fugato cover
10:34:38 Pieter Pilon Fantasia sopra "Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend", G Maj, Krebs-WV 524 cover
10:37:01 Willem van Twillert Toccata festiva "Psalm 21" cover
10:44:28 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward O give thanks unto the Lord cover
10:53:13 Willem van Twillert Omdat Hij niet ver wou zijn cover
10:57:37 Jennifer Bate 3 Variations on "God save the King", D / Theme cover
10:58:48 Jennifer Bate 3 Variations on "God save the King", D / Variation 1 cover
10:59:46 Jennifer Bate 3 Variations on "God save the King", D / Variation 2 cover
11:00:56 Jennifer Bate 3 Variations on "God save the King", D / Variation 3 cover
11:02:35 Erwin Wiersinga 6 Studien in kanonischer Form, op. 56 / 4 Innig, Ab Maj cover
11:06:19 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 02, F Maj / 1 Andantino cover
11:09:38 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 02, F Maj / 2 Allegretto cover
11:12:33 Willem van Twillert Practische Orgelschule, op. 55 / 182 Flötenkonzert / 1 Allegro maestoso cover
11:18:45 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Communion Service, E Maj / Credo / 1 I believe in one God cover
11:19:43 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Communion Service, E Maj / Credo / 2 Who for us men cover
11:20:55 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Communion Service, E Maj / Credo / 3 And the third day cover
11:21:39 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Communion Service, E Maj / Credo / 4 And I believe in the Holy Ghost cover
11:24:04 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward The Wilderness / 1 Solo Quartet - The Wilderness cover
11:27:11 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward The Wilderness / 2 Aria - Say to them of fearful heart cover
11:29:58 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward The Wilderness / 3 Recit - Then shall the lame man leap cover
11:30:12 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward The Wilderness / 4 Solo Quartet and Chorus / For in the wilderness cover
11:32:12 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward The Wilderness / 4 Solo Quartet and Chorus / And a highway shall be there cover
11:33:21 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward The Wilderness / 4 Solo Quartet and Chorus / And the ransomed of the Lord cover
11:35:46 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward The Wilderness / 5 Solo Quartet - And sorrow and sighing cover
11:38:15 Sybolt de Jong, Euwe de Jong Merck toch hoe sterck / 1 Scherzo cover
11:39:22 Sybolt de Jong, Euwe de Jong Merck toch hoe sterck / 2 Canon cover
11:41:28 Sybolt de Jong, Euwe de Jong Merck toch hoe sterck / 3 Fuga cover
11:47:15 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 02, C Maj / 1 Largo cover
11:50:56 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 02, C Maj / 2 Allegretto cover
11:56:22 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 09, A min / 1 Largo cover
11:58:19 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 09, A min / 2 Fugue cover
12:01:30 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 11, D / 1 Larghetto cover
12:03:29 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 11, D / 2 Fuga cover
12:08:34 Jaap Zwart II Phantasie für Orgel über den Choral "Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott", op. 27 cover
12:21:42 Piet Wiersma Fuge, G min, BWV 578 cover
12:26:06 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 03, D Maj / 1 Larghetto cover
12:28:10 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 03, D Maj / 2 Spiritoso - Laro cover
12:31:52 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 03, D Maj / 3 Maestoso cover
12:34:40 Willem van Twillert Ellens dritter Gesang, DV 839 cover
12:39:24 Jennifer Bate A short and familiar Voluntary / 1 Slow cover
12:41:11 Jennifer Bate A short and familiar Voluntary / 2 Lively cover
12:44:50 Jennifer Bate Preludium, Arietta and Fuga, C min / 1 Preludium cover
12:46:23 Jennifer Bate Preludium, Arietta and Fuga, C min / 2 Arietta cover
12:50:34 Jennifer Bate Preludium, Arietta and Fuga, C min / 3 Fuga cover
12:56:48 Sybolt de Jong, Euwe de Jong 4 variierte Choräle zu vier Händen / Vater unser im Himmelreich cover
13:01:14 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 04, D Maj / 1 Adagio cover
