At what time can I listen to Organroxx Radio?
Organroxx Radio broadcasts 24 hours around the world. All you need is an internet connection, the better the connection the better the listening experience. A web radio is a radio station that broadcasts on the internet through the streaming technology. The url of this free stream is
How to get the best listening quality?
To listen to Organroxx Radio, you use the radio player on our website
You can also copy the url ( to your favourite player like Winamp, iTunes, Real Audio
You get the best result if you could integrate a webradio in your HIFI. Many brands offer streaming products: Sonos, Bluesound, Denon, Samsung, Raumfeld, LG, Panasonic, Philips, …
Is there an App for my tablet or smartphone?
Not yet. It takes time but we are on it. Sign in on our free newsletter and stay in touch.
How to add Organroxx Radio to Sonos?
Using the Sonos App for Mac or PC:
1. Select 'Manage" and 'Add Radio Station'.
2. Enter URL or and fill in de name of the stream Organroxx Radio.
3. From the Sonos music menu, navigate to Organroxx Radio by TuneIn > My Radio Stations where the newly added station will be listed.
On a Mac, the 'Manage' menu can be found in the toolbar in the top left corner of the screen. On a PC, the 'Manage' menu is found at the top left of the Sonos application.
ps. please note that it is not possible to manually add an internet radio station to Sonos using a mobile controller such as an iPhone or Android. However, once the station is added to Sonos, you will be able to navigate to and play these stations using any Sonos controller.
What is the url for my media player ?
Why do you offer https:// and http://? Not all network players work with the same safety rules. So if the URL starting with https:// is not working, it will do with the one starting with http://.
Can I listen to Organroxx Radio through Tune In?
Of course. Go to or directly to
Advertising on Organroxx Radio?
Our homepage has more than 8.000 visitors a month and this will expand day by day. You put your advert on our homepage for 3€ a day only. With a radio advert you reach even more people. You can realize this for 16€ a day only. For practical reasons your adverts are published for one month. Aks Nico for more information (
Is Organroxx Radio legal?
Completely! Organroxx Radio has a license to broadcast through Sabam. Every year we have to give them our playlists.
Would you broadcast my organ cd too?
Of course. Send your cd to Organroxx Radio, Esdoornstraat 2, B-2330 Merksplas, Belgium.
When do you change the playlist?
Momentarily the playlist of a day contains three identical blocks of 8 hours of music. In this way everybody in the entire world can enjoy the playlist. The daily playlist changes at 4 AM (UTC +1).