13:04:48 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 04, D Maj / 2 Siciliano cover
13:09:32 Piet Wiersma 18 Choräle von verschiedener Art / Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, BWV 666 cover
13:13:09 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward All people that on earth do dwell cover
13:19:07 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 04, A min / 1 Largo cover
13:21:09 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 04, A min / 2 Allegro cover
13:24:58 Piet Wiersma In dulci jubilo, BWV 751 cover
13:27:18 Willem van Twillert 14 Romances, op. 34 / 14 Vocalise cover
13:34:01 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Blessed be the God and Father cover
13:41:50 Erwin Wiersinga Fantasia, F min, KV 608 cover
13:54:29 Jennifer Bate Voluntary 6, Bb Maj / 1 Spirited cover
13:57:54 Jennifer Bate Voluntary 6, Bb Maj / 2 Moderately slow cover
14:00:38 Jennifer Bate Voluntary 6, Bb Maj / 3 Lively cover
14:04:06 Pieter Pilon Orgelbüchlein / Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend, BWV 632 cover
14:05:52 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 01, C Maj / 1 Adagio cover
14:08:07 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 01, C Maj / 2 Spirituoso cover
14:10:52 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 01, C Maj / 3 Gratioso cover
14:12:11 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 01, C Maj / 4 Allegro moderato cover
14:15:08 Thomas Trotter Andante, F Maj, KV 616 cover
14:22:20 Daniel Moult 12 short pieces / 09 Gavotte cover
14:25:31 Willem van Twillert Quasi adagio pour Orgue ou Harmonium cover
14:29:46 Willem van Twillert Gott der Herr ist Sonn und Schild, BWV 79 / 3 Nun danket Alle Gott cover
14:32:02 Pieter Pilon 11 Choralvorspiele, op. posth. 122 / 05 Schmücke dich, o Liebe Seele cover
14:34:30 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 07, Eb Maj / 1 Maestoso cover
14:36:13 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 07, Eb Maj / 2 Andante maestoso cover
14:40:59 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 07, Eb Maj / 3 Siciliano cover
14:42:26 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 07, Eb Maj / 4 Fugue cover
14:48:17 Daniel Moult 12 short pieces / 08 Air cover
14:49:48 John Kitchen Voluntary, G Maj / 1 Largo cover
14:51:43 John Kitchen Voluntary, G Maj / 2 Fugue cover
14:55:10 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Psalm 142 cover
14:58:29 Jaap Zwart II 4 kleine Choralvorspiele / Nun danket alle Gott cover
15:00:17 Pieter Pilon Sonate voor Orgel / 1 Allegro moderato cover
15:06:58 Pieter Pilon Sonate voor Orgel / 2 Andane sostenuto cover
15:10:06 Pieter Pilon Sonate voor Orgel / 3 Allegro con brio cover
15:14:26 Thomas Trotter The London Sketchbook / Andante, Bb Maj, KV 15ii cover
15:16:17 Thomas Trotter The London Sketchbook / Allegro, F Maj, KV 15a cover
15:17:57 Thomas Trotter The London Sketchbook / Andante, Bb Maj, KV 15q cover
15:19:33 Thomas Trotter The London Sketchbook / Andante, D Maj, KV 15o cover
15:21:41 Jennifer Bate Voluntary, G / 1 Moderately slow cover
15:23:39 Jennifer Bate Voluntary, G / 2 Lively cover
15:27:00 Jennifer Bate Voluntary, G / 3 With Spirit cover
15:28:49 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 12, C / 1 Adagio cover
15:30:22 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 12, C / 2 Maestoso cover
15:33:25 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 12, C / 3 March cover
15:35:38 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 12, C / 4 Largo cover
15:37:25 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 12, C / 5 Fugue cover
15:42:32 Leo van Doeselaar 7 Chorale Preludes, F. 38 / 4 Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt cover
15:47:11 Willem van Twillert Psalm 133, (1) / 1 Zetting cover
15:48:47 Willem van Twillert Psalm 133, (1) / 2 Elegie cover
15:52:32 Willem van Twillert Psalm 133, (1) / 3 Lamento cover
15:56:13 Willem van Twillert Psalm 133, (1) / 4 Zetting cover
15:57:50 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 03, G Maj / 1 Larghetto cover
15:59:02 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 03, G Maj / 2 Allegretto cover
16:02:46 Daniel Moult 12 short pieces / 10 cover
16:04:04 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 06, F Maj / 1 Largo cover
16:05:57 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 06, F Maj / 2 Allegretto cover
16:09:11 Willem van Twillert Symphonie 6, G min, op. 42-2 / Intermezzo cover
16:16:10 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 01, E min / 1 Larghetto cover
16:17:53 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 01, E min / 2 Maestoso cover
16:22:06 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 01, E min / 3 Largo maestoso cover
16:24:24 Jennifer Bate Preludium and Fuga, G / 1 Preludium cover
16:25:31 Jennifer Bate Preludium and Fuga, G / 2 Fuga cover
16:32:16 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 10, G Maj / 1 Largo maestoso cover
16:33:16 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 10, G Maj / 2 Fuga Alla Capella cover
16:38:11 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Wash me throughly cover
16:43:15 Jennifer Bate 12 Voluntaries, op. 6 / 09, G min / 1 Larghetto cover
16:44:16 Jennifer Bate 12 Voluntaries, op. 6 / 09, G min / 3 Fugue cover
16:48:39 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Let us lift up our heart / 1 Let us lift up our heart cover
16:53:25 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Let us lift up our heart / 2 Be not very sore, O Lord cover
16:57:26 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Let us lift up our heart / 3 Thou, O Lord God cover
17:01:54 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Let us lift up our heart / 4 Thou Judge of quick and dead cover
17:03:31 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Let us lift up our heart / 5 O may we thus ensure cover
17:05:57 Pieter Pilon Prélude, Adagio et Choral varié sur le thème du "Veni Creator", op. 4 / Choral varié / Thème cover
17:06:53 Pieter Pilon Prélude, Adagio et Choral varié sur le thème du "Veni Creator", op. 4 / Choral varié / Variation 1 cover
17:07:40 Pieter Pilon Prélude, Adagio et Choral varié sur le thème du "Veni Creator", op. 4 / Choral varié / Variation 2 cover
17:08:12 Pieter Pilon Prélude, Adagio et Choral varié sur le thème du "Veni Creator", op. 4 / Choral varié / Variation 3 cover
17:09:13 Pieter Pilon Prélude, Adagio et Choral varié sur le thème du "Veni Creator", op. 4 / Choral varié / Variation 4 cover
17:12:07 Jennifer Bate 12 Voluntaries, op. 6 / 08 D Maj / 1 Largo cover
17:14:28 Jennifer Bate 12 Voluntaries, op. 6 / 08 D Maj / 2 Fuga cover
17:18:23 Jennifer Bate 12 Voluntaries, op. 6 / 08 D Maj / 3 March cover
17:21:43 Jennifer Bate 12 Voluntaries, op. 6 / 09, G min / 1 Larghetto cover
17:22:44 Jennifer Bate 12 Voluntaries, op. 6 / 09, G min / 3 Fugue cover
17:27:07 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward O thou who camest from above cover
17:29:45 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 08, B min / 1 Largo maestoso cover
17:30:53 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 08, B min / 2 Fuga Alla Capella cover
17:34:23 Willem van Twillert Partita "De aarde is vervuld" (1) cover
17:39:53 Leo van Doeselaar 8 Fugues, F. 31 / 2, C min cover
17:42:18 Sybolt de Jong, Euwe de Jong Orgel-Phantasie für zwei Spieler, op. 12 / 1 Introduction cover
17:43:46 Sybolt de Jong, Euwe de Jong Orgel-Phantasie für zwei Spieler, op. 12 / 2 Thema cover
17:44:28 Sybolt de Jong, Euwe de Jong Orgel-Phantasie für zwei Spieler, op. 12 / 3 Variation 1 cover
17:45:37 Sybolt de Jong, Euwe de Jong Orgel-Phantasie für zwei Spieler, op. 12 / 4 Variation 2 cover
17:46:57 Sybolt de Jong, Euwe de Jong Orgel-Phantasie für zwei Spieler, op. 12 / 5 Fuga-Finale cover
17:51:43 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 07, A Maj / 1 Siciliano cover
17:54:38 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 07, A Maj / 2 Allegretto moderato cover
17:58:11 Sietze de Vries Improvisatie "Psalm 92" / Versus 1 cover
18:00:54 Sietze de Vries Improvisatie "Psalm 92" / Versus 2 cover
18:03:02 Sietze de Vries Improvisatie "Psalm 92" / Versus 3 cover
18:05:19 Sietze de Vries Improvisatie "Psalm 92" / Versus 4 cover
18:08:24 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 10, G min / 1 Larghetto cover
18:09:12 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 10, G min / 2 Fugue cover
18:12:58 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward O God, whose nature and property cover
18:16:54 Jennifer Bate Arrangement with Variation of "Rule Britannia" / 1 Arrangement cover
18:18:01 Jennifer Bate Arrangement with Variation of "Rule Britannia" / 2 Variation cover
18:19:15 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 12, C Maj / 1 Largo maestoso cover
18:20:57 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 12, C Maj / 2 Fuga cover
18:25:33 Thomas Trotter Andantino, Eb Maj, KV 236 cover
18:27:12 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 05, F Maj / 1 Larghetto cover
18:29:03 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 05, F Maj / 2 Allegretto cover
18:33:46 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 05, F Maj / 3 Fugato cover
18:36:09 Pieter Pilon Fantasia sopra "Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend", G Maj, Krebs-WV 524 cover
18:38:32 Willem van Twillert Toccata festiva "Psalm 21" cover
18:45:59 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward O give thanks unto the Lord cover
18:54:44 Willem van Twillert Omdat Hij niet ver wou zijn cover
18:59:08 Jennifer Bate 3 Variations on "God save the King", D / Theme cover
19:00:19 Jennifer Bate 3 Variations on "God save the King", D / Variation 1 cover
19:01:17 Jennifer Bate 3 Variations on "God save the King", D / Variation 2 cover
19:02:27 Jennifer Bate 3 Variations on "God save the King", D / Variation 3 cover
19:04:06 Erwin Wiersinga 6 Studien in kanonischer Form, op. 56 / 4 Innig, Ab Maj cover
19:07:50 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 02, F Maj / 1 Andantino cover
19:11:09 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 02, F Maj / 2 Allegretto cover
19:14:04 Willem van Twillert Practische Orgelschule, op. 55 / 182 Flötenkonzert / 1 Allegro maestoso cover
19:20:16 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Communion Service, E Maj / Credo / 1 I believe in one God cover
19:21:14 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Communion Service, E Maj / Credo / 2 Who for us men cover
19:22:26 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Communion Service, E Maj / Credo / 3 And the third day cover
19:23:10 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Communion Service, E Maj / Credo / 4 And I believe in the Holy Ghost cover
19:25:35 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward The Wilderness / 1 Solo Quartet - The Wilderness cover
19:28:42 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward The Wilderness / 2 Aria - Say to them of fearful heart cover
19:31:29 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward The Wilderness / 3 Recit - Then shall the lame man leap cover
19:31:43 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward The Wilderness / 4 Solo Quartet and Chorus / For in the wilderness cover
19:33:43 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward The Wilderness / 4 Solo Quartet and Chorus / And a highway shall be there cover
19:34:52 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward The Wilderness / 4 Solo Quartet and Chorus / And the ransomed of the Lord cover
19:37:17 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward The Wilderness / 5 Solo Quartet - And sorrow and sighing cover
19:39:46 Sybolt de Jong, Euwe de Jong Merck toch hoe sterck / 1 Scherzo cover
19:40:53 Sybolt de Jong, Euwe de Jong Merck toch hoe sterck / 2 Canon cover
19:42:59 Sybolt de Jong, Euwe de Jong Merck toch hoe sterck / 3 Fuga cover
19:48:46 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 02, C Maj / 1 Largo cover
19:52:27 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 02, C Maj / 2 Allegretto cover
19:57:53 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 09, A min / 1 Largo cover
19:59:50 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 09, A min / 2 Fugue cover
20:03:01 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 11, D / 1 Larghetto cover
20:05:00 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 11, D / 2 Fuga cover
20:10:05 Jaap Zwart II Phantasie für Orgel über den Choral "Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott", op. 27 cover
20:23:13 Piet Wiersma Fuge, G min, BWV 578 cover
20:27:37 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 03, D Maj / 1 Larghetto cover
20:29:41 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 03, D Maj / 2 Spiritoso - Laro cover
20:33:23 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 03, D Maj / 3 Maestoso cover
20:36:11 Willem van Twillert Ellens dritter Gesang, DV 839 cover
20:40:55 Jennifer Bate A short and familiar Voluntary / 1 Slow cover
20:42:42 Jennifer Bate A short and familiar Voluntary / 2 Lively cover
20:46:21 Jennifer Bate Preludium, Arietta and Fuga, C min / 1 Preludium cover
20:47:54 Jennifer Bate Preludium, Arietta and Fuga, C min / 2 Arietta cover
20:52:05 Jennifer Bate Preludium, Arietta and Fuga, C min / 3 Fuga cover
20:58:19 Sybolt de Jong, Euwe de Jong 4 variierte Choräle zu vier Händen / Vater unser im Himmelreich cover
21:02:45 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 04, D Maj / 1 Adagio cover
21:06:19 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 04, D Maj / 2 Siciliano cover
21:11:03 Piet Wiersma 18 Choräle von verschiedener Art / Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, BWV 666 cover
21:14:40 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward All people that on earth do dwell cover
21:20:38 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 04, A min / 1 Largo cover
21:22:39 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 04, A min / 2 Allegro cover
21:26:29 Piet Wiersma In dulci jubilo, BWV 751 cover
21:28:49 Willem van Twillert 14 Romances, op. 34 / 14 Vocalise cover
21:35:31 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Blessed be the God and Father cover
21:43:21 Erwin Wiersinga Fantasia, F min, KV 608 cover
21:56:00 Jennifer Bate Voluntary 6, Bb Maj / 1 Spirited cover
21:59:25 Jennifer Bate Voluntary 6, Bb Maj / 2 Moderately slow cover
22:02:09 Jennifer Bate Voluntary 6, Bb Maj / 3 Lively cover
22:05:37 Pieter Pilon Orgelbüchlein / Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend, BWV 632 cover
22:07:23 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 01, C Maj / 1 Adagio cover
22:09:38 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 01, C Maj / 2 Spirituoso cover
22:12:23 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 01, C Maj / 3 Gratioso cover
22:13:42 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 01, C Maj / 4 Allegro moderato cover
22:16:39 Thomas Trotter Andante, F Maj, KV 616 cover
22:23:51 Daniel Moult 12 short pieces / 09 Gavotte cover
22:27:02 Willem van Twillert Quasi adagio pour Orgue ou Harmonium cover
22:31:17 Willem van Twillert Gott der Herr ist Sonn und Schild, BWV 79 / 3 Nun danket Alle Gott cover
22:33:33 Pieter Pilon 11 Choralvorspiele, op. posth. 122 / 05 Schmücke dich, o Liebe Seele cover
22:36:01 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 07, Eb Maj / 1 Maestoso cover
22:37:44 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 07, Eb Maj / 2 Andante maestoso cover
22:42:30 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 07, Eb Maj / 3 Siciliano cover
22:43:57 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 07, Eb Maj / 4 Fugue cover
22:49:48 Daniel Moult 12 short pieces / 08 Air cover
22:51:19 John Kitchen Voluntary, G Maj / 1 Largo cover
22:53:14 John Kitchen Voluntary, G Maj / 2 Fugue cover
22:56:41 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Psalm 142 cover
23:00:00 Jaap Zwart II 4 kleine Choralvorspiele / Nun danket alle Gott cover
23:01:48 Pieter Pilon Sonate voor Orgel / 1 Allegro moderato cover
23:08:29 Pieter Pilon Sonate voor Orgel / 2 Andane sostenuto cover
23:11:37 Pieter Pilon Sonate voor Orgel / 3 Allegro con brio cover
23:15:57 Thomas Trotter The London Sketchbook / Andante, Bb Maj, KV 15ii cover
23:17:48 Thomas Trotter The London Sketchbook / Allegro, F Maj, KV 15a cover
23:19:28 Thomas Trotter The London Sketchbook / Andante, Bb Maj, KV 15q cover
23:21:04 Thomas Trotter The London Sketchbook / Andante, D Maj, KV 15o cover
23:23:12 Jennifer Bate Voluntary, G / 1 Moderately slow cover
23:25:10 Jennifer Bate Voluntary, G / 2 Lively cover
23:28:31 Jennifer Bate Voluntary, G / 3 With Spirit cover
23:30:20 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 12, C / 1 Adagio cover
23:31:53 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 12, C / 2 Maestoso cover
23:34:56 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 12, C / 3 March cover
23:37:09 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 12, C / 4 Largo cover
23:38:56 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 12, C / 5 Fugue cover
23:44:03 Leo van Doeselaar 7 Chorale Preludes, F. 38 / 4 Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt cover
23:48:42 Willem van Twillert Psalm 133, (1) / 1 Zetting cover
23:50:18 Willem van Twillert Psalm 133, (1) / 2 Elegie cover
23:54:03 Willem van Twillert Psalm 133, (1) / 3 Lamento cover
23:57:44 Willem van Twillert Psalm 133, (1) / 4 Zetting cover
23:59:21 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 03, G Maj / 1 Larghetto cover
00:00:33 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 03, G Maj / 2 Allegretto cover
00:04:17 Daniel Moult 12 short pieces / 10 cover
00:05:35 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 06, F Maj / 1 Largo cover
00:07:28 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 06, F Maj / 2 Allegretto cover
00:10:41 Willem van Twillert Symphonie 6, G min, op. 42-2 / Intermezzo cover
00:17:41 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 01, E min / 1 Larghetto cover
00:19:24 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 01, E min / 2 Maestoso cover
00:23:37 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 01, E min / 3 Largo maestoso cover
00:25:55 Jennifer Bate Preludium and Fuga, G / 1 Preludium cover
00:27:02 Jennifer Bate Preludium and Fuga, G / 2 Fuga cover
00:33:47 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 10, G Maj / 1 Largo maestoso cover
00:34:47 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 10, G Maj / 2 Fuga Alla Capella cover
00:39:42 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Wash me throughly cover
00:44:45 Jennifer Bate 12 Voluntaries, op. 6 / 09, G min / 1 Larghetto cover
00:45:47 Jennifer Bate 12 Voluntaries, op. 6 / 09, G min / 3 Fugue cover
00:50:10 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Let us lift up our heart / 1 Let us lift up our heart cover
00:54:56 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Let us lift up our heart / 2 Be not very sore, O Lord cover
00:58:57 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Let us lift up our heart / 3 Thou, O Lord God cover
01:03:25 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Let us lift up our heart / 4 Thou Judge of quick and dead cover
01:05:02 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Let us lift up our heart / 5 O may we thus ensure cover
01:07:28 Pieter Pilon Prélude, Adagio et Choral varié sur le thème du "Veni Creator", op. 4 / Choral varié / Thème cover
01:08:24 Pieter Pilon Prélude, Adagio et Choral varié sur le thème du "Veni Creator", op. 4 / Choral varié / Variation 1 cover
01:09:11 Pieter Pilon Prélude, Adagio et Choral varié sur le thème du "Veni Creator", op. 4 / Choral varié / Variation 2 cover
01:09:43 Pieter Pilon Prélude, Adagio et Choral varié sur le thème du "Veni Creator", op. 4 / Choral varié / Variation 3 cover
01:10:44 Pieter Pilon Prélude, Adagio et Choral varié sur le thème du "Veni Creator", op. 4 / Choral varié / Variation 4 cover
01:13:38 Jennifer Bate 12 Voluntaries, op. 6 / 08 D Maj / 1 Largo cover
01:15:59 Jennifer Bate 12 Voluntaries, op. 6 / 08 D Maj / 2 Fuga cover
01:19:54 Jennifer Bate 12 Voluntaries, op. 6 / 08 D Maj / 3 March cover
01:23:13 Jennifer Bate 12 Voluntaries, op. 6 / 09, G min / 1 Larghetto cover
01:24:15 Jennifer Bate 12 Voluntaries, op. 6 / 09, G min / 3 Fugue cover
01:28:38 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward O thou who camest from above cover
01:31:16 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 08, B min / 1 Largo maestoso cover
01:32:24 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 08, B min / 2 Fuga Alla Capella cover
01:35:54 Willem van Twillert Partita "De aarde is vervuld" (1) cover
01:41:24 Leo van Doeselaar 8 Fugues, F. 31 / 2, C min cover
01:43:49 Sybolt de Jong, Euwe de Jong Orgel-Phantasie für zwei Spieler, op. 12 / 1 Introduction cover
01:45:17 Sybolt de Jong, Euwe de Jong Orgel-Phantasie für zwei Spieler, op. 12 / 2 Thema cover
01:45:59 Sybolt de Jong, Euwe de Jong Orgel-Phantasie für zwei Spieler, op. 12 / 3 Variation 1 cover
01:47:08 Sybolt de Jong, Euwe de Jong Orgel-Phantasie für zwei Spieler, op. 12 / 4 Variation 2 cover
01:48:28 Sybolt de Jong, Euwe de Jong Orgel-Phantasie für zwei Spieler, op. 12 / 5 Fuga-Finale cover
01:53:14 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 07, A Maj / 1 Siciliano cover
01:56:09 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 07, A Maj / 2 Allegretto moderato cover
01:59:42 Sietze de Vries Improvisatie "Psalm 92" / Versus 1 cover
02:02:25 Sietze de Vries Improvisatie "Psalm 92" / Versus 2 cover
02:04:33 Sietze de Vries Improvisatie "Psalm 92" / Versus 3 cover
02:06:50 Sietze de Vries Improvisatie "Psalm 92" / Versus 4 cover
02:09:55 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 10, G min / 1 Larghetto cover
02:10:43 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 10, G min / 2 Fugue cover
02:14:29 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward O God, whose nature and property cover
02:18:25 Jennifer Bate Arrangement with Variation of "Rule Britannia" / 1 Arrangement cover
02:19:32 Jennifer Bate Arrangement with Variation of "Rule Britannia" / 2 Variation cover
02:20:46 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 12, C Maj / 1 Largo maestoso cover
02:22:28 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 12, C Maj / 2 Fuga cover
02:27:04 Thomas Trotter Andantino, Eb Maj, KV 236 cover
02:28:43 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 05, F Maj / 1 Larghetto cover
02:30:34 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 05, F Maj / 2 Allegretto cover
02:35:17 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 05, F Maj / 3 Fugato cover
02:37:40 Pieter Pilon Fantasia sopra "Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend", G Maj, Krebs-WV 524 cover
02:40:03 Willem van Twillert Toccata festiva "Psalm 21" cover
02:47:30 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward O give thanks unto the Lord cover
02:56:15 Willem van Twillert Omdat Hij niet ver wou zijn cover
03:00:39 Jennifer Bate 3 Variations on "God save the King", D / Theme cover
03:01:50 Jennifer Bate 3 Variations on "God save the King", D / Variation 1 cover
03:02:48 Jennifer Bate 3 Variations on "God save the King", D / Variation 2 cover
03:03:58 Jennifer Bate 3 Variations on "God save the King", D / Variation 3 cover
03:05:37 Erwin Wiersinga 6 Studien in kanonischer Form, op. 56 / 4 Innig, Ab Maj cover
03:09:21 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 02, F Maj / 1 Andantino cover
03:12:40 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 02, F Maj / 2 Allegretto cover
03:15:35 Willem van Twillert Practische Orgelschule, op. 55 / 182 Flötenkonzert / 1 Allegro maestoso cover
03:21:47 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Communion Service, E Maj / Credo / 1 I believe in one God cover
03:22:45 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Communion Service, E Maj / Credo / 2 Who for us men cover
03:23:57 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Communion Service, E Maj / Credo / 3 And the third day cover
03:24:41 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward Communion Service, E Maj / Credo / 4 And I believe in the Holy Ghost cover
03:27:06 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward The Wilderness / 1 Solo Quartet - The Wilderness cover
03:30:13 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward The Wilderness / 2 Aria - Say to them of fearful heart cover
03:33:00 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward The Wilderness / 3 Recit - Then shall the lame man leap cover
03:33:14 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward The Wilderness / 4 Solo Quartet and Chorus / For in the wilderness cover
03:35:14 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward The Wilderness / 4 Solo Quartet and Chorus / And a highway shall be there cover
03:36:23 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward The Wilderness / 4 Solo Quartet and Chorus / And the ransomed of the Lord cover
03:38:48 The Choir of Holy Sepulchre, Richard Gowers, Toby Ward The Wilderness / 5 Solo Quartet - And sorrow and sighing cover
03:41:17 Sybolt de Jong, Euwe de Jong Merck toch hoe sterck / 1 Scherzo cover
03:42:24 Sybolt de Jong, Euwe de Jong Merck toch hoe sterck / 2 Canon cover
03:44:30 Sybolt de Jong, Euwe de Jong Merck toch hoe sterck / 3 Fuga cover
03:50:17 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 02, C Maj / 1 Largo cover
03:53:58 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1812) / 02, C Maj / 2 Allegretto cover
03:59:24 John Kitchen 12 Voluntaries (1804) / 09, A min / 1 Largo cover